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KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::networking::rpfilterBefore we used multiple routing-tables on our hosts we had to turn off rpfilter to allow asymmetric routing. Now this should be turned on.trueN/ABooleannetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv4::prefixesA list over IPv4 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.

- ''

N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv6::prefixesA list over IPv6 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.- '2001:db8:beef:701::/64'N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::ntp::serversA list over ntp servers to use.

- ''


List of stringscommon.yamlAll
profile::keepalived::vrrp_passwordA password used to secure the vrrp instances'724EuvohTGOdlcFnLlDV'pwgen -s -1 20Stringcommon.yaml 
classesA list over puppet classes which should be installed on a node. Used when we do not have an ENC, but it is always required. It is thus recommended to have an empty list here if an ENC is used.[ ]N/AList of stringscommon.yaml or node-specific file.All
profile::productionlevelWhich production-level is this installation? "prod", "test" or "dev"?'dev'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::baseconfig::smtp_relayAn SMTP relay which the server can use to send mail''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::baseconfig::maildomainThe domain the server sends mail from''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll


The networks used in the deployment are all described in hiera to ensure that all configuration retrieves the same values when configuring anything network specific. There are one key in hiera which lists all networks:
