Versions Compared


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  • Purpose: You should convince the reader about the purpose of your project by motivating and referring to existing literature that support your thesis/hypothesis. You should also clarify your research questions justified by the purpose. (30%)
  • Contributions: You should demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of what new knowledge or other new products, processes, models, theories etc. you add to the existing knowledge. Important to show that your contribution is novel. (10%)
  • Research method: You need to show and convince your reader about the decisions you have made regarding research strategy and data generation and analysis methods. (35%)
  • Participants: If you plan to evaluate your thesis with users you need to describe this. Any other dependency on people or resources (e.g. experts you need to interview, data sets you need access to) needs to be written here. You also need to discuss the ethical aspects related to your participants and how you plan to handle these. (10%)
  • Research paradigm: You should read the related chapters in the book and try to describe what paradigm you are in, positivist, interpretivism or critical research. Discuss this with your supervisor. (5%)
  • Final deliverable and disseminationDissemination: Will this be a report, a video, a demonstration, presentation etc.? How do you justify the presentation form you have chosen? Who is it for? (5%)
  • References: Do you have a well-formatted reference list with all bibliographic data? Are your references scientifically high-quality and relevant for your research? (5%)
