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titleDel 1 - første trinn av Doctor, Patient og TreatmentUnit-klassene (20%)

titleSkjelett til del 1

/** Jobber med å få inn farger her

 * A doctor has the capacity to treat one patient at a time.
public class Doctor {

           // Internal variables go here:

            * @return the patient this doctor is treating, or null if s/he isn't currently treating any patient.
       public     public Patient getPatient() { // 1a

            * @return true if this doctor is currently treating a patient, otherwise false.
       public     public boolean isAvailable() { // 1a

            * Sets the patient that this doctor is treating, use null to indicate s/he isn't currently treating any patient.
            * @param patient
       public     public void setPatient(final Patient patient) { // 1a

 * A class for managing a set of doctors and the patients they're treating.
 * When doctors or patients arrive, it is made sure that patients are treated as soon as possible.
public class TreatmentUnit {

           // Internal variables go here: // 1b
            * Adds a doctor and makes sure s/he starts treating a patient, if one is waiting.
            * @param doctor
       public     public void addDoctor(final Doctor doctor) {  // 1b


            * @return the currently available doctors
       public     public Collection<Doctor> getAvailableDoctors() {  // 1b

            * Adds a patient to this treatment unit, and makes sure treatment starts if any doctor is available.
            * Otherwise the patient is queued for treatment when a doctor becomes available.
            * @param patient
       public     public void addPatient(final Patient patient) {  // 1b

            * @param pred the predicate that the doctor must satisfy
            * @return some doctor satisfying the predicate
       public     public Doctor getDoctor(final Predicate<Doctor> pred) {  // 1b

            * Find the doctor, if any, that treats the provided patient.
            * @param patient
            * @return the doctor treating the provided patient, or null, of the patient isn't currently being treated
       public     public Doctor getDoctor(final Patient patient) {  // 1b

            * Find all patients that are not currently being treated
            * @return the patients not currently being treated
       public     public Collection<Patient> getWaitingPatients() {  // 1b
             final         final Collection<Patient> result = new ArrayList<>();

            * Finds a waiting patient and sets him/her as the provided doctor's patient.
            * @param doctor the doctor for which a patient to treat should be found.
            * @return true if a patient for the provided doctor was found, false otherwise.
       private     private boolean startTreatment(final Doctor doctor) {   // 1c

            * Finds an available doctor for the provided patient, and sets that doctor to treat the patient.
            * @param patient the patient for which a treating doctor should be found.
            * @return true if a doctor for the provided patient was found, false otherwise.
       private     private boolean startTreatment(final Patient patient) {   // 1c

            * Removes the link between doctor and patient, after treatment is finished.
            * Since the patient is fully treated, s/he is removed from this treatment unit.
            * Also ensure the doctor starts treating another patient.
            * @param doctor the doctor that has finished treating his/her patient.
       public     public void treatmentFinished(final Doctor doctor) {  // 1c



 * A class describing patients. For now it is empty
public class Patient {
           // empty, in part 1 the patient is dead. As in no methods, no nothing.


Oppgave a)

 Skriv ferdig Doctor-klassen i henhold til skjelettet, altså nødvendige innkapslingsmetoder og isAvailable. Patient er så langt en tom klasse, du trenger ikke implementere denne.



Oppgave b)

Skriv følgende deler av klassen TreatmentUnit, basert på beskrivelsen i skjelettet:

  • Avgjør og implementer den interne representasjonen av pasienter og doktorer.
  • addDoctor, addPatient, getAvailableDoctors, og getWaitingPatients.
  • getDoctor: Denne finnes i to versjoner, med og uten bruk av Predikat. Du skal skrive begge disse versjonene.

Vær obs på at enkelte av disse metodene bør kalle startTreatment fra 1c.

Oppgave c) - TreatmentUnit: Koble pasient og doktor

 Hver gang en ny pasient eller lege er lagt til, eller en lege har avsluttet en behandling, bør TreatmentUnit forsøke å koble en ledig lege og en pasient som skal behandles. Implementer de to startTreatment-metodene og treatmentFinished (sistnevnte brukes ikke i denne underoppgaven, men senere).

