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titleDel 1 - VaccineTrial og VaccineTrialVolunteer (15 %)

Oppgaven handler om å holde oversikt over et pågaende vaksinestudie.

titleSkjelett til del 1

Code Block
public class VaccineTrialVolunteer {

	public VaccineTrialVolunteer(String id, boolean placebo) {

	public String getId() {

	/* Whether the volunteer was given a placebo or the actual vaccine */
	public boolean isPlacebo() {

	/* Whether the volunteer got sick during the trial period, 
	 * the default value for this should be false */
	public boolean gotSick() {

	 * Updates whether the participant got sick during the trial period
	public void setGotSick(boolean gotSick) {


public class VaccineTrial {

	// Add any needed fields here

	 * Adds a new VaccineTrialVolunteer to the trial
	 * @param id      The id of the volunteer
	 * @param placebo Whether the volunteer was given a placebo, or the actual
	 *                vaccine

	public void addVolunteer(String id, boolean placebo) {
		// TODO

	 * Returns whether the vaccine's effectiveness rate is higher than the provided
	 * limit. The effectiveness of the vaccine is calculated as follows: 
	 * 1- (number of people that received the vaccine and got sick/
	 *         number of people that got sick)
	 * If there is no sick people, the vaccine is not effective
	 * @param limit A limit to compare against
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If limit is not between (including) 0 and 1.
	 * @return Whether the vaccine effectiveness rate is higher than the limit
	public boolean isMoreEffectiveThanLimit(double limit) {


	 * Updates the sick state of a VaccineTrialVolunteer
	 * @param id The id of the volunteer to set sick.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no volunteer with the given id
	public void setSick(String id) {

	 * Get's the volunteer with the given ID
	 * @param id The id of the volunteer to set sick.
	 * @return The vaccine trial volunteer with the given ID. If the ID is not valid
	 *         for any volunteer, return null
	public VaccineTrialVolunteer getVolunteer(String id) {


Oppgave a) Utfyll klassen VaccineTrialVolunteer og alle metodene i denne klassen. Legg til nødvendige felt. VaccineTrialVolunteer skal ha følgende metoder:

  • VaccineTrialVolunteer(String id, boolean placebo) - Oppretter en ny frivillig deltaker, med den gitte ID-en og hvorvidt deltakeren fikk placebo eller faktiske vaksinen.
  • getId() - Henter ut ID-en til deltakeren.
  • isPlacebo() - Returnere hvorvidt deltakeren fikk placebo eller vaksine.
  • gotSick() - Returnere hvorvidt deltakeren ble syk i løpet av studien.
  • setGotSick(boolean gotSick) - Oppdaterer om deltakeren ble syk i løpet av studien.


Code Block
public class VaccineTrialVolunteer {

	private final String id;
	private final boolean placebo; 
	private boolean gotSick;
	public VaccineTrialVolunteer(String id, boolean placebo) { = id;
		this.placebo = placebo;

	public String getId() {

	/* Whether the volunteer was given a placebo or the actual vaccine */
	public boolean isPlacebo() {
		return this.placebo;

	/* Whether the volunteer got sick during the trial period, 
	 * the default value for this should be false */
	public boolean gotSick() {
		return this.gotSick;

	 * Updates whether the participant got sick during the trial period
	public void setGotSick(boolean gotSick) {
		this.gotSick = gotSick;


titleDel 2 - Innkapsling og objektstrukturer (5 %)
