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Workshop Chairs

Jon Atle Gulla
Professor at Department of Computer and Information Science, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Jon Atle Gulla is professor of Information Systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 2002. He received his MSc in 1988 and his PhD in 1993, both in Information Systems, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. Gulla also has a MSc in Linguistics from the University of Trondheim and a Msc of Management (Sloan fellow) from London Business School. He has previously worked on intelligent information retrieval technologies with GMD/Fraunhofer in Darmstadt and large-scale enterprise planning systems with Norsk Hydro in Brussels. He has been the German site manager of Fast Search & Transfer in Munich, where his organization was responsible for the linguistic part of FASTs internet and enterprise search engine. His research interests include the Semantic Web, ontologies, search and recommendation technologies, and sentiment analysis. Gulla has been involved in the organization of several workshops in the past, and he has also served as workshop chairs for large conference series like CaiSE. In particular Gulla was the general co-chair of the International News Recommender Systems Workshop and Challenge (NRS’2013) at Recsys in 2013 and the general co-chair of the International News Recommendation and Analytics workshop (NRA2014) at UMAP in 2014.

Luc Martens
Professor at iMinds-UGent-WiCa
Ghent, Belgium


Luc Martens was born in Ghent, Belgium on May 14, 1963. He received the MSc degree in electrical engineering and a PhD degree in development of a multi-channel hyperthermia system: electromagnetic modeling of applicators, generator design, and estimation algorithms for thermometry from Ghent University (Belgium), in July 1986 and December 1990, respectively. From September 1986 to December 1990, he was a research assistant at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC), Ghent University. Since January 1991, he has been a member of the permanent staff of the Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center (IMEC), Ghent and is responsible for the research on experimental characterization of the physical layer of telecommunication systems at INTEC. Since April 1993, he has been a professor of electrical applications of electromagnetism at Ghent University.

Organizing Committee Co-chairs

Özlem Özgöbek
ERCIM Postdoctoral Researcher
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norway

Xiaomeng Su
Department of Informatics and eLearning

NTNU, Norway


Program Committee Co-chairs

Nafiseh Shabib
Digital Business Developer
TNS Gallup, Oslo, Norway


Toon De Pessemier
iMinds-Ghent University
Ghent, Belgium