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Comment: Add working year-links. (Dis-) approved new classes Skriv inn fagkoden i denne søkemotoren;

TDT4125 - Algorithm Construction
sp av 7,5SP
CS1010 Programming Methodology6TDT4100 - Java OOP (1sp) RS
CS1010 Programming Methodology6TDT4110 - ITGK (5sp) RS
CS1020 Data Structures and Algorithms I6

TDT4100 - Java OOP (6sp) RS
CS2010 Data Structures and Algorithms II6

TDT4120 AlgDat (6sp)

2015.11.27 RS

CS2010 Data Structures and Algorithms II6

TDT4120 AlgDat (6sp)TDT4125 - Algorithm Construction

2015.11.27 RS

CS2102 Database Management



2014.11.01 RS

CS2102 Database Management


TDT4145 DB_Mod 

2015.11.27 RS

CS3201 Software Engineering Project I6

TDT4290 - Customer Driven Project

-2015.11.27 RS
CS3201 Software Engineering Project II6TDT4290 - Customer Driven Project-2015.11.27 RS
CS3210 Parallel Computing (2015)6

TDT4200 - Parallel Computing

 Alternative: TMA4280 - Supercomputing, Intro2016.08.03 RS 
CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming6TDT4200 - Parallel Computing 2015.12.07 RS
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms6

TDT4120 AlgDat (1,5sp)

 2015.11.27 RS
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms6

TDT4125 - Algorithm Construction (4,5sp)

 2015.11.27 RS
CS3243 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence6

TDT4136 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

 Vemund Wøien Indøk-data.

2016.02.09 TAA
CS3244 - Machine Learning6TDT4171 - Artificial Intelligence Methods Vemund Wøien  Indøk-data2016.02.09 TAA
CS3244 Machine Learning6

TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning

"Sub-sym"2015.12.07 RS

CS4232 -THEORY OF COMPUTATION  (2013) (2016)


(TDT4125 - AlgCons, deler av)
TDT4171 - Artificial Intelligence Methods

DET er denne som haster

Skriv inn fagkoden i denne søkemotoren; Så får vi årets.

"The objective of this module is to provide students with a theoretical understanding of what can be computed, and an introduction to the theory of complexity. It aims to introduce (1) some standard formal models of computation so as to develop an understanding of what can or cannot be computed by various computing devices; (2) some reasoning techniques commonly used in computer science; these include model equivalence, non-determinism, digitalisation, simulation and reduction; and (3) the mathematical formulation of objects in computer science so as to study their properties."


. Lite overlapp mellom disse fagene.

2016.08.03 RS
CS4244 Knowledge-Based Systems6

IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming 

"Symbolic"2015.12.07 RS 
CS4244 Knowledge-Based Systems6

TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning

"Symbolic"2015.12.07 RS 
CS4246 AI Planning and Decision Making6IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming 
TDT4280 - MAS
 2015.12.07 RS
2015.12.07 RS
CS4248 Natural Language Processing6TDT4280 - Web Intelligence 2015.12.10 RS
CS4249 - Phenomena and Theories of Human-Computer Interaction6

IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnitt
(TDT4180 – Human-Computer Interaction)

IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnitt 

Emnet overlapper kun delvis med IT3402, men 
fungerer men fungerer greit som profil/retningsemne for Interaksjonsdesign etc. 
Vemund Wøien  Indøk-data

2016.02 TAA
2016.02 TAA
CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI6IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming 2015.12.07 RS
IS1103 Computing and Society6

TTM4165 - ICT, Society, Strategy and Markets

 2015.12.07 RS
IS2104 Software Team Dynamics6EiT 2015.12.07 RS

NM2213 - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Design

6TDT4180 – Human-Computer InteractionNM2213 har antagelig mindre fokus
på teknologi enn TDT4180, men kan godkjennes som 
erstatninggodkjennes som erstatning. 

CS4232: "The objective of this module is to provide students with a theoretical understanding of what can be computed, and an introduction to the theory of complexity. It aims to introduce (1) some standard formal models of computation so as to develop an understanding of what can or cannot be computed by various computing devices; (2) some reasoning techniques commonly used in computer science; these include model equivalence, non-determinism, digitalisation, simulation and reduction; and (3) the mathematical formulation of objects in computer science so as to study their properties."

Compare the following NUS dependencies Compare this with IDI Course Dependencies

PlantUML Macro
class CS1010 {
	Programming Methodology
class CS1020 {
	Data Structures and Algorithms I
class CS1231 {
	Discrete Structures
class CS2010 {
	 Data Structures and Algorithms II
class CS2100 {
	Computer Organisation
class CS2102 {
	 DB Systems
class CS2103 {
	Software Engineering
class CS2106 {
	Introduction to Operating Systems
class CS3201 {
	Software Engineering Project I
class CS3202 {
	Software Engineering Project II
class CS3210 {
	Parallel Computing
class CS3211 {
	Parallel and Concurrent Programming
class CS3230 {
	Design and Analysis of Algorithms
class CS3243 {
	Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
class CS3244 {
	Machine learning
class CS4232 {
	Theory of Computation
class CS4244 {
	Knowledge-Based Systems
class CS4246 {
	AI planning and Decision Making
class CS5340 {
	Uncertainty Modelling in AI

CS1010 -> CS1020
CS1020 --> CS2102

CS1020 --> CS2010
CS1231 --> CS2102
CS1020CS1231 --> CS2010CS3230
CS1231 --> CS3243

CS1231 --> CS3230CS4232
CS2010 --> CS3230
CS2010 --> CS3243
CS2010 --> CS3244
CS2100 --> CS3210
CS2100 --> CS2106
CS2103 --> CS3201
CS2103 --> CS3202
CS2106 --> CS3211

CS3201 <-> CS3202

CS3243 --> CS4244
CS3243 --> CS4246
CS3243 --> CS5340