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Alessandro Campari 


Evaluation of the tensile properties of X65 pipeline steel in compressed gaseous hydrogen using hollow specimens.


Hydrogen has great potential into the decarbonization process of the energy and transport sectors, thus helping to mitigate the urgent issue of global warming. It can be sustainably produced through water electrolysis with potentially zero emissions, and efficiently used in fuel cell systems. Despite its environmental advantages, hydrogen is an extremely flammable substance and its interaction with most metallic materials could result in their mechanical properties degradation to an extent that could make them inherently unsafe. Extensive material testing under realistic operating conditions is required to determine the criteria under which hydrogen-induced damage is to be expected. In-situ slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) test is an option that allow the quantification of the behavior of metals in hydrogenated environments. The standardized procedure for testing in-situ the pressurized gaseous hydrogen effect on metals consists of the utilization of an autoclave as a containment volume. Testing inside an autoclave is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming, and requires specialized equipment and trained personnel. A relatively recent method to circumvent these issues and provide affordable and reliable test results consists in using hollow specimens as the gas containment volume, thus applying the hydrogen pressure inside rather than outside the specimen. This experimental setup allows us to minimize the volume of hydrogen and perform the tests safely and effectively. This study focuses on the evaluation of tensile properties of X65 vintage pipeline steel tested in a high-pressure hydrogen environment using hollow specimens. A constant nominal strain rate of 1ꞏ10-6 s-1 is applied. Tests are performed at several pressure levels (from 6 to 20 MPa) to evaluate the effect on the reduced area at fracture (RA). In this way, this study provides insights on the applicability of novel, reliable, and safer testing method which can be used to assess HE, particularly in relation with hydrogen-induced loss of ductility in metallic material.

ICSI 2023.pdf


Sutthipong Yungratog

The meeting is in Gløshaugen Verkstedteknisk 5. etasje Møterom P525 (307_p525).

Title: "A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Risks for Data Protection Impact Assessment Process in Maritime Industries".

Abstract - Personal data is used to define customer requirements. Organizations should securely collect and process such data, using data protection policies aligned with the applicable regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an EU data protection law, has include a data protection assessment method called Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to ensure personal data security. The maritime industry is also concerned about personal data protection. However, there is a still a lack of practical methods to assess data protection risks. This article aims to introduce the conceptual framework for a new method for risk assessment in maritime systems, using DPIA and various systems-theoretic risk approaches as a conceptual basis. The ICT system is a central system in which personal data is utilized in the architecture of maritime systems. In this article, this system will be taken as a basis for illustrating the newly proposed method for personal data security risk assessment in a DPIA context. The conceptual framework will be further concretized and tested in follow-up research.

About the speaker:

Mr. Yungratog is a PhD candidate in Information Technology Management, Mahidol University, Thailand. His research is in the data protection and risk assessment in maritime area.

He is currently member of Norway-ASEAN Consortium in Risk Management for Safer and Sustainable Ocean (322410 - NORGLOBAL2). His research interests include several aspects of Human Computer Interaction, Information Technology, Data Protection, Risk assessment, System Analysis, and Business Analysis.


Donghun Lee

Reem Nasser

Lucas Claussner

Visiting Researcher Self-introduction

Donghun Lee:

Hello. My name is Donghun Lee. I’m from South Korea. 

I received my bachelor's degree and master's degree from INHA University in Korea.

When I was an undergraduate, my department was naval architecture and ocean engineering.

And in my master's course, I conducted research on autonomous ships.

My main research field is the design of avoidance system for autonomous ships using collision risk index.

Now, I’m in charge of developing a risk model to analyze the human factors of fishing boat accidents.

To develop a human reliability analysis method optimized for fishing vessels, I plan to analyze human risk cases that may occur in fishing vessels and improve the existing HRA method.

New Ph.D. Candidate Self-introduction

Reem Nasser:

I'm Reem Nasser, a PhD candidate in RAMS group of NTNU who has just joined in August 2023. I have earned my B.Sc. degree in Petrochemical Engineering from the British University in Egypt. Being passionate about Energy systems, I joined the Masters of Science program for Renewable Energy with a focus on energy conversion and self-cleaning coatings for PV applications. I have also gained experience in the field of education through working as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering for five years.  In addition to that, I have participated as an industrial trainer to deliver a course with the title of "Industrial Coatings. The title for my PhD is Risk Management and Production Assurance of Future Energy Infrastructures TO MITIGATE NATECH HAZARD.


New Ph.D. Candidate Self-introduction

Lucas Claussner:

From: Leipzig, Germany

Studies: Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Engineering

Thesis: Liquid Hydrogen applications in mobility + LH2 Thermodynamics

PhD-Topic: Simulation of LH2 thermodynamics in accident scenarios


Ph.D. Candidate

Wanwan Zhang

Tianqi Sun

Title: Statistical analysis of offshore wind turbine failures

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of offshore wind turbine failures. Four hypotheses about failure features are proposed and strictly examined by statistical tests. Cox model is chosen to model the failure process. Three forms of covariates are designed to research their influence on failures. Their coefficients are obtained by maximum likelihood estimation, and the Breslow estimator is calculated. Finally, goodness-of-fit tests verify the assumptions of the Cox model. Results from long-term models show that wind significantly favors the growth of the baseline hazard. However, temperature and production mildly reduce it. The effects will gradually become stable if the accumulation time increases. Similar results are observed in models with principal components of covariates. A comparison of models suggests the highest likelihood belongs to models with three accumulated covariates.

About Speaker: Wanwan Zhang has a B.E in Safety engineering from China and a M.Sc. in RAMS from NTNU. She started her Ph. D right after her M.Sc in RAMS in September 2021. The title of her Ph.D is Predictive Maintenance and Decision Support for Asset Management, which belongs to NorthWind (Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy) co-financed by the Research Council of Norway, industry, and research partners.

Title: A phase-type maintenance model considering condition-based inspections and delays before the repairs

Abstract: Markov models are widely used in maintenance modelling and system performance analysis due to their computational efficiency and analytical traceability. However, these models are usually restricted by the use of exponential distributions, which are the base of the Markov modelling. Phase-type distributions provide a tool to approximate an adequate distribution, such as Weibull, log-normal and so on, by means of Markov processes. Our earlier work proposes a phase-type maintenance model considering both condition-based inspections and delays before the repairs, where extra matrices are defined in the modelling of repair delays to keep track of the probability masses to repair. The model provides quite good estimations but is complex and requires good knowledge in its implementation. This paper aims to get rid of the extra matrices and investigate the modelling of the repair delays with phase-type distributions. An illustration case of road bridges is presented to demonstrate the modelling process and the results.

About Speaker: Tianqi Sun has a B.E. in Safety Engineering from China and a M.Sc. in RAMS from NTNU. After almost three years work as safety engineer in a car manufacture in China, he started his Ph.D. in September 2020. The title for his Ph.D. is Strategies and Criteria for Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, which belongs to a project named SMARTer Maintenance between Statens Vegvesen and NTNU.

Tianqi Sun - ESREL 2023.pdf
