Versions Compared


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If you need an another Windows Version, you must build the image yourself, with good help from the automated cloudbase-scripts. It is recommended to create the image on a Windows 10 host or VM. The following examples is a list of what we did to create a cloud ready Windows 10 Server 2019 image.

  1. Install the the  latest Windows 10 ADK (download) and choose only Deployment Tools
  2. Download the Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation ISO, and mount it in your host/VM (you need to login with your Microsoft account to download ISOs)
  3. Download the stable amd64 virto-win iso, following this link
  4. Download the Windows OpenStack Imaging Tools
    1. Remember to download the WindowsUpdates tools referenced in the repo as well. This must be done separately.
  5. Change the following:
    1. UnattendTemplate.xml: Change InputLocale and UserLocale from en-US to nb-NO

    2. Added ntnu_wallpaper.png to the UnattendResources-folder
    3. UnattendResources\Specialize.ps1:
      1. Change the line with Wallpaper.png to ntnu_wallpaper.png (do not change the destination filename in the copy-command, as the wallpaper is set through an imported local GPO)
    4. UnattendResources\Logon.ps1:Add the following to commands: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V4" protocol=icmpv4:any,any dir=in action=allow and netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="All ICMP V6" protocol=icmpv6:any,any dir=in action=allow

  6. Create the following powershell-script, modify the three path-variables, and run it:
  7. Code Block
    Import-Module .c:\dev\windows-openstack-imaging-tools-master\WinImageBuilder.psm1
    $virtualDiskPath = "C:\path\to\diskfile.raw"
    $wimFilePath     = "<windowsiso-mountpoint>\sources\install.wim>Import-Module C:\dev\windows-openstack-imaging-tools-master\Config.psm1
    Import-Module C:\dev\windows-openstack-imaging-tools-master\UnattendResources\ini.psm1
    function Set-Config  {
      param($file, $section, $key, $value) 
      Set-IniFileValue -Path (Resolve-Path $file) -Section $section `
                                                      -Key $key `
                                                      -Value $value
    $date = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
    $virtualDiskPath = "C:\dev\images\WS2019_Standard_Eval_$date.qcow2"
    $virtIOISOPath   = "C:\path\toiso\"
    $winISOPath      = "C:\iso\17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_SERVER_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso"
    $mountResult = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $winISOPath -StorageType ISO -PassThru
    $imageDrive = ($mountResult | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    $wimFilePath     = "${imageDrive}:\sources\install.wim"
    $diskSize = 40GB
    $ramSize = 4GB
    $images = Get-WimFileImagesInfo -WimFilePath $wimFilePath
    $image = $images[0]
    New-WindowsCloudImage -WimFilePath $wimFilePath -ImageName $image.ImageName -VirtualDiskFormat RAW -VirtualDiskPath $virtualDiskPath -SizeBytes 18GB -VirtIOISOPath $virtIOISOPath -InstallUpdates
  8. You now have a .raw diskfile, which contains a Windows 10-installation that will automatically run sysprep once booted. Now you have to choices:

    1. Import the .raw file to glance (see Upload new images), and spawn an instance from the new image
    2. Create a new local KVM-vm (on a Linux host), be sure to choose a virtio NIC, attach the .raw-file, boot the VM
  9. Wait for the instance to shutdown (it will install updates, run the powershellscripts Logon.ps1FirstLogon.ps1 and Specialize.ps1 and finally run sysprep
  10. If you chose 8a, create a public snapshot of the instance. This snapshot is your new cloud ready Windows 10 image.
  11. 1]
    $configfile = '.\config.ini'
    New-WindowsImageConfig -ConfigFilePath $configfile
    if ( ! (Test-Path C:\dev\images) ) { New-Item C:\dev\images -Type Directory }
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "wim_file_path" -value $wimFilePath
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "image_name" -value $image.ImageName
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "image_path" -value $virtualDiskPath
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "virtual_disk_format" -value "QCOW2"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "image_type" -value "KVM"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "disk_layout" -value "BIOS"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "DEFAULT" -key "wallpaper_solid_color" -value "0 0 0"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "vm" -key "external_switch" -value "ext-net"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "vm" -key "ram_size" -value $ramSize
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "vm" -key "disk_size" -value $diskSize
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "drivers" -key "virtio_iso_path" -value $virtIOISOPath
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "updates" -key "install_updates" -value "True"
    Set-Config -file $configfile -section "updates" -key "purge_updates" -value "True"
    # Check if we are on a Hyper-V enabled host
    if ( $(Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V).State -eq "Enabled" ) {
      New-WindowsOnlineImage -ConfigFilePath $configfile
    } else {
      Write-Host "This script only works on Hyper-V enabled hosts"
    Dismount-DiskImage -InputObject $mountResult
  12. You now have a .qcow2 diskfile, which contains an updated and sysprepped Windows-installation with cloud-init installed

  13. Convert the qcow2 disk to raw

    Code Block
    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw disk.qcow2 disk.raw
  14. The raw image can now be imported to glance.

    If you chose 8b, upload the .raw-file to glance (Upload new images)

When you spawn a Windows instance, be sure to attach a keypair. Cloudbase-init will generate a random password for the user Admin, which can be retrieved with:

Code Block
titleRetrieve admin-password
nova get-password <instance-id> <private-key-file>

The password can also be retrieved in Horizon through the "Retrieve password" action on the instance.

NOTE: There is a known issue with Windows 10 - the hostname will not be set to wahtever you chose for instance name. This might be fixed in the future... (Link)