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  • RAMS group meetings/seminars are arranged once every week, tentatively every Friday, 12:00-13:00 in VG12 VG11 (basement) at NTNU - Valgrinda
  • Most times, a paper or topic of research is presented and discussed. The main presenters are the PhD students, but also the academic staff and guests that work with RAMS.
  • The topics and invitations are also distributed via e-mails. If you want to be on the list to present and discuss a topic we may help you with, please email:

1. All: What's new
2. Feature presentation (see updated program below)
3. Next meeting
4. Any other business
5. Adjourn





Shinae Lee & Prof. Jingyong Yao

Please welcome new PhD-student Shinae Lee to our group. Shinae is a former student in international RAMS master program. She will introduce herself (approx.. 10 min).

Besides, this academic year we have a new visiting scholar: Professor Jingyong Yao from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University), China. He will introduce himself, the institute of Reliability and System Engineering of Beihang and its curriculum (approx.35 min). Do not hesitate to meet him up. Prof. Yao is very happy to talk with any of us.

We will also agree on the dates and content for the seminars for this autumn.



Program first half 2016
