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NB: due to the corona situation, the seminars are also on Teams for now

Program 2021 Spring


Ph.D Candidate

Bahareh Tajiani

Title: Mathematical Modeling for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

More information to come.

of Bearings

Abstract: Roller bearings are critical components in rotating machinery and many failures are induced by abnormalities in the bearings. In this research, a framework will be presented using empirical wavelet transform (EWT) for fault detection and HI construction, combining with Bayesian inference approach for remaining useful life (RUL) estimation. The datasets are collected by conducting some accelerated life tests in RAMS laboratory. 

About Speaker: Bahareh Tajiani has a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Iran and a MSc in RAMS from NTNU. She started her work as a PhD candidate at RAMS group, MTP, NTNU in August 2019. Her PhD working title is mathematical modeling for remaining useful life (RUL) prediction of bearings which is an internal project at NTNU. 

Opponent: Ph.D. Tom Ivar Pedersen


Ph.D. Candidate Aibo Zhang

Title: Prognostics and health management of safety-instrumented systems: approaches of degradation modeling and decision-making

Abstract: Modern industries are developing towards a high-integrated direction with overwhelming complexities bringing benefits and potential risks with catastrophic consequences simultaneously. To reduce the occurrences of undesired events or mitigate their consequences, safety-instrumented systems (SISs), as a type of technical safety barrier, have been widely installed in different applications with the aim to protect people, the environment, and other valued assets. Many SISs operate in a demanded mode, meaning that they are only activated to perform safety functions while the unexpected occurs. For such systems, it is important to conduct proof tests for checking system states and following-up maintenance in case of failures, to keep SISs highly available so as to ensure safety. In current studies, these activities are assumed following a predefined scheme with fixed intervals, independent from the actual system state. However, when more SIS state information can be collected by sensors and in manual tests, the prognostics and health management (PHM) strategy is expected to be more reasonable and cost-efficient.

This PhD project thus aims to explore a new approach to evolve the SISs management from time-based to performance-based taking the technological advancement in data collection. The thesis bridges SISs performance assessment and degradation process through addressing different influence factors in the operational phase, including aging, and impact of demands, etc, for the decision-making in PHM. The practical utility of the thesis resides in the provision of a comprehensive consideration of the time- and event-dependencies of SIS performance, as well as safety and economic meanings of testing and maintenance activities. In particular, the first is to provide hints of system deterioration and relevant health management to reliability analysts when they evaluate SIS design. The second is for operational managers of SISs as the decision-makers, to help them to update testing and maintenance plans and identify the optimal intervention opportunities.

About Speaker: Aibo Zhang is a Ph.D. candidate at RAMS group, MTP, NTNU, with main supervisor of Yiliu Liu and co-supervisor Anne Cecile Barros. He will have his defence on Feb. 10th.



Xingheng Liu

Title: Remaining useful life prediction for subsea choke valves: degradation mechanism and candidate models

Abstract: Subsea systems are prone to degradations and failures since they are located in a harsh environment. Due to the inaccessibility, field inspections and maintenance on subsea systems are generally complex, expensive, and cannot be carried out without a certain delay. Thus, predicting the systems' remaining useful lifetime (RUL) bears a recognized value in industrial facilities' safety and economic aspects.

In this presentation, we address RUL prediction for subsea choke valves, which are used to control the flow rate of liquid and gas mixtures and prevent the equipment from unusual pressure fluctuations. After introducing the degradation mechanism, we shall present the health indicator, the needed data, and some candidate models. Finally, an example of a primitive prototype will be demonstrated.

About Speaker: Xingheng Liu is a postdoctoral fellow at RAMS group, MTP, NTNU. His research topic is Prediction and optimization of remaining useful lifetime, which is a part of SUBPRO project. He completed his cotutelle Ph.D. in ROSAS (department of Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Simulation) at the University of Technology of Troyes (fr) and in RAMS at NTNU and earned his Master's and Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at UTT.

Program 2020 Autumn




No more meetings until January due to the holiday season



Shen Yin

Please welcome our new Professor Shen Yin. Prof. Shen Yin - Self Introduction

About Speaker: Shen Yin received the B.E. degree in Automation from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, and the M.Sc. degree in Control and Information Systems and the PhD. (Dr.-Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the University of Duisburg–Essen, Germany.
Dr. Yin prompted to Full Professor from December 2014 at Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He joined Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU, as DNV-GL Professor from October 2020. His research interests include safety, reliability of complicated systems, system and control theory, data-driven and machine learning approaches, applications in large-scale systems and industrial cyber-physical systems.


Ph.D. Candidate

Tom Iva Pedersen

Title: Model for implementation of predictive maintenance in an Industry 4.0 context (in the offshore oil and gas industry)

Abstract: It is now almost ten tears since the concept of Industry 4.0 first was introduced. The basic premise of Industry 4.0 it that the instruction of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing in the manufacturing sectors will lead to a fourth industrial revolution. Most of the literature so far has focused on technological aspects. But for companies to be able to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0 there is also a need for models and frameworks on how this concept can be implemented from a managerial perspective. This paper focus on maintenance and predictive maintenance is often one of the first practical applications of Industry 4.0 to be mentioned. While many claims have been made on the potential improvements related to maintenance that can be achieved from implementing Industry 4.0, there have so far been limited empirical evidence to support these claims. There are signs that industry actors are struggling to understand the Industry 4.0 concepts, and that predictive maintenance is difficult to implement in practice. To help guide industry in the implementation of Industry 4.0 in maintenance this paper proposes a framework for how this can be done. The model focus on the underlying principle of Industry 4.0: system integration and using real-time data to take faster and better decisions and use principles from systems engineering, lean and TPM.

Opponents: Ph.D. candidateJon Martin Fordal, Endre Sølvsberg


Ph.D. Candidate

Ewa Maria Laskowska

Title: Predictive Maintenance

06.11.20201 new Postdoc and 5 new PhDs

Title:New Ph.D. candidate and postdoctoral fellow self-introduction

Xingheng Liu (postdoctoral fellow)

Malik Mohsin Abbas

Tianqi Sun

Endre Sølvsberg

Yixin Zhao

Muhammad Gibran Alfarizi


Program 2018 Spring





No more meetings until September due to the holiday season


Closing social event

Thanks for your participation and support for the RAMS Seminars. We warmly welcome you to the closing social event at 11.00 AM, this Friday (15th June), at VG 11, Valgrinda.

We will server:

1) A funny Quiz and the winner will receive a gift;

2) Free talks with the RAMS students, professors, and others; 

3) Pizza, cakes, drinks, coffee, and snacks…..(smile) 

All are welcome!


Associate Professor

Cecilia Haskins

Title: Systems Engineering in 45 minutes Systems engineering-for-RAMS-group.pdf


A brief overview of the important aspects of systems engineering.

About speaker:

Cecilia had a career of 35 years as a practicing systems engineer before she began teaching the subject here in Norway. She holds a certification as an Expert Systems Engineering Professional. After earning her PhD in Systems Engineering at NTNU, she has been teaching systems engineering and systems thinking here in the department since 2010.


Himanshu Srivastav, Lin Xie, Aibo Zhang, Yun Zhang

Title: Presentations for ESREL


1) Optimization of Periodic Inspection time of SIS subject to a regular Proof Testing Himanshu.pdf

Speaker: Himanshu Srivastav

Description: SIS is a generally passive system which is activated when the demand arises. Since they are the passive system they are not continuously monitored. Hence, periodic proof testing is arranged to check the availability of the SIS. With some systems, proof testing may damage the system and might cause deterioration. This is termed as the negative effect of testing. In this talk, we will discuss how the negative effect of proof testing can be modeled using multiphase Markov process. 

Opponents: Visit PhD Xiaopeng Li

2) Common Cause Failures and Cascading Failures in Technical Systems Lin Xie.pdf

Speaker: Lin Xie

Description: Dependent failures, such as common cause failures and cascading failures, are becoming important concerns to the system reliability. Both failure types may lead to the unavailability of multiple components at the same time or within a short time interval. Although many researchers have studied common cause failures and cascading failures respectively, there is a little comparison of the two concepts. We investigate the similarities and differences of these two failure groups, with focus on the conditions and nature of initiations and propagation of such failures. Moreover, a comparison is also made about suitable barrier strategies that can either prevent or reduce the consequences of failure.

Opponents: Prof. Anne Barros


3) PHM for safety barriers in infrastructures: opportunities and challenges Aibo Zhang.pdf

Speaker: Aibo Zhang

Description: Different types of safety barriers are deployed in many infrastructures to reduce the occurrences of hazards, but the capacity of these barriers can be weakened by degradations or the failures related to changes over time. It is natural to adopt the approaches of prognostic and health management (PHM) to monitor the conditions and measurable parameters of safety barriers and predict their future performance by assessing the extent of degradations. This study aims to explore the uniqueness and possible challenges when implementing PHM on safety barriers due to the operational characteristics of barriers.

Opponents: Prof. Mary Ann Lundteigen


4) Modeling methodology and patterns for the monitored system Yun.pdf

Speaker: Yun Zhang

Description: Huge rotary machines are commonly used in oil and gas processing plants for separation, compression, and boost. Their reliability is of high importance to avoid operation downtime and production loss. In this paper, a modeling methodology is presented, based on the AltaRica 3.0 modeling language and stochastic simulation, to assess the average production level of a compressor drive system. This system consists of six trains, where each of them contributes to one-sixth of the total production capacity. It runs under two operation modes (full and reduced capacity) corresponding to seasonal demand periods (winter and summer). The problem at stake is to design a model at system level that captures the various degradation processes, monitoring policies, and maintenance rules involved in the system under study. The aging of units is represented by means of multiple degradation levels. Given units information provided by monitoring and inspection, preventive and corrective maintenance interventions are decided locally to each unit. Performance indicators such as the cumulative production and production loss over a certain mission time can then be assessed. 

Opponents: Prof. Jørn Vatn, Ph.D. candidate Juntao Zhang




Assoc. Prof.

Viggo Gabriel Borg Pedersen

Title: Monitoring data quality – Demonstration of vibration measurements Condition Monitoring data collection.pdf and Vibration.pdf


The quality of condition monitoring data affects remaining useful life prognosis based on the monitoring data. The whole measurement chain has to be customized in such a way that relevant data of the right quality is collected for analysis purposes.  Choosing the right sensor for the job and installing it correctly at the optimal position require knowledge of the process and unit being monitored. Conversion and transmission of sensor data is another source of error in data acquisition systems. The presentation will highlight and discuss some issues related to the above-mentioned challenges. Demonstration of gathering vibration data on two live test rig's is part of the presentation. The rigs of the type rotational equipment are mounted in the lecture room.

About speaker:

Assistant Professor teaching operation & maintenance and design of piping systems at bachelor level the last five years. 10 years’ work experience in construction, operation, and maintenance of offshore installations & ships. 9 of these as an engineer in different positions. 9 years’ work experience related to hydropower, operation, and maintenance, laboratory management in different engineering positions. MSc – Marine Technology, marine machinery; MA – Project management; BSc –mechanical engineering

Other relevant materials can be found here: accident analysis.pdf, the fight for the right to repair.pdf and Vibration analysis.pdf


Juntao Zhang








Jon Martin Fordal

Title: Adapting Systematic Theoretic Process Analysis for Reliability Analysis Juntao Zhang_RAMS seminar_04.05.pdf


The rather recent method named System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) is one promising candidate to improve the coverage of hazard identification in complex systems that involve highly coupled parts, non-linear interactions, and software-intensive functionalities. Still, there is no guideline for utilizing STPA output to evaluate the potential of loss, which is important for a basis for decision-making about system configuration and equipment selection. The focus of this article is placing on the interface between STPA and reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) modeling. The approach named STPA-RAM modeling is proposed to translate feedback control loops into Petri-nets for discrete event simulation. The proposed approach is demonstrated with a simple case related to the subsea design concept. It has been found that the new proposed approach extends the application of STPA, while also improving, and as such reducing completeness uncertainty and model uncertainty, associated with input data and information for RAM modeling. 

About speaker:

Juntao Zhang is a PhD candidate in RAMS group, in related to research center SUBPRO. PhD topic is incorporating reliability and availability analysis in the early design phase of subsea systems. He is under the main supervision of Prof. Mary Ann Lundteigen in RAMS group. He has a Master degree from RAMS program, NTNU.

Opponents: Prof. Cecilia Haskins, PhD candidate Shenae Lee


Title:  New Ph.D. Candidate Self-introduction Self_introduction_Fordal.pdf

Abstract: Self-introduction of Jon Martin Fordal – background & and next steps 

About speaker:

Jon Martin Fordal comes from Stjørdal and has a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, master of science in industrial engineering, and has worked as a maintenance engineer in Elkem ASA. 1stofmarch he started as a PhD candidate, and will be working on the research project “CPS Plant”. The project will develop a framework for the Norwegian approach for the digital manufacturing industry. The consortium consists of 3 Norwegian industry partners, Norsk Hydro, Benteler Automotive and Hycast, and SINTEF Digital and NTNU (Trondheim and Gjovik) are the academic partners. SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing is the project leader.


Assoc. Prof.

Astrid S. de Wijn

Title: Criticality in Dynamic Arrest: Correspondence between Glasses and Traffic RAMS_Astrid.pdf


The dynamic arrest is a general phenomenon across a wide range of dynamic systems including glasses, traffic flow, and dynamics in cells, but the universality of dynamic arrest phenomena remains unclear.  We connect the emergence of traffic jams in a simple traffic flow model directly to the dynamic slowing down in kinetically constrained models for glasses.  Using the Nagel-Schreckenberg model to simulate traffic flow, we show that the emergence of jammed traffic acquires the signature of a sharp transition in the limit corresponding to overcautious driving. We identify a true dynamic critical point marking the onset of coexistence between free-flowing and jammed traffic and demonstrate its analogy to kinetically constrained glass models. We find diverging correlations analogous to those at a critical point of thermodynamic phase transitions.

About speaker:

Associate Professor at Department of MTP at NTNU and also attached to the department of Physics Stockholm University. Her interest focus on statistical mechanics, tribology, condensed matter, nonlinear dynamics, surface science. More detail please check:


Shenae Lee


Title: Application of Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNS) for process plant Shenae RAMS seminar.pdf


This study is about risk analysis of process plants where main accidents continue to occur. Conventional risk analysis method has the limitation of having a static structure, while another challenge is difficult to aggregate operational data from different sources. To focus on these limitations, the paper suggests an approach based on Bayesian networks (BNs), and it is illustrated by a case study of a pressure relief valve in an Ammonia plant. The approach seems to be suitable for updating frequency of accident scenarios when new risk information is collected during the operational phase.  

About speaker:

Shenae Lee is a Ph.D. student in RAMS group. The topic for her PhD is a dynamic risk analysis of major accident hazards in process facility operations to support safety-critical decisions. She is under the main supervision of Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri in RAMS group. She has a Master’s from the international RAMS program, NTNU. 

Opponents: Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Kongsberg Digital AS, Norway; Juntao Zhang, RAMS group

16.03.2018Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Title: Reliability Analysis of Looped Systems


It is well widely assumed (and true) that reliability block diagrams are equivalent to fault trees, although this equivalence is formally established in no textbook. A reliability block diagram can be seen as an oriented graph: blocks are represented by nodes and connections between blocks by edges of the graph. This graph is oriented, contains no loop (is acyclic), has a unique source node s and a unique target node t. The system described by the reliability block diagram works if and only if there is a working s-t path in the graph, an i.e. s-t path along which all nodes are working (only nodes can fail, edges are assumed to be perfectly reliable). An interesting question is: what does happen if we accept loops, i.e. if we consider reliability networks rather than reliability block diagrams? Assessing the reliability of networks is indeed of practical importance as most infrastructures can be seen as networks. Nevertheless, reliability networks are only seldom used as a modeling tool. In this seminar, the main mathematical results explaining why it is so and present several algorithms to solve the problem will be recalled.

About speaker:

Antoine B. Rauzy has currently a full professor position at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway). He is also the head of the chair Blériot-Fabre, sponsored by the group SAFRAN, at Centrale Supélec (Paris, France). During his career, he moved back and forth from academia to industry, being notably senior researcher at French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), associate professor at Universities of Bordeaux and Marseille, professor at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Centrale Paris, CEO of the start-up company ARBoost Technologies he founded, and director of the R&D department on Systems Engineering at Dassault Systemes (largest French software editor). He gothisPhDin1989 and his tenure (habilitation àdirigerdes Recherches) in 1996, both in computer science. He works in the reliability engineering field for more than 20 years. He extended his research topics to systems engineering more recently. He published over 150 articles in international conferences and journals. He is on the advisory boards of several international conferences and journals and is regularly invited to deliver keynote talks at international conferences. He renewed mathematical foundations and designed state-of-the-art algorithms for probabilistic safety/risk assessment. Alone or with his students and collaborators, he developed safety/risk assessment software that is daily used in industry (Aralia, XFTA, MarkXPR). He is also the main designer of the AltaRica modeling language and the scientific advisor of the Open-AltaRica project (IRT SystemX). He managed numerous collaborations between academia and industry, in Europe, in the USA and in Japan, and has been the adviser of fifteen PhD theses.



Anne Barros

Title: On the Use of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes in Reliability and Maintenance PDMP_Anne Barros.pdf


Piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMP) are widely used in dynamic reliability to model phenomena which are considered as deterministic most of the time (e.g. evolution of the fluid level in a tank) and which are influenced from time to time by stochastic events (e.g. failures in the control loop for the fluid level). Usually, a PDMP is made of a set of differential equations (deterministic part) whose solutions can experience random “jumps” (effect of stochastic events).

We present here a very specific type of PDMP: the deterministic part is reduced to a set of trivial differential equations whose solutions will be used to measure the time elapsed since the last stochastic events.  Hence, the deterministic part is not related to any physical phenomena but is an artifact to model stochastic behaviors that require a combination of discrete random “jumps” and continuous variables to count time. We will discuss how such PDMP can be used to study maintained systems with several units. Stochastic jumps will model failure, repair, detection times while the continuous variables will model deterministic repair durations or delays, the time between inspections, time spent in different states of interest (especially in case of Weibull lifetime or repair time). We will try to explore how such a formalism can help for the modeling work, and when an explicit numerical scheme can be easily developed to calculate the quantities of interest (MDT, Availability, Reliability, Mean number of repairs...).

About speaker:

Anne Barros is a professor at NTNU in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Her research activity is focused on the use of stochastic processes in Reliability and Maintenance.

Career: Master's degree in Systems Control from the University of Technology of Compiegne UTC (France), 2000, Master of Engineering in Industrial System from the University of Technology of Troyes UTT (France), 2000 and PhD (dr. philos) in Optimisation and System Safety from UTT, 2003. Associate Professor of Reliability and Maintenance engineering at UTT (2003-2011). Professor of Reliability and Maintenance engineering at UTT (2011-2014). Professor of Subsea Reliability at Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology NTNU (professorship founded by DNV-GL, 2014-).




Harald Rødseth

Title: Risk-based maintenance backlog Maintenance backlog _Harald.pdf


TBAA relevant issue in manufacturing and production seems to be “silo”- organizations and “silo”-planning with lack of coordination between departments. Integrated Planning (IPL) is a concept that aims to cope with this “silo”-problem. With the ground-breaking potentials from Industry 4.0, it should be expected that the advancement of IPL will speed up in development and implementation in companies. To manage IPL sound key performance indicators (KPIs) must be implemented and established by the company. A promising indicator for IPL is maintenance backlog (MB). A strength of this indicator is the capability to be modeled with Risk OMT (Risk modeling – Integration of Organisational, human and Technical factors). It remains to investigate how MB can be modeled to a Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA). The main objective of this article is to develop a model of MB in QRA. In particular, the article demonstrates a case study of a production system where both fault tree analysis (FTA), and event tree analysis (ETA) is modeled. The article discusses

the demonstration results and evaluates how potentials in Industry 4.0 can support QRA.

About speaker: Harald Rødseth, Postdoctoral fellow, MTP, NTNU.

Opponents: Prof. Jørn Vatn & Ph.D. candidate Yun Zhang


HyungJu Kim

Title: Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) for subsea systemsSTPA to Subsea_HyungJun Kim.pdf

Instruction RAMS seminar.pdf


Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) is a recently developed hazard identification technique that is based on control and systems theory. Previous studies on STPA emphasizes two major strengths of the method: (1) STPA provides a systematic top-down approach that enables early identification of system flaws, and (2) STPA covers a wider scope of hazards compared to traditional methods. Despite these advantages, there are only a limited number of studies that have applied the method to subsea systems. It is therefore of interest to investigate how STPA can be used to formulate new or verify existing requirements for safety-critical systems for subsea facilities. 

The contents of the presentation are 1) Introduction to STPA; 2) Ongoing STPA studies in RAMS group; 3) STPA to subsea gas compression system - ESREL 2018 conference; 4) STPAtoisolationofsubsea wells - OTC 2018 conference

About speaker:

Hyungju Kim is a postdoctoral fellow at RAMS group, MTP, NTNU. His research topic is new control and safety philosophies of subsea systems, which is a part of SFISUBPRO project. He completed his Ph.D. in RAMS at NTNU and earned his Master's and Bachelor's degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Seoul National University. Before he started his Ph.D. at NTNU, he worked for Samsung Heavy Industries for seven years, as a naval architect. 


Wenyan Song

Title: Data-driven fuzzy modeling method and its application Data driven_Wenyan.pdf


Fuzzy modeling method is an effective computation intelligence technology that can handle data information and human knowledge. Now it has been widely applied in system modeling, decision system design and data analysis. In this talk, we will introduce some basic concepts about fuzzy set theory and a few examples of fuzzy modeling method combined with other machine learning algorithms. Besides, we also introduce some application cases about fuzzy modeling.


Dr. Wenyan Song is an associated professor in School of Economic, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics University in China. She has research interests in machine-learning, and she works more in applying the technique to industrial process and financial market.


Behnaz Hosseinnia

Xiaopeng Li

Title: New Ph.D. Candidate Self-introduction

Speaker: Behnaz Hosseinnia Self intorduction_Behnaz.pdf

Abstract: Introduce herself and talk about her previous research project at Safety and Security Science group at TU Delft, the Netherlands. She will also give a brief introduction of her PhD research topic at RAMS group.

About Speaker: New PhD student within RAMS group. She received her master degree in chemical engineering (minor: HSE) and did her undergraduate studies in Safety and Technical Protection Engineering in Petroleum University of Technology (Iran) with the first rank honor. In her M.Sc. thesis she has studied the application of fire and explosion modeling, failure probability analysis and quantitative risk-based decision making in petroleum pipelines emergency response planning. Besides the academic experience, two internships with National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and four-year work with engineering consultancies have enabled her to combine the technical knowledge with hands-on experience in risk analysis, process safety and accidents consequence modeling. From 2016, she worked as a researcher at the Safety and Security Science group in TU Delft, the Netherlands. Her research project was funded by LDE (Leiden. Delft. Erasmus) Centre for Safety and Security and focused on developing an effective decision-making tool for multi-plant emergency response planning against terrorist attacks in the chemical industrial areas.

Speaker: Xiaopeng Li ( Exchange Ph.D. candidate) Self-introduction_Xiaopeng Li.pdf

About Speaker: He is from College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China. He will introduce himself and his previous research works on warranty management in Tianjin University and his research plan in NTNU.

Program 2017 Autumn





No more meetings until January due to the holiday season




Liu Yang








Closing social event

Title: An Algebraic foundation of combinatorial reliability models (Finite Degradation Structures - Liu Yang.pdf)


The combinatorial models, including fault trees and reliability block diagrams, are basic models in reliability analysis, in which components are traditionally assumed to be either working or failed (i.e. Boolean cases), and then to be composed using the logic connectives (and, or, …) to represent the failure mechanism of the system. In our work, the mathematical foundation of these models is extended from the Boolean algebra to a more generalized algebraic structure, which we call the “Finite Degradation Structure” that allows a component to have more than two states (working, degraded, failed1, failed2, …) but still be combinatorial. This presentation will start with a formal introduction of the Combinatorial Degradation Structure, including some basic concepts and the extended minimal cut sets and importance measurements. Then, a couple of examples will be given to show how it works for reliability analysis.

About speaker:

Liu Yang, Ph.D.student of RAMS group, MTP, NTNU.


Pizza or cake (smile)





ROSS Gemini Seminar

ROSS Gemini Seminar(RAMS)


  • Safety philosophy in subsea systems (SFI SUBPRO) (Hyung Ju Kim)
  • Risk Management – Oil and gas processing (Marta Bucelli)
  • Maintenance optimization – Structures (Renny Arismendi)
  • Model engineering (Liu Yang)



Pierluigi Salvo Rossi

(Principal Engineer, Kongsberg Digital AS)

Title: Machine Learning & Industry 4.0 (Kongsberg Digital presentatio_DDL.pdf)


Artificial intelligence, big data, internet of things, machine learning, sensor networks are popular terms which currently pervade almost every human activity. A crucial field which contributes significantly to their success is the industrial setting, where the marriage between information technology and process technology is denoted Industry 4.0.

This talk will start with introducing the driving elements which contributed to the large popularity of machine learning in the industrial setting and then focus on the significant role that such knowledge plays within the Kongsberg Group. Activities, where Kongsberg Digital is developing machine-learning tools, are presented and special emphasis is given to the projects in collaboration with NTNU.

About speaker:

Pierluigi Salvo Rossiwas born in Naples, Italy, 1977. He received the Dr.Eng. degree in telecommunications engineering (summa cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, both from the University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. From 2005 to 2008, he worked as a postdoc at the Dept. Computer Science & Systems, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy, at the Dept. Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Aversa (CE), Italy, and at the Dept. Electronics & Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. From 2008 to 2014, he was an Assistant Professor (tenured in 2011) in telecommunications at the Dept. Industrial & Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Aversa (CE), Italy. From 2014 to 2016, he was an Associate Professor in signal processing with the Dept. Electronics & Telecommunications, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. From 2016 to 2017 he was a Full Professor in signal processing with the Dept. Electronic Systems, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Since 2017 he is a Principal Engineer with the Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Team, Kongsberg Digital AS, Norway. He held visiting appointments at the Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, US, at the Dept. Electrical & Information Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, at the Dept. Electronics & Telecommunications, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, and at the Excellence Center for Wireless Sensor Networks (WISENET), Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

He is an IEEE Senior Member and serves as Senior Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters (since 2016) and Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (since 2015). He was Associate Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters (from 2012 to 2016). His research interests fall within the areas of communications and signal processing.


Prof. Baruch Barzel

(Bar-Ilan University)

Title: Dynamic Resilience of Complex Networks (PresentationBarzel.pdf)


Resilience, a system’s ability to retain functionality under errors, failures and environmental perturbation, is a defining property of many complex systems. Yet, despite its widespread consequences for human health, the economy and the environment, events leading to loss of resilience - from cascading failures in technological systems to mass extinctions in ecological networks - are rarely predictable and are often irreversible. This lacuna is rooted in a deep theoretical gap: the current analytical framework of resilience is designed to treat low-dimensional models with a few interacting components, overlooking the complex multi-dimensional nature of most real social, biological and technological systems. How then do we predict and influence the resilience of a complex networked system? To achieve this we will expose the natural control parameters of network resilience, providing us with a universal framework to understand, predict and ultimately influence the resilience of complex networks.  Along the way, we will also learn why your friends have more friends than you do...

 For more details see ''Universal resilience patterns in complex networks'', Nature 530, 307–312 (2016).

About speaker:

Baruch Barzel is an Israeli physicist and applied mathematician at Bar-Ilan University. His main research areas are statistical physics, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics and network science. Barzel completed his Ph.D. in physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel as a Hoffman Fellow. He then pursued his postdoctoral training at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University and at the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Barzel's research focuses on the dynamic behavior of complex networks, uncovering universal principles that govern the dynamics of diverse systems, such as disease spreading, gene regulatory networks, protein interactions or population dynamics(Ref.

You can find more information at


Lin Xie

Aibo Zhang

Title: New Ph.D. candidate self-introduction

Self introduction_Lin.pdf

Self introduction_Aibo.pdf


ROSS Gemini Seminar

ROSS Gemini Seminar(SHE)

This first seminar is held by Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) section, at meeting room F5(("Gamlefysikk, 2.etasje"), kl14.00-16.00. The seminar will include short presentations on topics from ongoing activities in the group, and may this time include arctic safety, safety in fish farm industry, maritime management and accident in building and construction sector.


Renny Arismendi



Title: New Ph.D. candidate self-introduction



Program 2017 spring

The venue is VG11 in basement at NTNU-Valgrinda. 




No meeting this week.

27.01.2017Prof. Anne Barros

Title: Modelling degradations, condition based maintenance and imperfect tests for Safety Instrumented System (PresentationESRELSeminarRAMS.pdf)

Classical analytical models developed to quantify the availability of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are currently based on the assumption of exponential lifetime distributions for all the units they are made of (1). The aim of the present work is to show how some stochastic modeling framework based on renewal processes, virtual age and multiphase Markov processes can be used to generalize existing analytical tools. The main goal is to include other lifetime laws than the exponential one (e.g. Weibull law or lifetime based on discrete state degradation process) and to model the possible effects of tests and condition-based maintenance.

The presentation this Friday will focus on a preliminary discussion about Weibull law versus Exponential law. 

(1) M. Rausand, Reliability of Safety Critical Systems, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ. 2014

03.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
10.02.2017Prof. Anne Barros

Anne would continue with her talk of the previous seminar with focus on:

  •  the ageing model
  •  the numerical results and their interpretation
17.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
24.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.

Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Yun Zhang

Yun and Antoine will together give a presentation about modelling of a system with AltaRica. A use case of simplied HIPPS is investigated. (rams seminar 03.03.pdf)

•The problem is mainly about
how to design a maintenance model step by step to help assessing condition monitoring and optimization of maintenance policies given the description of constraints
•But it could also be relevant for problems like
how to analyze production of the system
how to do risk analysis at the system level etc.…

Shenae Lee

Shenae will present her ESREL paper 2017 (June 18-22) and she would like to use this seminar to collect some comments.

Title: Modelling hazardous events for decision support (15min) (Shenae_ESREL2017_RAMS seminar.pdf)


Prof. Marvin Rausand 

Title: A historical perspective on the development of the RAMS group at NTNU. (RAMS-history.pdf)

24.03.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
31.03.2017Prof. Gerd Kjølle

Gerd Kjølle is going to make a presentation about reliability of power systems and give some examples of topics and projects she is working with in this field, including the new centre for environment-friendly research CINELDI. (RAMS group seminar_Reliability of power systems_2017-03-31_v2.pdf)

She is Master of science (sivilingeniør) in electric power engineering, NTH 1984. PhD (doctor ingeniør) in electric power engineering, NTNU 1996. Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Teaching, NTH 1986.

Gerd Kjølle's main position is at SINTEF Energy Research, Department of Energy Systems as Chief Scientist. She is centre director at Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution - CINELDI.

Responsible for the PhD course ET8207 Power system reliability. For more information, please refer to

07.04.2017Marta Bucelli

Marta is going to present her paper and collect some comments. 

The paper is titled: Domino effect triggered by fire: performance assessment of safety barriers in harsh environmental conditions

It will be presented in HAZARDS27 conference in May. 

14.04.2017CancelledNo meeting this week due to easter holiday.
21.04.2017Lei JiangPlease welcome the introduction of a visiting scholar Lei Jiang in the RAMS group.

He is from Department of Railway Information Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, (SWJTU), China. He will introduce himself, the Traffic Information Engineering and Control in SWJTU and the RAMS application in railway signaling system (approx.30 min).

Topic: RAMS application in High-speed Railway signaling system (presentation.pdf)

His research interests include reliability assesssment, risk analysis of high-speed railway signaling System.


There is no RAMS seminar this Friday. Instead, you can attend the guest lecture given by Professor Ali Mosleh on Thursday. See forwarded message below.

Professor Ali Mosleh will give a guest lecture about Risk and Reliability Analysis: Promise, Reality, and Future.

Dr. Ali Mosleh is a Distinguished Professor and holder of the Evelyn Knight Chair in Engineering at the University of California in Los Angeles. He was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering in 2010, and consultant and technical advisor to numerous national and international organizations, including appointment by President George W. Bush to the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, a position he continued to serve in the administration of President Obama. Professor Mosleh is an Adjunct Professor and International Chair at Department of Marine Technology.

Date and time for guest lecture: Thursday April 27th at 1215-13. 

Location: T1 at Marine Technology Center, Tyholt.



Abu Md Ariful Islam

This week, Ariful, the RAMS student is going to share with us his master project and preferably get some feedbacks.

Topic: Rotary machine prognostics based on Gamma process (Seminar_Ariful.pdf)

The presentation lasts for 20-25 min.

12.05.2017Prof. Stein HaugenTitile: MIRMAP – Modelling Instantaneous Risk for Major Accident Prevention (MIRMAP RAMS Seminar May 2017.pdf)
19.05.2017Markus Heimdal

This week we continue with presentation from our RAMS students. Markus is going to share with us his master project and preferably get some feedbacks.

Topic: Remaining useful lifetime modeling for motor insulation (Model presentation RAMS seminar mai 2017.pdf)

 The presentation lasts for 20-25 min.

26.05.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
02.06.2017Giusi Ancione

Giusi Ancione, postdoctoral researcher from the university of Messina (Italy), is visiting here for 2 months.

She would like to give a presentation entitled: A tool for cranes to manage risk due to release of hazardous materials (Ancione 02_June_2017.pdf)

09.06.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.

Program 2016 autumn

The venue is VG11 in basement at NTNU-Valgrinda. 




Shinae Lee

Prof. Jinyong Yao

Please welcome new PhD-student Shinae Lee to our group. Shinae is a former student in international RAMS master program. She will introduce herself (approx. 10 min).

Besides, this academic year we have a new visiting scholar: Professor Jinyong Yao from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University), China. He will introduce himself, the institute of Reliability and System Engineering of Beihang and its curriculum (approx.35 min). Do not hesitate to meet him up. Prof. Yao is very happy to talk with any of us.

We will also agree on the dates and content for the seminars this autumn.



Marta Bucelli 

Shengnan Wu

HyungJu Kim


Please welcome a new exchange PhD student Marta Bucelli (from Italy) to our group. She will introduce herself (approx.10 min)

In addition, one PostDoc and three of the PhD candidates in our group are going to present in PSAM / ESREL 2016. We may use two seminars to go through their topics and preferably collect some comments on the slides.

- Shengnan Wu: Reliability assessment for subsea HIPPS valves with partial stroke testing (ESREL presentation shengnan wu.pdf)

- HyungJu Kim: A Gap Analysis for Subsea Control and Safety Philosophies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (PSAM13 Kim - 20160916.pdf)

Finally, we should discuss the list of candidate topics that professors can present for the following scientific seminars. 


Mario Marcondes Machado

Yun Zhang

Juntao Zhang

Mario is going to leave us in October. Before he leaves, he will present an overview of his research works done here and share with us his experiences living in Norway. (RAMS Seminar 23_09_2016 MARIO.pdf)

Continue trial presentations for ESREL 2016.

- Yun Zhang: Assessment of a condition-based maintenance policy for Subsea systems: A preliminary study (ESREL2016_Yun.pdf)

- Juntao Zhang: Using Bayesian Networks to quantify the reliability of a subsea system in the early design (Juntao zhang ESREL16 presentation.pdf)

30.09.2016ESREL 2016No meeting this week.
14.10.2016CancelledDue to close of schools and kindergardens, many parents would stay at home this day. So the seminar is cancelled this week.
21.10.2016Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Topic: Reliability Assessment of Complex Systems (Rauzy2016 - ESREL Keynote Tutorial.pdf)

This keynote presentation received good feedbacks at ESREL 2016, and Professor Antoine Rauzy would like to share with us the updated version at RAMS seminar.The whole presentation may be separated into several sessions through this semester.

This tutorial aims to present some important results and current challenges of reliability assessment of complex systems. The presentation focuses on issues related to models, modelling formalisms and assessment algorithms. It sketches a research and development program for the reliability engineering community.

This week the 1st part "The reliability assessment process" is presented.


No meeting this week.

04.11.2016Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Antoine will continue with his keynote presentation.

This week the 2nd part "Fundamental complexity results" is presented.

11.11.2016Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Antoine will continue with his keynote presentation.

The week the 3rd part "Model based system engineering" is presented.

18.11.2016Thor Myklebust

Thor Myklebust is going to give a scientific talk about RAMS in Railway sector, including assessment. The topic is delimited to signaling systems (mainly SIL4). (01 TM RAMS assessor_assessment CSM_NoBo_DeBo og ISA v03f40.pdf)

Thor Myklebust is currently the Research manager/Business developer in Functional Safety in SINTEF ICT Norway. He is a Cand. Scient. Physics year 1980-1986 from Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has experience in certification of products and systems since 1987. Myklebust has participated in several international committees since 1988. He is now a member of

    • safety (NEK/IEC 65),
    • IEC 61508 committee,
    • railway (NEK/CENELEC/TC 9) and
    • NB-rail (notified bodies) since 2007.

He is the chairman of NB-rail October 2014-October 2015. And he is the founder of SafeScrum.


Ass. Prof. Baoping Cai

Baoping Cai (City University of Hong Kong, China) will give a presentation about his research activities in the last decade.(NTNU-Our recent research.pdf)

He is the associate professor of China University of Petroleum and works as “Hong Kong Scholar” visiting researcher of City University of Hong Kong. He is the deputy director of experimental teaching center of mechanical engineering of China University of Petroleum, member of IEEE, and sensor member of Chinese mechanical engineering society. He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers, granted 35 China patents and 1 USA patent. He has published 3 monographs. In addition, he has finished 11 projects as PI, e.g. the national natural science foundation of China, the national high technology research and development program of China (863 Program) etc.

His research interests include reliability engineering, fault diagnosis, risk analysis, and Bayesian networks methodology and application. Currently, he is working on the Bayesian-network-based fault detection and diagnosis methodology and has developed two diagnosis systems for subsea blowout preventer and subsea Christmas tree system.



No meeting this week.
09.12.2016CancelledChristmas lunch.

Xiangfen Wang

Liu Yang

Please welcome Xiangfen Wang, a new visiting scholar from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University), China. She will introduce herself, the laboratory and her academic researches (20 min). Her current research focus is reliability evaluation for SRAM-based FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array).

Besides, we have a new PhD Liu Yang, who is the student of Professor Antoine Rauzy. She graduated from the Sino-French Engineering School of Beihang University (Beijing, China). Her master’s thesis is “New Calculation Models of the Failure Risk assessment of Aero-Engine rotor disk”, where she developed a new algorithm and improved the calculation efficiency from hours to seconds. Her research topic in NTNU will be “Fault Tree Synthesis”, which allows to reconstruct a fault tree by the given system and its minimal cut sets. She will introduce herself and the topic (20 min).


Program first half 2016

The venue is VG12 in basement at NTNU-Valgrinda. Exceptions are February 26th, March 4th,  March 11th and March 18th when we got the next door room VG11


We'll meet at 11:00 in VG12 to plan the seminars for this spring.


19.02.2016Shengnan Wu & Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri

Please welcome the introductions of visiting PhD-student in the RAMS group (main contact person: Yiliu Liu), and at same time also our new Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri.



04.03.2016Hyung-Ju Kim

Presentation of journal paper submitted for review.

"Enhanced Barrier Management by Learning from Accident Causation Theories"


Several accident causation theories have been developed to identify why major accidents occur and to prevent them from occurring (see e.g., Rosness et al., 2010). The objective of this article is to investigate relations among the theories and suggest an enhanced barrier management process utilising the learnings from each accident causation theory. By utilising the accident causation theories and the barrier and operational risk analysis (BORA) as a basis, this article suggests two additional stages to the barrier management process and six additional risk influencing factors (RIFs) in the barrier analysis, which can enhance barrier management process. The enhanced barrier management process may facilitate effective and efficient control of risks which can lead to major accidents, and thereby it may contribute to preventing major accidents in many different industries where barriers play an important role for controlling risks.


Geir-Ove Strand

Human factors in offshore drilling operations

Revisit of presentation on subject from late 2014. Finally, after years struggle navigating through many human factor domains we've managed to hopefully make a decent version that now has been submitted for puplication.



The main principle for risk control during offshore well activities is to always maintain two independent and tested well barriers towards any potential source of inflow. The short lifespan and dynamic nature of well drilling operations makes this a challenge. Experiences from several industry accidents the last decade reveal that two well barriers were not properly maintained by the drilling crew during the operation, and thus that well safety was compromised. Probabilistic risk assessments are viewed as key in managing risk of low probability and high consequence activities. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss performance influencing factors relevant to performing well probabilistic risk assessments. In this paper we revisit four historic well accidents in the last decade based on the statements made by drilling personnel that the human-machine interface is vital in providing the drilling crew with a necessary understanding of in-situ wellbore flowrates and pressures. Monitoring the flowrates and pressures in the well are the most important factors in well control from a well energy containment perspective. Three out of the accidents appeared in support for the importance of monitoring in-situ flowrates and pressures to maintain well control. However, one accident occurred in spite of state of the art technology for wellbore pressure- and flowrate monitoring. This blowout can to a larger extent be explained as a violation that stem from an over-confidence emerging from use of this new technology. The over-confidence allowed for breaching the safe envelope of best drilling practises.

01.04.2016Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Course on Systems Engineering (discussion)

Antoine would like to present a course on Systems Engineering he created for Ecole Centrale Paris. The course is an introduction to Systems Engineering, or more exactly to Systems Modelling. It is delivered to the whole promotion of first year students (which corresponds to third year of the university), i.e. 500 students, on the flipped classroom principle.

This seminar aims at launching a discussion on what could be done at NTNU in this direction.

29.04.2016Mario Marcondes Machado

"Maintenance Optimization Approaches for Condition Based Maintenance: a review and analysis"

Authors: Mario Marcondes Machado and Cecilia Haskins.

 To appear at the 26th INCOSE.

There will be cake++ since we also will celebrate som B-days (wink)


Ass. Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri.

Nicola will present the highlights from the book on dynamic risk assessments that is soon to be published.

Image Modified

ISBN: 9780128037652
ISBN-10: 0128037652
Audience: General 
Format: Paperback 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 250
Available: 1st September 2016
Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology 
Country of Publication: GB
Edition Number: 1
03.06.2016Visiting Prof. Jorge Siopa

This week from Wednesday to Friday we have a visiting professor in the office from an ERASMUS program: Jorge Siopa from Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal.

Prof. Siopa is in the process of 're-starting' his research activities again after many years of teaching.

Prof. Siopa will introduce himself, the Institute of Leira:, and present some of his ideas for future research within topics of "maintenance optimisation".

Please meet up. Prof. Siopa is very interested in any inputs from us on potential research topics (maintenance optimisation). 

10.06.2016Ass. Prof. Phuc Do Van
Ass. Prof. Phuc Do Van, University of Nancy, France will give a presentation entitled:
"Energy efficiency for condition-based maintenance decision-making”
Phuc Do is currently working as an associate professor at Lorraine University, Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN CNRS UMR 7039), France. He received his Ph.D. in Systems Optimisation and Dependability in 2008 from Troyes University of Technology (France) where he held an assistant professor position from 2009 to 2011. His research interests include stochastic modelling for the evaluation/prediction of key performance indicators (reliability, energy efficiency, …), maintenance optimization (condition-based maintenance, prognostics-based maintenance decision-making, opportunistic and dynamic grouping maintenance), reliability importance measures and their related applications. Phuc Do supervised 4 pre-doctoral thesis and 4 PhD candidates. He has published 13 journal articles in journals (Reliability Engineering & System Safety, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, European Journal of Operational Research; Journal of Risk and Reliability, etc) and over 30 conference articles in international conferences. He is co-chair of the MIMAR2016 Conference (the 9th international conference on modelling in industrial maintenance and reliability, London, July 2016).
17.06.2016Florence Petiet
Note that the seminar is re-scheduled to: 10:00-11:00.
Florence Petiet will give an introduction to Bayesian Networks and their use in Reliability, as well as an overview of her research activity.
Florence is currently PHD candidate at IFSTTAR, France ( and is visiting the RAMS group for 2 months.

IFSTTAR (1150 staff members) is The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks. 
IFSTTAR’s role is to carry out and commission, direct, lead and appraise research, development and innovation in the areas of urban engineering, civil engineering, and construction materials, natural hazards, the transportation of persons and goods, systems and means of transport and their safety, infrastructure, and investigate their uses and impacts from the technical, economic, social, health, energy, environmental and human points of view. This role is, in particular, focused on assisting its supervising ministries, other administrations and the organizations associated with them, local and regional authorities, European and international institutions, professional bodies, firms and users’ associations.
27.06.2016Postdoc Canh Hai Vu

Unfortunately, Canh Vu is leaving us next week. He has accepted a new job in Vietnam, and will start there in beginning of July. We therefore like to use this seminar to jointly say goodbye.

Before leaving us Canh will present an overview of his research in the SVV project

Since there is pizza served at 11:30, we will start seminar at 12:30.

Ice cream will be served. Please respond to this meeting request so that we know whether to buy 2, 3 or 10 liters of icecream.


No more meetings until August due to holiday season




Program second half 2015

DateWhoTopicWho's providing snack (cake, fruit, similar)?Alternate presenterAlternate topic 
26.08.2015Mario Marchondes Machado

Please welcome Mario, our newly arrived PhD visiting student from Petrobras (Brasil), who will introduce himself (10min).

Prof. Mary Ann Lundteigen  
26.08.2015Ji-Min Lu

RESS paper (15minutes) Reliability analysis of large phased-mission systems with repairable components based on success-state sampling.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 142, October 2015, Pages 123-133, Ji-Min Lu, Xiao-Yue Wu, Yiliu Liu, Mary Ann Lundteigen

"Jimmer'n" will also present some thoughts about his future research.

02.09.2015Sverre Kvalheim

ESREL paper 2015: CRM in offshore drilling (15min)

ESREL 2015_Sverre Kvalheim.pdf

Geir-Ove Strand  
02.09.2015Abraham Almaw Jigar

ESREL paper 2015: Availability allocation (15min)

A new availability allocation method-ESREL presentation.pdf

 Geir-Ove StrandESREL paper 2015 (revisited): BOP systems MPM reliability analysis; M05_051_Presentation.pptx
09.09.2015ESREL No meeting this week   
16.09.2015Ms./Mrs. Yun Zhang & Mr. Juntao Zhang.Please welcome the introductions of two new PhD-students in the RAMS group (SFI SUBPRO). Both are former international master students at NTNU.Xue Yang  
16.09.2015Postdoc Canh Hai Vu

ESREL paper 2015: Maintenance grouping (15min)


23.09.2015Prof. Genserik Reniers (TU Delft / University of Antwerp / KULeuven)

Presentation: "Cost-benefit assessment of safety measures”
Prof. Reniers is here to give a similar presentation at IO-conference 2015 (
This invitation has been organized by Nicola Paltrinieriat SINTEF. Many thanks to Nicola!

From Prof.dr. G.L.L.M.E. Genserik Reniers obtained a Master's degree in chemical engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and received his PhD in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp. He was appointed in a part-time capacity as a Full Professor at the Delft University of Technology, at the Safety and Security Science Group. At the University of Antwerp, he is a visiting/full professor lecturing amongst others in chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical process technology, and Technological Risk Management. He is also visiting professor Security Management at the Antwerp Management School, Risk Management at ITMMA, and Risk Analysis in a Postgraduate Disaster Management at VESTA. At the KULeuven campus of the HUB in Brussels he lectures as a professor, amongst others, in prevention management, advanced occupational health and safety management and chemical processes/unit operations. His main research interests concern the collaboration surrounding safety and security topics and socio-economic optimization within the chemical industry. He coordinates the Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security, unifying multi-disciplinary safety and security research at the University of Antwerp. He has extensive experience in leading research projects funded both by the Belgian government and the chemical industry.

Harald Rødseth  

Due to a lot of people absent today we will have to cancel this weeks meeting. As alternative this day we encourage you to go to Gløshaugen auditorium S4 at 08:15:

Liv Nielsen (HSE&Q Director in ENI Norge) will keep a guest lecture about the use of ALARP in offshore development projects:

Time: Wednesday 30.9 kl 0815-0930

Auditorium: S4 (Gløshaugen)

All are welcome!

07.10.2015Postdoc Canh Hai VuDiscussion of new idea about risk-based grouping maintenance.Abraham Almaw Jigar  
14.10.2015Hyung-Ju Kim

Presentation of published paper: Reliability analysis of the IMO regulation - Safe Return to Port

Hyung-Ju Kim 

Btw: Congrats to Hyung-Ju!

Hyung-Ju Kim, Stein Haugen & Ingrid Bouwer Utne


21.10.2015Prof. Mary Ann LundteigenPresentation of SFI SUBPRO (15-30min)   
26.10.2015Geir-Ove StrandNB! This is a Monday meet from ca. 12:00 onwards. Paper peer-review run as miniseminar: Scrutiny of state of quantitative human/org. risk influence modelling. New concept of human error mechanisms and discussion of applicability to probabilistic risk assessments of well drilling ops.   
28.10.2015Xue Yang

Presentation of draft paper: Risk Information for Operational Decision-Making in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry (15min).

Sverre Kvalheim will be opponent.

  Btw: Congrats to Xue on Classification of risk to support decision-making in hazardous processes!

Xue Yang & Stein Haugen


Postdoc Fares Innal

Note that this is Tuesday (Nov. 3rd), that time is 10:00 in the morning, and venue is VG13 (Valgrinda).

Fares will give a lecture on Monte-Carlo simulation for reliability analysis kept as part of Mary Ann’s course (TPK5170). He will address uncertainty propagation of analysis in detail, something we assume will be of interest for most of you. Many thanks to Fares for a comprehensive introduction to MC. Material; INNAL_Simulation_NTNU.pdf, INNAL_Excel files to MC simulation


Yun Zhang, Juntao Zhang & Mario Marcondes Machado.

Presentation of themselves and their work. Zhang & Zhang are fresh PhD candidates in SFI SUBPRO, and Mario is 1yr PhD exchange student from Petrobras and Brasil (down-stream process) working on maintenance optimisation with particular focus on condition monitoring.   

No meeting this week


No meeting this week

25.11.2015BERLINNo meeting this week.    

No meeting this week.

However, please note on Thursday and Friday that we have a visiting PhD student, Nan Zhang, who Anne is co-supervisor with Mitra Fouladirad from UTT. Nan Zhang is in her second year and is working on degradation modelling and prognostic. She has a background in applied mathematics. Welcome!

09.12.2015SUBPRO seminar
PHD seminar part of the SUBPRO project. The program is shown below. I think it can be of interest for us and can be a good replacement to our cancelled seminar.
Anne will go there with the SUBPRO members of the RAMS group. Please meet Anne's gang 13:30ish by the coffee machine for those other that would like to attend
Subject: SUBPRO PhD colloquium Wednesday 9 December
Dear SUBPRO team members

We remind you about the SUBPRO PhD Colloquium on Wednesday 9 December.

Place: Kjemiblokk V, 2nd floor, Room 201

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Pizza will be served.


·         Short introduction the area of System control (Sigurd Skogestad)

·         Project 3.7 Estimation of unmeasured process variables (PhD candidate Tamal Das)

·         Project 3.8 Control degrees of freedom for optimal operation and extending remaining useful life  (PhD candidate Adriaen Verheyleweghen)

·         Comments and informal discussions


We encourage SUBPRO people from all projects to participate, as the intention with these colloquia is to inspire collaboration across the projects.  


Jon Lippe

Project Coordinator, SUBPRO project

Subsea Production and Processing



16.12.2015Harald Rødseth

Improving maintenance by profit indicators


No more meetings in 2015 due to holiday season