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Javascript objektet som injiseres har tydelig definerte interfaces, som dokumenteres i Interfaces eksempelet på InterfacesInc eksempelet på GitHub kontoen vår. Denne koden er med i appen, så du trenger ikke å laste opp denne filen når du laster opp kode til appen.

Code Block
 * PLabBridgePLabOrientationEvent is the interfaceevent weobject havereceived forwhen communicatingphone withchanges the plaborientation app.
interfaceclass PLabBridgePLabOrientationEvent { 
   * getsalpha the- widthmagnetic wedirection have(in available to draw ondegrees) 
  public int getWidth ();float alpha; 
   * beta gets- the height we have available to draw ontilt front-to-back, front is positive (in degrees) 
  public int getHeight ();float beta; 
   * sendsgamma a- stringtilt left-to-right, aright connectedis bluetooth device. Can not send more than 20 characters.
  public void write (String string);
   * register callback function that will get the data sent from the connected device
   */positive(in degrees) 
  float gamma; 

 * PLabAccelerationEvent is the event object received at regular intervals, telling what acceleration is 
class PLabAccelerationEvent { 
   * x - acceleration in x direction 
  float x; 
   * y - acceleration in y direction 
  float y; 
   * z - acceleration in z direction 
  float z; 
   * timestamp - when the acceleration was meassured 
  float timestamp; 

 * PLabBridge is the interface we have for communicating with the plab app. 
interface PLabBridge { 
   * gets the width we have available to draw on 
  public int getWidth (); 
   * gets the height we have available to draw on 
  public int getHeight (); 
   * sends a string to a connected bluetooth device. Can not send more than 20 characters. 
  public void send (String string); 
   * register callback function that will get the data sent from the connected device 
  public void subscribeMessages (PLabRecv sub); 
   * Disconnects the device and returns to main menu 
  public void disconnect(); 
   * hides the back button 
  public void hideBackButton(); 
   * display the back button 
  public void showBackButton(); 
   * make the device vibrate for given amount of time. On iOS time will be ignored. 
  public void vibrate(int milliseconds); 
   * Listen for device orientation changes 
  public void addDeviceOrientationListener(PLabOrientationListener listener); 
   * remove device orientation changes listener 
  public void removeDeviceOrientationListener(PLabOrientationListener listener); 
   * Listen for device acceleration changes 
  public void subscribeRead addDeviceAccelerationListener(PLabReadPLabAccelerationListener sublistener);
   * register callback function that will get error messages if any from the app /** 
   * remove device acceleration changes listener 
  public void subscribeError removeDeviceAccelerationListener(PLabReadPLabAccelerationListener sublistener); 
   * DisconnectsSet themilliseconds devicebetween andeach returnsacceleration toupdate main menu
  public void disconnectsetDeviceAccelerationUpdateInterval(int milliseconds); 
 * A simple interface that defines the callback read function 
interface PLabReadPLabRecv { 
   * The callback function. Will be called when the connected device sends something to this program. 
  public void readreceive(String stringmessage); 
 * APLabOrientationListener variableis tothe holdinterface thedescribing injectedan bridgeorientation tochange the plablistener app
private PLabBridge plabBridge;
interface PLabOrientationListener { 
  public void deviceOrientation(PLabOrientationEvent event); 
 * InjectionPLabAccelerationListener function. Needed to get is the functionalityinterface provideddescribing byan ouracceleration app. Use as setup.event listener 
voidinterface bindPLabBridgePLabAccelerationListener (PLabBridge{ bridge)
 public plabBridgevoid = bridge;deviceAcceleration(PLabAccelerationEvent event); 

Her har vi to interfaces, PLabBridge og PLabRead. PLabRead er callback funksjon når vi mottar data fra bluetooth enheten.
