Versions Compared


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  1. Pick the first node, and run puppet with the rocky stein modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove
  3. Run neutron-db-manage upgrade --expand
  4. Rocky will upgrade to FWaaS V2, run neutronRun neutron-db-manage --subproject neutron-fwaas upgrade headto prepare the database
  5. Restart neutron-server.service and rerun puppet
  6. Upgrade the rest of the API-nodes (repeating step 1, 2, 5)
  7. Stop all neutron-server processes for a moment, and run:
    1. neutron-db-manage upgrade --contract
  8. Re-start the neutron-server processes


Upgrading from queens→stein directly does not work automaticly, so if this is your upgrade-path you should expect the need for some 'apt-get purge neutron-* && apt-get autoremove' and then re-run puppet. Alternatively just simply reinstall the network-nodes.

  1. Run puppet with the rocky stein modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade
  3. Rerun puppet and restart the service
    1. systemctl restart ovsdb-server
    2. systemctl restart neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-l3-agent.service neutron-lbaasv2-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service neutron-openvswitch-agent.service neutron-ovs-cleanup.service


To upgrade nova without any downtime, follow this procedure


Before the upgrades can be started it is important that all data from previous nova-releases are migrated to rocky's release. This is done like so:

  • Run nova-manage db online_data_migrations on an API node. Ensure that it reports that nothing more needs to be done.

Nova API

  1. In the node-specific hiera, disable the services at the first node you would like to upgrade with the keys
    1. apache::service_ensure: 'stopped'

  2. Add the following two lines to the node-specific hiera-file for the node you are upgrading
    1. apache::mod::wsgi::package_name: 'libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3'
    2. apache::mod::wsgi::mod_path: '/usr/lib/apache2/modules/'
  3. Run puppet with the stein modules/tags
  4. Run apt dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove
  5. Run nova-manage api_db sync
  6. Run nova-manage db sync
  7. Re-enable placement API on the upgraded node and disable it on the other nodes. This is because the other services needs the placement API to be updated first
    1. Remove apache::service_ensure: 'stopped' from the upgraded node's hiera file
    2. Set it on all the other nodes and run puppet
  8. Upgrade the rest of the nodes (basically run step 2-4, re-run puppet and restart nova-api and apache2)
  9. Remove the hiera keys that disabled the services, and re-run puppet


  1. Run puppet with the stein modules/tags
  2. Run apt dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove
  3. Run puppet and restart services


After all nodes are upgraded (including nova-compute), run:

  1. Run nova-manage db online_data_migrations on an API node. Ensure that it reports that nothing more needs to be done.