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Previous Years



2009 [pdf]


Course Introduction

Tdt44 Semantic Web  a Specialization module in  TDT4730 Information Systems 

Teachers (2011-2015)

Associate Professor Rune Saetre (teacher), SATRE that idi, room  ITV-104
(Examiner: Professor Jon Atle Gulla, a rush that idi, room  ITV-114) 

Readings in tdt44 Semantic Web (2015)

The book we will use is: Thinking on the Web: Berners-Lee, Gödel and Turing.

Please order the book now, so you have it ready for the first class in September!

Schedule (2015)

2015.09.02Introductory meeting from 9.30 to 11.30 in room ITV-454RuneIntro slides (Roughly Chapter 1)Course Introduction tdt44 2009.pdf
2015.09.16First Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Henrik Bohler, Mads LP, Petter F. AslaPart I: Chapter 2,3


Chapter 3 - What is Machine Intelligence.pdf

2015.09.30Second Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Adrian K Tvete, Matias Pettersen, Torstein Sandven4,5 
2015.10.07Third Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454 Patrick Skjennum ? 
2015.10.14Fourth Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Håkon Dissen, Jostein Solaas, Tan Le  
2015.10.28Fifth Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Manasa Vallamkondu,Suresh Kumar Mukhiya, Shahila Retnedhas  
2015.11.11Sixth Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Yehonathan Quartey, Martin Almvik, Mikael Solstad  
2015.11.25Seventh Lecture, 10 to 12:00, in room 454Havard Moås, Espen Rise Halstensen, Mateusz Siniarski  


Skjennum, Patrick L  
  Oftedal, Ingeborg Ødegård  
 Everything. presentationJohan  


From https: //www.idi/intra/teaching/theorymodule_participants.php? Code = tdt44

Almvik, Martinmartalm @ studTdt44 &  TDT39
Asla, Petter Fagerlundpettefas @ studTdt44 &  TDT13
Bohler, Henrikhenriboh @ studTdt44 &  TDT13
Dissen, Håkon Ørstavikhaakondi @ studTdt44 &  TDT22
Halstensen, Espen Riseespenrh @ studTdt44 &  TDT38
Le, Tan Quachtanql @ studTdt44 &  TDT71
Moås, Håvardhaavam @ studTdt44 &  TDT38
Mukhiya, Suresh Kumarsureshkm @ studTdt44 &  TDT02
Oftedal, Ingeborg Ødegårdingebooo @ studTdt44 &  TDT49
Paulsen, Mads Løkkenmadslp @ studTdt44 &  TDT46
Pettersen, Matiasmatiasp @ studTdt44 &  TDT46
Quartey, Yehonathan Raphaelyehonatq @ studTdt44 &  TDT13
Retnadhas, Shahilashahilar @ studTdt44 &  TDT38
Ræder, Johan Georg Cyrus Mazaherjohangeo @ studTdt44 &  TDT13
Sandven, Torsteintorssan @ studTdt44 &  TDT22
Siniarski, Mateuszmateuss @ studTdt44 &  TDT13
Skjennum, Patrick Lpatricls @ studTdt44 &  TDT02
Solaas, Jostein Aunejosteias @ studTdt44 &  TDT22
Solstad, Mikael Rinomikaelrs @ studTdt44 &  TDT39
Tvete, Adrian Kristofferadriankt @ studTdt44 &  TDT46
Vallamkondu, Manasamanasav @ studTdt44 &  TDT02

Oral Exam (2015)

Take-home assignment (2014) and a brief oral examination.
Date: 2nd (or 3rd) December 2015 10 minutes, between 0900 and 1400.
Place: TBD

From  http: //www.idi/education/fordypning.php:

Examination takes place as follows: Attendance schedule for students sent by email ([username]stud) and posted on the bulletin board outside the reception at IDI. First examination may start already at 08:00. Each exam takes 5-20 minutes. If you fail or valid excuse held continents nation in August the following year.

Note especially the following matters concerning. Rapids and continuation in the theory modules: Specialization must be beståttt order to be able to withdraw the thesis. The project must be passed in order to consist recess. 

Part 1 and part 2 of this tutorial is relevant for our class: