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TMA4180 - Optimeringsteori ?CompArch Modern computer architecture35
UoFrance-fag (EUROCOM)sp.NTNU-fagKommentarOK?
HØSTFAG    Optim - Fundamentals of optimisation3
SoftDev - Software development methodologies5TDT4250 - Model-Driven Development of Information Systems   
WebInt - Human-computer interaction for the Web: interaction design and user evaluation3IT3402 - User Interface Design5   
SecAppli-2015Spring - Security applications in networking and distributed systems3TDT4237 - Software SecurityMMIR - Multimedia indexing and retrieval  
 SoftDev - Software development methodologies    
WebInt UMLEmb- Human2014Fall - computer interaction for the Web: interaction design and user evaluationUML for Embedded Systems3


InfoTheo - Information Theory5   
MMIR - Multimedia indexing and retrieval3   
OS SecCom - Operating systemsSecure Communications5TDT4186 - Operativsystemer ?   
G_Theory - Game Theory3   
Optim - Fundamentals of optimisation3TMA4180 - Optimeringsteori ?  
CompArch - Modern computer architectureSecCom - Secure Communications5   
OS - Operating systems5TDT4186 - Operativsystemer ?  
MobCom - Mobile communication techniques5  


MobServ - Mobile application and services5   

TDT4250 - Modellbasert utvikling av informasjonssystemer 

  IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnitt   

FormalMet-2015Spring - Formal specification and verification of systems



TDT4252 - Virksomhetsmodellering og arkitekturEnterprise Modeling and Enterprise Architecture





TDT4215 - Web-intelligens RS-27/1-15
DSMWare-2015Spring - Distributed software and middleware5TDT4190 - Distributed Systems  
Clouds-2015Spring - Distributed systems and cloud computing5TDT4225 - Very Large, Distributed Data Volumes  
ProjMan-2015Spring - Project management5   
MALIS-2015Spring - Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems5