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Mikrofontype: Elektretmikrofon (engelsk wikipedia har mer info enn norsk).

Mikrofonene dere har fått utdelt er basert på LM393 operasjonsforsterker chipset.

Driftspenning: 4-6V

Kontrollerbar sensitivitet.


Finnes også på GitHub.

Dette eksempelet viser hvordan du kan slå av og på et lys ved bruk av mikrofonen.


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Breadboard oppkobling og skjematisk oppkobling.



titleMicrophone On/Off Example


  Microphone Light On/Off Example




  This is an example that show how a light can be turned on and off by a high sound.


  The light stays in its state unil a new high sound arrives.






    - Electret microphone


    - 220 ohm resistor


    - LED




  Created by Inge Edward Halsaunet, 2015


  Released into the public domain




const int micIn = 2;    // Digital pin the microphone is connected to


const int ledOut = 3;   // Digital pin the led is connected to


int previousSensorReading = 0;  // Remember the previous reading of our microphone


int state = LOW;                // Current led state (HIGH or LOW)


void setup() {


  // Start serial communication with console




  // Initialize inputs and outputs


  pinMode(micIn, INPUT);


  pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);





void loop() {


  // Read the current microphone level


  int sensorRead = digitalRead(micIn);


  // See if reading has changed since last time


  if (previousSensorReading != sensorRead) {


    // Remember to update previous reading


    previousSensorReading = sensorRead;


    Serial.print("Changed, now: ");




    // When senosor is in high state, only notify user.


    if (sensorRead == HIGH) {




    } else {


      // When sensor changes to low state, we change the state of our output light.


      // This prevents the light from just giva a short flash, but instead remain on or off.




      if (state == HIGH) {


        state = LOW;


      } else {


        state = HIGH;








  // Update output light value


  digitalWrite(ledOut, state);


  // Short delay to ensure sensor stability



