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We will use the following book: (free electronic copy for NTNU students)


05.11.2018Exam details are announced. The deadline for delivering the reports is 25.11.2018, midnight.
05.10.2018Example solutions from 2017 is uploaded. Check below.
04.10.2018Mid-term meeting date is announced. It will be on 31.10.2018.
01.10.2018Obligatory assignment is published
27.09.2018Introductory presentation is added
11.09.2018Course schedule updated
30.08.2018Update of the course wiki page


Obligatory Individual Assignment 2018

Please follow the link for the assignment.

About the Exam (2018) 

Oral exam will take place on 29 November 2018. This will be the only exam in this course. The schedule for the exam will be announced through the official channels a few days before the exam, it won't be announced on this page.

For the sensors to read your reports before the oral exam, you need to send them a few days before the exam by e-mail to

The deadline for sending the reports is 25 November 2018, midnight.

Presentation Details

During the oral exam, each student will have 20 minutes. This includes the presentation of the individual assignment and questions from the sensors. For the presentation you don't need any slides, so don't prepare any slides. We will ask you to explain your assignment orally, you can use a white board if needed. Please bring a printed copy of your report with you. Questions from sensors will include details from your assignment and some basic knowledge from the book.

Presentations from 2018

Introduction 2018IntroductionTDT44.pdf


From complete list on https: //www.idi/intra/teaching/theorymodule_participants.php? Code = TDT44

Oral Exam (2018) 

To be announced,


Teachers (2018)

Postdoc Özlem Özgöbek (Teacher), ozlem.ozgobek at, room  ITV-158)
(Associate Professor Rune Sætre (Helper), satre at, room  ITV-104)
(Professor Jon Atle Gulla (Examiner), jag at, room  ITV-114)
