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We'll meet at 11:00 in VG12 to plan the seminars for this spring.


19.02.2016Shengnan Wu & Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri

Please welcome the introductions of visiting PhD-student in the RAMS group (main contact person: Yiliu Liu), and at same time also our new Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri.



26.02.2016No meetingSchools winter holiday week.
04.03.2016Hyung-Ju Kim

Presentation of journal paper submitted for review.

"Enhanced Barrier Management by Learning from Accident Causation Theories"


Several accident causation theories have been developed to identify why major accidents occur and to prevent them from occurring (see e.g., Rosness et al., 2010). The objective of this article is to investigate relations among the theories and suggest an enhanced barrier management process utilising the learnings from each accident causation theory. By utilising the accident causation theories and the barrier and operational risk analysis (BORA) as a basis, this article suggests two additional stages to the barrier management process and six additional risk influencing factors (RIFs) in the barrier analysis, which can enhance barrier management process. The enhanced barrier management process may facilitate effective and efficient control of risks which can lead to major accidents, and thereby it may contribute to preventing major accidents in many different industries where barriers play an important role for controlling risks.


No meeting this week


Geir-Ove Strand

Human factors in offshore drilling operations

Revisit of presentation on subject from late 2014. Finally, after years struggle navigating through many human factor domains we've managed to hopefully make a decent version that now has been submitted for puplication.



The main principle for risk control during offshore well activities is to always maintain two independent and tested well barriers towards any potential source of inflow. The short lifespan and dynamic nature of well drilling operations makes this a challenge. Experiences from several industry accidents the last decade reveal that two well barriers were not properly maintained by the drilling crew during the operation, and thus that well safety was compromised. Probabilistic risk assessments are viewed as key in managing risk of low probability and high consequence activities. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss performance influencing factors relevant to performing well probabilistic risk assessments. In this paper we revisit four historic well accidents in the last decade based on the statements made by drilling personnel that the human-machine interface is vital in providing the drilling crew with a necessary understanding of in-situ wellbore flowrates and pressures. Monitoring the flowrates and pressures in the well are the most important factors in well control from a well energy containment perspective. Three out of the accidents appeared in support for the importance of monitoring in-situ flowrates and pressures to maintain well control. However, one accident occurred in spite of state of the art technology for wellbore pressure- and flowrate monitoring. This blowout can to a larger extent be explained as a violation that stem from an over-confidence emerging from use of this new technology. The over-confidence allowed for breaching the safe envelope of best drilling practises.


No meeting this week (Easter holidays)

01.04.2016?April fools anyone...(wink)
TBAProf. Antoine Rauzy

Topic of lecture to be defined in more detail:

  • Selected computational challenges and approaches for e.g. fault tree analysis
