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Here, we will aim to provide you with a number of exercises and solutions with a varying degree of difficulty. There will also occur exercises that requires you to use functions that has not yet been described in Data visualization.


If you have a suggestion on a topic you would like to see some more exercises (or tutorials) on, please send us a mail or leave a post on our Forum. We are more than happy to recieve feedback.

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Pie chart

Exercise 1: (Advanced) Pie chart with legend

titleExercise: Pie chart from Excel

Make a pie chart displaying the different political parties and their vote percentage in 2017. You are given a csv-file including all the necessary data: Stortingsvalg 2009 2013 2017.csv. To make the pie chart as pretty as possible, you are told to use the legend function when displaying the names of the political parties.

titleSolution: Pie chart from Excel

Code Block
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np 

# Opening the file, "r" is to specify that we want to read it
fid = open("Stortingsvalg 2009 2013 2017.csv", "r")

# Using "loadtxt" to import our data from the file
    # "dtype = "str"" defines the data as strings
    # "skiprows=3" makes us skip the 3 first lines, as they are useless to our problem
    # "usecols=3" makes us only read the first and fourth column, as we only need them in our data base
    # "delimiter=";"" sets the dilimiter that seperates our variabels.
        # That is because our csv-file (comma-seperated values file) is seperated by ";"
        # To doublecheck this, open up the csv-file in notepad.
data = np.loadtxt(fid, dtype='str', skiprows=3, usecols=(0, 3), delimiter=';')

# Closing the file

# The way we imported our data, the labels are stored in the first column,
    # and the number of votes in the second column
labels = data[:, 0]
votes = data[:, 1]

# Sets the title of our plot
plt.title('Stortingsvalg 2017')  

# Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.  

# Plotting the pie chart:
    # "autopct" converts the values in terms of percentage
    # "startangle" sets the angle at which we starts the first "slice", in this case "Arbeiderpartiet"
pie = plt.pie(votes, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=0)

# "legend" is used to set the labels on the side, not around the pie
    # "labels" are the labels we want to display in our legend.
    # "fontsize" sets the size of the label text
    # "bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.75)"
    # "bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure" makes sure our location specified in "bbox_to_anchor" 
        # is in reference to reference system of the figure, not the axes   
plt.legend(labels, fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.75), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)

# This section offsets the pie-figure to the left, in order to make space to display the legend
# Try removing/playing with this function and see what happens.
    # If removed, you will have to drag the pie away to show the legend.
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.1, right=0.65)

# To make sure our data import is correct, I like to include the following "print(data)" as well
# print(data)

# Display our figure

Some useful documentation regarding functions used:

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