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RAMS Seminars are open to all interested in the RAMS field and target professors, researchers, Ph.D. candidates, master students and postdocs at NTNU. It shall bring together researchers and students to have an academic exchange, share and discuss their research. The seminars take place every two weeks on Thursdays, from 11.00-12.00, VG 11 ( 1st floor), Valgrinda (NB: due to the corona situation, the seminars are on Teams for now).

The topics and speakers are shown in the table below. If you want to be on the list to present, please email:

NB: due to the corona situation, the seminars are on Teams for now

Program 2021 Spring



Ph.D. Candidate Aibo Zhang




Xingheng Liu

Title: Remaining useful life prediction for subsea choke valves: degradation mechanism and candidate models

Abstract:Subsea systems are prone to degradations and failures since they are located in a harsh environment. Due to the inaccessibility, field inspections and maintenance on subsea systems are generally complex, expensive, and cannot be carried out without a certain delay. Thus, predicting the systems' remaining useful lifetime (RUL) bears a recognized value in industrial facilities' safety and economic aspects.

In this presentation, we address RUL prediction for subsea choke valves, which are used to control the flow rate of liquid and gas mixtures and prevent the equipment from unusual pressure fluctuations. After introducing the degradation mechanism, we shall present the health indicator, the needed data, and some candidate models. Finally, an example of a primitive prototype will be demonstrated.

About Speaker: Xingheng Liu is a postdoctoral fellow at RAMS group, MTP, NTNU. His research topic is Prediction and optimization of remaining useful lifetime, which is a part of SUBPRO project. He completed his cotutelle Ph.D. in ROSAS (department of Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Simulation) at the University of Technology of Troyes (fr) and in RAMS at NTNU and earned his Master's and Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at UTT.
