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IaS = Ingeniøremne annet studieprogram

COMPSCI 9EProductive Use of the UNIX Environment24TDT4285 - Planlegging og Drift av IT-systemer
2017.02.21 RS
COMPSCI 9FC++ for Programmers24TDT4102
2017.03.20 TR
COMPSCI 161Computer Security48(10)TTM4135 - Informasjonssikkerhet
IaS. (7,5 ECTS when taken in semester with 12 Master-Credits)2015.01.09 RS
COMPSCI 169Software Engineering48(10)TDT4140 - Software EngineeringTeller også mot TDT4290 - Kundestyrt prosjekt
2017.02.21 RS
COMPSCI 189Introduction to Machine Learning48(10)

IT3105 - Kunstig intelligens programmering

"projects variety real-world apps" = IT3105? Can only take COMPSCI 189 OR 2892015.01.09 RS
COMPSCI 194-24Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation48(10)


Project work: 50%2015.03.03 RS
COMPSCI 198Directed Group Studies, Advanced Undergraduates24(5)KProGroup study. 5 ECTS if taken in semester with only Grad-courses.
2017.02.21 RS

User Interface Design and Development


47,5IT3402 - Design av grafiske brukergrensesnitt
Evt. EiT
"Students will develop a user interface for a specific task and target user group in teams."

2018.02.23 LJ

2015.01.09 RS

COMPSCI 267Applications of Parallel Computers37,5EiT
2015.01.09 RS
COMPSCI 270Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures


7,5EiT30% group work. Ikke Ingeniørfag2015.03.03 RS
COMPSCI 281AStatistical Learning Theory37,5IT3708 - Bio AIingeniøremne annet studieprogram2017.02.17 RS
COMPSCI 284AFoundations of Computer Graphics410TDT4230 - Grafikk og visualisering
2015.03.03 RS
COMPSCI 284AFoundations of Computer Graphics410TDT4195 - Visual Computing Fundamentals
2015.03.03 RS
COMPSCI 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning410TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering får kun credit for enten COMPSCI 189 eller COMPSCI 289, men ikke for begge2017.02.17 RS
COMPSCI 294Deep Reinforcement Learning37,5TDT4290 - Kpro, EiTUsually project work. YMMV2015.03.03 RS
COMPSCI C 280Computer Vision37,5TDT4265 - Comp Vision
2017.02.21 RS
COMPSCI C 281AStatistical Learning Theory37,5IT3708 - Bio-Inspired AI-methods
2015.01.09 RS
COMPSCI C 281BAdvanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making37,5TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonneringHar prosjek!
2017.02.21 RS
COMPSCI C 281BAdvanced Topics in Learning and Decision Making37,5IT3105 - AI-ProgHar prosjek!

2017.02.21 RS

COMPSCI-298Group Studies Seminars, or Group Research1-42,5EiT,
2017.02.21 RS
COMPSCI-298Group Studies Seminars, or Group Research1-42,5KPro

2017.02.21 RS


Introduction to C Language Programming24TDT4102 - Prosedyre- og obejektorienter Programmering C++Ikke godkjent: Dekker nesten bare 1 kapittel i boken vår (kapittel 27 i PPP Using C++). I tillegg trengs objekt-orientering og STL etc., som ikke støttes i C.


EL ENG X412.1

C++ Programming?2?4TDT4102 - Prosedyre- og obejektorienter Programmering C++OK. Bra overlapp i pensum. Litt få ECTS-ekvivalenter. NB: Kun online, selvstyrt.

2022.08.19 BIvB 

Kanskje? Ikke sjekket grundig enda.

IND ENG 160Nonlinear and Discrete Optimization36TIØ4120 - Operasjonsanalyse, grunnkursKomplementæremne (7,5 ECTS when taken in semester with 12 Master-Credits. 2xx-)2015.03.03 RS
SOCIOL 166Society and Technology48(10)

TTM4165 - Digital Economics

Komplementæremne (10 ECTS when taken in semester with 12 Master-Credits. 2xx-)2015.01.09 RS

COMPSCI C8 Foundations of Data Science

47,5IT3010Metoder for forskningsbasert innovasjon i IT

COMPSCI 10 The Beauty and Joy of Computing

47,5TDT4245Samhandlingsteknologi og sosiale medier

COMPSCI 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
