Picture tip:
- Portrait
- Neutral, no disturbing elements
- Be sporty/funny elsewhere
- Good enough resolution (min 200x200, max 400x400)
- Quadratic
- Contact details:
- Name
- Office Address: select both campus/place AND building AND room (office) number
- Work title (in both Norwegian and English)
- Department affiliations (minimum Institute, preferably also Faculty)
- Profile: Background and activities:
Describe your activities, responsibilities, projects, courses or background in as much detail as you would like. Great if you have some information in both Norwegian and English, if possible (these two pages does not need to be exactly the same).
- Publications
- Publications you register in Cristin will automatically be included on your profile page.
- The publication list will not be visible if you don't have publications listed in the Cristin database.
- You can control which publications are displayed on “Innsida”:
- https://innsida.ntnu.no/wiki/-/wiki/English/Add+publications+to+your+profile
- Employees at NTNU have the right, and are also obligated, to take holiday with pay, maximally 25 work days (30 work days if older than 60 years). The obligation applies regardless of the basis for holiday has been earned at NTNU or with another employer during the preceding calendar year. Everyone HAVE TO register holiday in Paga
- The deadline for planning your holiday for the whole year is 1st of May.
- The planning is done in Paga.
- This will be followed up by HR.