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Her er fullstendig kode for Memory-klassen og en oppdatert MemoryProgram-klasse:

Code Block
public class Memory<T> {
    private List<T> possibleItems;
    private List<T> expectedItems;
    private int acceptedCount;
    public Memory(Collection<T> possibleItems) {
        this.possibleItems = new ArrayList<>(possibleItems);
        expectedItems = new ArrayList<T>();
        acceptedCount = 0;
    public Memory(T... possibleItems) {
    public T nextItem() {
        int index = (int) (Math.random() * possibleItems.size());    // generate random index
        T nextItem = possibleItems.get(index);                        // look up value
        expectedItems.add(nextItem);    // add to sequence
        acceptedCount = 0;                // reset accepted counter
        return nextItem;                // return new item
    public Collection<T> nextItems(int count) {
        Collection<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();
        while (count > 0) {
        return items;
    public int getItemCount() {
        return expectedItems.size();
    public int getItemsLeft() {
        return expectedItems.size() - acceptedCount;
    public Boolean acceptItem(T item) {
        // is acceptItem called after sequence is completed
        if (acceptedCount >= expectedItems.size()) {
            return false;
        // is the number input by the user correct
        if (! expectedItems.get(acceptedCount).equals(item)) {
            // if they are not the same, we indicate this by returning false object
            return Boolean.FALSE;
        acceptedCount++;    // correct number, so increment counter
        // is this the last number
        if (acceptedCount == expectedItems.size()) {
            // return true object
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        // otherwise return null, indicating correct value, but not finished
        return null;

public class MemoryProgram {
    private void run() {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        do {
            Memory<Integer> memory = new Memory<Integer>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
            while (true) {
                int nextItem = memory.nextItem();
                System.out.println("Next item is " + nextItem);
                System.out.println("Please input " + memory.getItemCount() + " items");
                Boolean result = null;
                do {
                    int nextInt = scanner.nextInt();
                    result = memory.acceptItem(nextInt);
                } while (result == null);
                if (result == Boolean.FALSE) {
                    System.out.println("Wrong, game over");
            System.out.println("Another game (true/false)?");
        } while (scanner.nextBoolean());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MemoryProgram().run();

Her har vi lagt til to ekstra metoder i Memory, for å gjøre klassen litt mer fleksibel og enklere å bruke:
