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Industry Internet of Things Consortium - (Resources Hub)

OPC Foundation (Connectivity) and Cyber-Physical Systems (Research)

Enterprise Architecture - Enterprise Modeling

To be contd... (continuous updates to web-site and publications, announcements)

Stay tuned!

Cisco - and the others be updated....

Festo Didactic - Siemens - ABB - (and the others)

Documentation for OPC UA implementation work (updated)

Overview (from the website)

The OPC UA Online Reference is a searchable collection of specifications and information models.

Information models are made available by publishing a index of types defined in the model as human readble tables. When possible the definition of a Type is linked to the appropriate section in the specification. These tables are generated automatically from the published NodeSet.

A subset of specifications are also made available. These pages are automatically generated from Microsoft Word documents. The documents are generated from the latest released version with errata applied. Note that the online reference is a work in progress and not all published errata will be in the online documents.

Every effort has been made to ensure the online versions of the specifications match the documents available on the OPC Foundation website. If any differences exist between the documents and published errata and the online version then the documents and published errata should be assumed to be the correct version.

OPC Unified Architecture and Time Sensitive Network connectivity

To be updated (IEEE paper etc.) .....

The Open Group Architecture Framework - with - Archimate (Modeling language)

Lankhorst et al. (textbook and background, EA community)


Gaia-X (Digital Infrastructure Europe)

"To be contd...."

Gaia-X 🌐 Website - 📣 New release!

Gaia-X is excited to 📣 announce the launch of our fresh new 🌐website, which features an improved user experience, new content, a rebranded identity, new landing pages, updated sections, animations, and a significantly clearer structure, look and feel. Enjoy the navigation!

Our next release has planned for further interactive elements, new microsites on data spaces and Hubs, the Summit series and many more.

Research on Industry 4.0, IIoT and Cyber-Physical Systems (in context)

One of the best places to start looking for research questions that have already been started in the research community is the CIRP-paper by Monostori et al. from 2016:

Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing to publication - Get rights and content (through e.g. NTNU)

Abstract (Monostori et al., 2016)

One of the most significant advances in the development of computer science, information and communication technologies is represented by the cyber-physical systems (CPS). They are systems of collaborating computational entities which are in intensive connection with the surrounding physical world and its on-going processes, providing and using, at the same time, data-accessing and data-processing services available on the Internet. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), relying on the latest, and the foreseeable further developments of computer science, information and communication technologies on one hand, and of manufacturing science and technology, on the other, may lead to the 4th industrial revolution, frequently noted as Industrie 4.0. The paper underlines that there are significant roots in general – and in particular to the CIRP community – which point towards CPPS. Expectations towards research in and implementation of CPS and CPPS are outlined and some case studies are introduced. Related new R&D challenges are highlighted.

Augmented/Assisted Reality

Examples of head mounted wearable computers/video/audio:

NTNU IMTEL and learning content on AR (Erasmus+ project outcome)

AR for EU project with partners:

Background and results reported in Norwegian (Diku/HK-dir):

"Utviklet undervisningsressurser 

Mikhail Fominykh og en kollega fikk penger fra Erasmus+ til å samarbeide med universiteter i England, Tyskland og Russland for å bøte på problemet. 

I Erasmus+-prosjektet «AR-FOR-EU» jobbet de med å samle kunnskapen som fantes, utvikle undervisningsressurser og kurs, lage systemer for å dele beste praksis på tvers av Europa – og å skrive en lærebok som skal være til nytte for andre. 

Resultatet er samlet på prosjektsiden Codereality og i en digital og kontinuerlig oppdatert lærebok. (online, updated textbook on AR, learning)

Det som Fominykh og hans kolleger har utviklet her, ligger til grunn når NTNU nå lærer studenter å kode AR."

AR for Enterprise (Networking):