Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Proposed length: 8 - 15 pages or depending on need

Once you have presented method in previous chapter, it is time to write results of scientific work. This chapter is very important. Well-thought sentences, clarity, clear figures, usage of tables are important. Avoid too many figures and, at same time, avoid too few figures. Selection of colors in the figures is also important. Try to use color-blind pattern of the figures. Black color line plots look more professional. Do not write unnecessary jargon. You may have several figures and data from the results however, appropriate selection of figures and the data are extremely important. This will convey the main results and the outcome. The description must be scientific, avoid usage of unnecessary words. This chapter must be directed to meet the goal and objective your research work. If you are unsure whether to include certain results, relook into your research tasks and decide whether the results are relevant to them. This chapter should be written in the simple present tense. Most people are likely to write this chapter by preparing an outline, setting out the broad thrust of the argument, and support the hypothesis.


There is no well-defined structure for this chapter because research content vary from one topic to another. However, you can think of following questions while writing this chapter.

  • Does this figure really convey the intended meaning?
  • Does this sentence really meaningful and convey intended meaning? Can this be written in better way?
  •  Is this table important? What should be appropriate header names?
  • Instead of writing very long description, can i present this in a tabular format? Will it look better?
  • Does this description/paragraph really follow what is shown in the corresponding figure or table?
  • Is this paragraph connected to the previous paragraph?
  • Am i talking completely different from the previous paragraph? Does this really make sense?
  • Are results contradicting each other?
  • Is English grammar good enough or can other word/phrase is better than this?

Extra read: How to write dissertation discussion chapter

Chapter 5. Conclusions

Proposed length: 1 - 2 pages



At some point when you are toward the end of your writing, remove yourself from your work and free-write to these questions:

  • So, what have I found -- and why does it matter?
  • What do I know now, that I didn’t know before?
  • Who cares? / Who should care?
  • What do I know that no one else knows?
  • Is the conclusion answered the goal and objectives?

You can also think of following points.

  • Does this sentence really meaningful and convey intended meaning? Can this be written in better way?
  • Is this paragraph connected to the previous paragraph?
  • Am i talking completely different from the results and discussion? Does this really make sense?
  • Are the findings contradicting each other?
  • Is English grammar good enough or can other word/phrase is better than this?

Some Useful academic phrases for conclusion

The paper concludes by arguing \\
On this basis, we conclude that \\
The authors concluded that --- is not confined to \\
This allows the conclusion that \\
The findings of this study can be understood as \\
This may be considered a promising aspect of \\
This may be considered a further validation of \\
Remaining issues are subject of \\
In summary, this paper argued that \\
This aspect of the research suggested that \\
In conclusion, --- seems to improve \\
In summary, this paper argued that \\
In conclusion, it would appear that \\
The analysis leads to the following conclusions: \\
It is difficult to arrive at any conclusions with regard to \\
The main conclusion that can be drawn is that \\
The present findings confirm \\
As we have argued elsewhere --- may be considered a promising aspect of \\
Ideally, these findings should be replicated in a study where \\
By using --- we tested the hypothesis that \\
In conclusion, --- seems to improve \\
Broadly translated our findings indicate that \\
This is an important finding in the understanding of the \\
More generally, these basic findings are consistent with research showing that \\
In addition, these findings provide additional information about \\
Despite the limitations these are valuable in light of \\
Overall, our results demonstrate a strong effect of \\
Nevertheless, we found \\
To our knowledge, this is the first report of \\
Our results on --- are broadly consistent with \\
The broad implication of the present research is that \\
This conclusion follows from the fact that \\
Collectively, our results appear consistent with \\
Importantly, our results provide evidence for \\
Results provide a basis for \\
This experiment adds to a growing corpus of research showing \\
Our data indicate that --- a result that casts a new light on \\
These findings provide a potential mechanism for \\
We have shown that \\
Our data suggest that we still have a long way to go to...

Future work

Proposed length: 1/2 page

The future work is a place for you to explain where, in your opinion, the results can lead and potential extension of the work. What do you think are the next steps to take? What other questions do your results raise? Do you think certain paths seem to be more promising than others? Another way to look at the future work section, is a way to sort of ``claim” an area of research.


Bibliography / references are generally placed before the appendix. Here you will list all the references you have used in the chapters. There is no specific guideline on how many minimum numbers of references should be included. It is equally important to avoid very few or very high number of references. Also avoid citing nonscientific websites or contents. For citation of references, we generally follow numbering style. That means the references are cited in sequence as you go on citing the references. The current citation style is borrowed from the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. Some examples of citations can be found here: References - ASME. The required BibTeX (*.bst) for the LaTeX reference organization is already included in Overleaf. This file is also available at the repository: You can directly export bibtex styled references from zotero using export options and citation type BibTeX.

titleCite project work into master's thesis

How to cite your project work

Since the project work of Autumn semester is not publishable, you need to create bibliography manually in 'bibliography.bib' file. It is acceptable to cite your project work in the master thesis. Use following guide to create bib item manually to cite project work:

@mastersthesis{...,     % Write citation id here, your last name and year.
    address = {Trondheim, Norway},
    title = {...},     % Write title of your project in small-case
    school = {Department of Energy and Process Engineering,
                Norwegian University of Science and Technology},
    author = {..., ...},    % Write your last name, first name
    year = {...}            % Write year of project submission
