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Follow the installation software manual before starting this manualone.



Step 1.

Connect 48V, 12V and 0V to terminals as shown in picture. Both positive supplies has to have common ground, otherwise communication might not work as intended. 

Connect an ethernet cable with RJ45 plug into box with the other end to the computer running the GUI. 

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Step 2.

Connect the tether cable coming from the communication interface box shown in previous step to the tether spool to complete the circuit to the ROV.

If power is activated for interface box the ROV should be energized. Arduino Uno lights should blink, and electronic speed controllers should make initialization sounds. 

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Step 3.

Inside the ROV enclosure, the local battery pack must be connected to the circuit. This is done by connecting the red wire to the Wago quick connector. 

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Step 4.

Slide the electronics tray into the acrylic cylinder. Be careful for wires that may get stuck and unplugged. The

tray is slid all the way in to seal properly.  

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Step 5.

Mount the aft thruster to the acrylic ROV foundation using four M5 bolts as shown in figure. 

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After the above instructions the ROV should be mounted as seen in the figure. It is important that the thruster is mounted in the orientation as shown in the figure.  

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Step 6.

Attach the vacuum pump hose to the vent plug at the backplate of the ROV. Pump until the pressure on the manometer shows 15 inHg. 

Wait for 15 minutes, and check if the pressure is still above 14.5 inHg.

If it is not return to step 4 and check for broken seals or other leak indicators. If pressure is above the limit defined, the ROV is ready to be used in water. 

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Step 7.

Remove the hose plug from the vacuum pump, and screw in the plug indicated with <OK>. 

It is extra important that this plug is properly greased and tightened, as it was not tested in the previous vacuum test. 

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Step 8.

that will run the GUI. 

Set the ethernet adapter on the computer to: Connect to the ROV using SSH and command:

ssh pi@ 

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Step 9.

If tether and power is properly connected, the terminal will prompt for the RPi password.

Enter password: >>rov2022 

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Step 10.

You know have access to the RPi computer. Check for previously saved photos and videos and transfer them to external device. Media is located at relative path from login within

pi/Programs/Photos  pi/Programs/Videos 

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Step 11.

For running the GUI, navigate into Programs folder. 

To run the Python ROV program use command as seen in figure.  

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Step 12.

When the RPi program has been started, the terminal will display a message indicating that the operator has to launch GUI script.

Navigate to where the Python GUI scripts are located, and run the files with command as shown in figure. 

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Step 13.

You have now launched all systems for the ROV and should see the sensor values update on the GUI regularly. Control of the motors are done with the arrows, and brightness of lights can be adjusted with slider. 

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