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When compiling with catkin, your source files should be in ~/catkin ws/src/ and you run catkin make in the  ~/catkin ws/ folder.

Startup scripts






These files are used for starting the communication with the Startup Box and starting the correct sequence of modules based on the user input from the Startup Box.

This file initiates the communication with the startup box and parse the response. This should not need to be modified unless the startup box’ USB port number changes.

This file contains the correct starting sequences for all the sequences. Modify this to change a sequence or add a new one.

The shell scripts

The shell scripts have to be used to initiate the correct setup for ROS and catkin upon opening a new terminal to run the modules. If the correct source commands are not present in the shell scripts, the modules will fail to start:

source /opt/ros/kinetic.setup

source  ̃/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

If you follow the ROS tutorial these commands will have been added to run automatically upon opening a terminal, but for some reason it is not the case when a terminal is opened from a Python script. Hence these shell scripts are necessary.

Startup Box Files



