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Comment: Added more AI

Ref 2015:, Allan Daniel D'Silva, akselr@stud. UG = UnderGrad. G = Graduate

TDT4200_ParallelComp (2,5)
Date OK
6.034[J] Artificial Intelligence (12 UG)7,5

TDT4136 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence (7,5)

  Prereq: 6.00012016.09.08 RS
6.036[J] Intro to Machine Learning (12 UG)7,5

TDT4136 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence (7,5)

  6.862 is Grad-version2016.09.08 RS
6.046[J] Design and Analysis of Algorithms (12 UG)7,5

TMA4183 - Optimization II

   2016.09.08 RS
6.255[J] Optimization Methods (12)7,5TDT 4125 - Algorithm Construction (6)1,5 Mangler NP-complete!2015.10.15 RS
6.823 - Computer System Architecture (12)10TDT4260 - CompArch (7,5)2,5  2015.06.24 RS
6.824 - Distributed Systems (12)
(Heavy Class!) 
10TDT4190 - Distribuerte systemer (7,5)
TDT4200 - ParallelComp (2,5)
  Obsolete at NTNU.
not quite the same
2015.06.24 RS6.824 - Distributed Systems (12) (Heavy Class!)10
   2015.06.24 RS
6.834[J] - Cognitive Robotics (12)10

IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming (7,5)

2,5  16.412[J] Same2015.09.18 RS
6.857: Computer and Network Security (12)10

TTM4135 - Information Security (7,5)
TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet (2,5)

   2016.09.02 RS
2016.09.02 RS
6.875[J] - Cryptography and Cryptanalysis (12)10

TTM4135 - Information Security (7,5)

2,5 IngAnnetStudieprog2015.09.18 RS
6.933 - Entrepreneurship in Engineering (12)10TIØ4230 _- EntrepMarketProdDev (7,5) 2,5K-emne i entreprenør-kategorien2015.06.24 RS
6.945 - Large-scale Symbolic Systems (12)10

TDT4171 - Artificial Intelligence Methods (7,5)

2,5  2015.09.18 RS


PlantUML Macro
class 6_046_AlgDesign {
	Design and Analysis of Alg
6_0001_ITGK_Python --> 6_034_AI

6_01_ProgLab --> 6_006_IntroAlgDat
6_042_DiscMath --> 6_006_IntroAlgDat

6_006_IntroAlgDat --> 6_046_AlgDesign








Hei Yuko,

Vil du være med på dette kurset?


From: NIRS-news []
Sent: September 8, 2016 15:51
To: ADM Liste NIRS news <>; ADM Liste NIRS nyhetsbrev <>
Subject: Course "Applying for a job in Norway" 29 September 2016 (9:00 - 11:30)


NTNUs International Researcher Support (NIRS) invites the researchers in temporary positions to the course "Applying for a job in Norway".

Spouses/partners of international researchers can attend the course on a different date. More information will be sent in a separate email.


Date: 29 September 2016 (9:00 - 11:30)  


Location: NTNU, Gløshaugen, Main Building, 4th floor, room 414. 


Lunch is included. Please let me know if you have any allergies.


Registration is required, please contact: Iuliana Hussein ( Please specify your name and affiliation with NTNU.

Deadline for registration 23 September 2016. Those who are offered a place will be contacted by email after the deadline.


Course description: 

This course is suitable for persons looking for a job in Norway who need to know how to apply for jobs and prepare for the interview in Norway. This course will focus on the cultural differences and will give specific tips of what one should do differently in Norway in the job application process.


The participants will get a better understanding of what Norwegian employers expect and what they are looking for. Each attendee will receive an electronic copy of the course material and electronic samples of job applications and CVs – in English and Norwegian – made for the Norwegian job market, which can be used as templates when applying for a job in Norway.


The course is hold by Karin Ellis (CEO of Ellis Culture and Consulting )


Karin has several years experience in running courses both for foreigners working with Norwegians, and for Norwegians working with persons from other cultures.