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We'll meet at 11:00 in VG12 to plan the seminars for this spring.


19.02.2016Shengnan Wu & Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri

Please welcome the introductions of visiting PhD-student in the RAMS group (main contact person: Yiliu Liu), and at same time also our new Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri.



04.03.2016Hyung-Ju Kim

Presentation of journal paper submitted for review.

"Enhanced Barrier Management by Learning from Accident Causation Theories"


Several accident causation theories have been developed to identify why major accidents occur and to prevent them from occurring (see e.g., Rosness et al., 2010). The objective of this article is to investigate relations among the theories and suggest an enhanced barrier management process utilising the learnings from each accident causation theory. By utilising the accident causation theories and the barrier and operational risk analysis (BORA) as a basis, this article suggests two additional stages to the barrier management process and six additional risk influencing factors (RIFs) in the barrier analysis, which can enhance barrier management process. The enhanced barrier management process may facilitate effective and efficient control of risks which can lead to major accidents, and thereby it may contribute to preventing major accidents in many different industries where barriers play an important role for controlling risks.


Geir-Ove Strand

Human factors in offshore drilling operations

Revisit of presentation on subject from late 2014. Finally, after years struggle navigating through many human factor domains we've managed to hopefully make a decent version that now has been submitted for puplication.



The main principle for risk control during offshore well activities is to always maintain two independent and tested well barriers towards any potential source of inflow. The short lifespan and dynamic nature of well drilling operations makes this a challenge. Experiences from several industry accidents the last decade reveal that two well barriers were not properly maintained by the drilling crew during the operation, and thus that well safety was compromised. Probabilistic risk assessments are viewed as key in managing risk of low probability and high consequence activities. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss performance influencing factors relevant to performing well probabilistic risk assessments. In this paper we revisit four historic well accidents in the last decade based on the statements made by drilling personnel that the human-machine interface is vital in providing the drilling crew with a necessary understanding of in-situ wellbore flowrates and pressures. Monitoring the flowrates and pressures in the well are the most important factors in well control from a well energy containment perspective. Three out of the accidents appeared in support for the importance of monitoring in-situ flowrates and pressures to maintain well control. However, one accident occurred in spite of state of the art technology for wellbore pressure- and flowrate monitoring. This blowout can to a larger extent be explained as a violation that stem from an over-confidence emerging from use of this new technology. The over-confidence allowed for breaching the safe envelope of best drilling practises.

01.04.2016Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Course on Systems Engineering (discussion)

Antoine would like to present a course on Systems Engineering he created for Ecole Centrale Paris. The course is an introduction to Systems Engineering, or more exactly to Systems Modelling. It is delivered to the whole promotion of first year students (which corresponds to third year of the university), i.e. 500 students, on the flipped classroom principle.

This seminar aims at launching a discussion on what could be done at NTNU in this direction.

29.04.2016Mario Marcondes Machado

"Maintenance Optimization Approaches for Condition Based Maintenance: a review and analysis"

Authors: Mario Marcondes Machado and Cecilia Haskins.

 To appear at the 26th INCOSE.

There will be cake++ since we also will celebrate som B-days (wink)


Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri.

Nicola will present the highlights from the book on dynamic risk assessments that is soon to be published.

ISBN: 9780128037652
ISBN-10: 0128037652
Audience: General 
Format: Paperback 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 250
Available: 1st September 2016
Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology 
Country of Publication: GB
Edition Number: 1
03.06.2016Visiting Prof. Jorge Siopa

This week from Wednesday to Friday we have a visiting professor in the office from an ERASMUS program: Jorge Siopa from Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal.

Prof. Siopa is in the process of 're-starting' his research activities again after many years of teaching.

Prof. Siopa will introduce himself, the Institute of Leira:, and present some of his ideas for future research within topics of "maintenance optimisation".

Please meet up. Prof. Siopa is very interested in any inputs from us on potential research topics (maintenance optimisation). 

10.06.2016Ass. Prof. Phuc Do Van
Ass. Prof. Phuc Do Van, University of Nancy, France will give a presentation entitled:
"Energy efficiency for condition-based maintenance decision-making”
Phuc Do is currently working as an associate professor at Lorraine University, Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN CNRS UMR 7039), France. He received his Ph.D. in Systems Optimisation and Dependability in 2008 from Troyes University of Technology (France) where he held an assistant professor position from 2009 to 2011. His research interests include stochastic modelling for the evaluation/prediction of key performance indicators (reliability, energy efficiency, …), maintenance optimization (condition-based maintenance, prognostics-based maintenance decision-making, opportunistic and dynamic grouping maintenance), reliability importance measures and their related applications. Phuc Do supervised 4 pre-doctoral thesis and 4 PhD candidates. He has published 13 journal articles in journals (Reliability Engineering & System Safety, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, European Journal of Operational Research; Journal of Risk and Reliability, etc) and over 30 conference articles in international conferences. He is co-chair of the MIMAR2016 Conference (the 9th international conference on modelling in industrial maintenance and reliability, London, July 2016).
17.06.2016Florence Petiet
Note that the seminar is re-scheduled to: 10:00-11:00.
Florence Petiet will give an introduction to Bayesian Networks and their use in Reliability, as well as an overview of her research activity.
Florence is currently PHD candidate at IFSTTAR, France ( and is visiting the RAMS group for 2 months.

IFSTTAR (1150 staff members) is The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks. 
IFSTTAR’s role is to carry out and commission, direct, lead and appraise research, development and innovation in the areas of urban engineering, civil engineering, and construction materials, natural hazards, the transportation of persons and goods, systems and means of transport and their safety, infrastructure, and investigate their uses and impacts from the technical, economic, social, health, energy, environmental and human points of view. This role is, in particular, focused on assisting its supervising ministries, other administrations and the organizations associated with them, local and regional authorities, European and international institutions, professional bodies, firms and users’ associations.
27.06.2016Postdoc Canh Hai Vu

Unfortunately, Canh Vu is leaving us next week. He has accepted a new job in Vietnam, and will start there in beginning of July. We therefore like to use this seminar to jointly say goodbye.

Before leaving us Canh will present an overview of his research in the SVV project

Since there is pizza served at 11:30, we will start seminar at 12:30.

Ice cream will be served. Please respond to this meeting request so that we know whether to buy 2, 3 or 10 liters of icecream.




Program second half 2015
