TDT01 is a specialization course focusing on specialized topics within computer architecture. This year's edition will focus on 1) Server CPU Microarchitecture, 2) Sustainability and Performance Analysis, and 3) ...
Course responsible: Magnus Själander, Magnus Jahre, and Rakesh Kumar
Note: To access the full versions of some of the papers from IEEE and ACM you need to have an NTNU IP address. If you are not on campus, try VPN or a terminal server.
Server CPU Microarchitecture
1. Profiling a warehouse-scale computer
2. Weeding out Frontend Stalls with Uneven Block Size Instruction Cache
3.ACIC: Admission-Controlled Instruction Cache
Sustainability and Performance Analysis
4. FOCAL: A First-Order Carbon Model to Assess Processor Sustainability
5. Per-Instruction Cycle Stacks Through Time-Proportional Event Analysis
6. AIO: An Abstraction for Performance Analysis Across Diverse Accelerator Architectures