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QUT-fag (Brisbane)
CAB240 Information Security 7,5TTM4135 - Information Security     2016.01.11 TAA
INN255 - Security7.5TDT4237 - ProgramvaresikkerhetXIngen  2016.01.11 TAA
ENB339 Introduction to Robotics 7,5EIT- Eksperter i teamXAnalyse140% gruppearbeid 2016.01.11 TAA
IAB205 Corporate Systems  K-emne    
IFB104 Building IT Systems      
INN355 Cryptology and protocols7.5TTM4135 InformasjonssikkerhetXAnalyse1  2016.01.11 TAA
INB375 Parallel Computing7.5TDT4200 - Parallelle beregningerXOOP  2016.01.11 TAA
INN381 Modelling and animation Technigues7.5TDT4195 - Grunnleggende Visuell Databehandling Algdat  2016.01.11 TAA
INN382 Real Time Rendering Techniques7.5TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualiseringXAnalyse1  2016.01.11 TAA
INN383 AI in games7.5TDT4280 - Multiagent-systemer og spillteoriXAlgdat  2016.01.11 TAA
ENB350 Real-time Computer-based Systems  7,5TTK4147 - Real-time Systems  Xdatagk  2016.01.11 TAA
INN700 Introduction to research (Må ha veileder først)7.5IT3010 Forskningsmetoder i informatikk    
CAB401 - High Performance and Parallel Computing7,5TDT4200 - Parallel Computing   2016.01.11 TAA
IFN611 - Information Retrieval7,5TDT4117 - Information Retrieval   2016.01.11 TAA
IFN645 - Data Mining Technology and Applications7,5TDT4300 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining   2016.01.11 TAA
CAB202 - Microprocessors and Digital Systems7,5TDT4295 - Computer Design Project  Dette er nok mer overlappende med f.eks.
Maskinnær programmering eller Datamaskiner Gk

ref@stud: 2015 trulsmp (Bachelor... Master 1. klasse Informatikk), 2016: anderlim

UQueensland-fag (Brisbane)sp.NTNU-fagSom
COMP4403 - Compilers and Interpreters7,5TDT4205 KompilatorteknikkCOMP7402 Algdatvår2015.01.15 RS 
COMP4500 - Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures7,5TDT4125 - Algorithm Construction, Advanced CourseCOMP7500 Algdathøst2015.01.15 RS 

COMP4702 - Machine Learning

7,5TDT4173 Maskinlæring    2016.01.11 TAA
COMS3000 - Information Security7.5TTM4135 - Information SecurityCOMS7003XKTNhøst2015.12.15 RS
COSC3000 - Visualization, Computer Graphics & Data Analysis7,5TDT4195 Grunnleggende visuell databehandling
TDT4230 Graphics and Visualization
  ITGK/OOPvår (Dekker grafikk 50%,
ikke bildebehandlingsdelen)
2015.01.15 RS
COSC3500 - High-Performance Computing7,5TDT4200 - Parallel ComputingXXAlgDat/OOPhøst2015.12.15 RS 
CSSE4004 - Distributed Computing7.5

TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes
TDT4295 - Computer Design Project

2015.09.24 RS

CSSE4603 - Models of Software Systems7.5TDT4240 - Software ArchitectureCSSE7032XOOPvår2016.01.11 TAA
CSSE3010 - Embedded Systems Design & Interfacing7,5TDT4258 Energieffektive datasystemerCSSE7301 DATAGKvår2015.01.15 RS 
CSSE4011 - Advanced Embedded Systems7,5TTK4155 - Industrial and Embedded Computer Systems DesignCSSE7411 EEDSVår (Ekstra-godkjent som IaS)2015.09.24 RS
DECO3500 - Social & Mobile Computing7,5EiT - Eksperter i TeamX MMIhøst, 70% prosjekt2015.01.15 RS 
ELEC3400 - Electronic Circuits7,5TET4100 - Kretsanalyse  KretsteknikkVår2015.09.24 RS
ENGG7811 - Research Methods7,5IT3010 Forskningsmetoder i informatikkX Mastergradvår2015.01.15 RS 
INFS3204 - Service-Oriented Architectures7,5TMM4230 - Teknologi for integrerte operasjoner og semantisk webINFS7204XOOPHøst 
INFS4203 - Data Mining7.5TDT4300 - Data Warehousing and Data MiningINFS7203XDMDBhøst2015.12.15 RS
INFS4205 - Spatial and Multimedia Databases7.5EiT - Eksperter i TeamINFS7205XMMIvår 
INFS7410 - Information Retrieval and Web Search7.5TDT4117 - Information RetrievaloccasionalXDMDBhøst2015.12.15 RS
ENGG7020 Systems Safety Engineering7,5TDT4237 - Programvaresikkerhet    2016.01.11 TAA
INFS7907 Advanced Database Systems7,5TDT4150 - Avanserte databasesystemer    2016.01.11 TAA
MGTS7217 Advanced Business Data Analysis7,5TDT4305 - Big Data-arkitektur    2016.01.11 TAA
CSSE7023 Advanced Software Engineering7,5TDT4242 - Avansert programvareutvikling    2016.01.11 TAA
HLTH7001 Healthcare in Cyberspace7,5TDT4210 - Helseinformatikk    2016.01.11 TAA
INFS7255 Business Information Systems Analysis and Design7,5TDT4252 - Virksomhets-arkitektur og -innovasjon    2016.01.11 TAA
INFS7204 - Service-Oriented Architectures7,5TMM4230 - Teknologi for integrerte operasjoner og semantisk web  OOPHøst2016.01.11 TAA
CSSE7032 - Models of Software Systems7,5TDT4240 - Software Architecture        2016.01.11 TAA


PlantUML Macro
COMS3200 --> COMS3000
COMP3301 --> CSSE4004

CSSE1001 --> CSSE2310
CSSE2002 --> COSC3500
CSSE2010 --> CSSE2310
CSSE2310 --> COMS3000
CSSE2310 --> COMP3301
INFS1200 --> INFS2200
INFS2200 --> INFS4203
INFS2200 --> INFS7410

class COMP3301 {
	OS Arch
class COMS3000 {
class COMS3200 {

class COSC3500 {

class CSSE1001 {
	Intro to SE
class CSSE2010 {
	Intro to CompSys
class CSSE2310 {
	CSP and Programming C
class CSSE2002 {
	Programming Java
class CSSE4004 {
	Distributed Computing
class INFS4203 {
	Data Mining
class INFS1200 {
	Intro InfoSys
class INFS2200 {
class INFS7410 {
	IR & WebSearch
url of COMP3301 is [[]]
url of COMS3000 is [[]]
url of COMS3200 is [[]]
url of COSC3500 is [[]]
url of INFS7410 is [[]]
url of INFS2200 is [[]]
url of INFS1200 is [[]]
url of INFS4203 is [[]]
url of CSSE4004 is [[]]
url of CSSE2002 is [[]]
url of CSSE2310 is [[]]
url of CSSE2010 is [[]]
url of CSSE1001 is [[]]