Versions Compared


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Present: Caleb Adams, Nick Hollis, David Cotten, Deepak Mishra, Mariusz


Programmatics & project management


  • Started in 2015 with initiative by David and Caleb. Received funding from NASA to create a mission. Proposal sent by Deepak and David to do coastal monitoring from space (hyperspectral imagery) and won the competition between several universities.
  • SSRL is initiated by Dept. of Geography and Dept. of Physics, approved by Dean. The physical lab is in Physics building.
  • Team size fluctuates between 30-50 people (students, faculty, summer interns) throughout the year
  • The SmallSat Research lab is purely created and run by volunteering students
    • There is no research credit given for undergrads now but David wishes to employ this such that people get trained
    • Only paid people are summer interns – which are there throughout the summer to have continuous flow
    • Faculty only work as advisors, not bosses. PM and leads work as “bosses” and run the lab.
  • David teaches a course about CubeSats at UGA
  • UGA does not have Aerospace Engineering department like Georgia Tech – hence SSRL is more interdisciplinary (and potentially more creative).
  • The students background mainly come from Computer Science, Mechanical Eng., Electrical Eng., Advertisement, Arts – Please see Personnel Budget Document.
    • You would be surprised how students from Advertisement, Arts etc. can contribute!
    • They have no biology/remote sensing expert – Deepak Mishra is (faculty)
  • Total cost excluding launch costs for the 2 missions is about $200,000 to this day (mostly HW+facilities+travel). 


  • They have 3 round process of interview once a semester.
    • Get perhaps 200 applicants
    • 50 % are immediately cut off – looking for skilled people that are needed for specific tasks that are advertised
    • GPA doesn’t matter that much. Normally varies between GPA 2.0-4.0 for accepted students.
  • Second and last round are more personal interviews
    • 5 % acceptance rate – i.e. they select normally only 8-12 out of 200.
    • First and foremost it is passion that counts most as well as team-working skills and social abilities
    • It helps if they have done some significance in extracurricular activities and developed something – e.g. Arduino projects, computers etc.


Kanna Rajan joins and discussions are about project flow, programmatics & project management

  • See above for outcomes of discussion (most repeated during this chat)
  • Will set up meeting between Evelyn and Caleb (both PMs)



Technical Discussions


  • They had their CDR with NASA 2 weeks ago (exterior reviewers necessary) – given full GO


  • Coastal monitoring of phytoplankton, HABs, sediments, cyanobacteria (estimate CO2 as well)


  • Camera:
    • Built it themselves with major help from optics experts at NASA Goddard (GSFC)
    • They have 433-866 nm, using only 16 spectral bands
    • Hyperspectral -> works as multispectral (smart imager)
    • Similar to our HSI
    • Use reference of desert in Libya for in-orbit raw calibration
    • They don’t have SNR calculations


  • Use a RGB camera similar to FinderScope (on SeaHawk) to georeferenced/validate the hyperspectral data (in the same housing)


    • Use MicroCam (COTS)


  • Targets:
    • Mainly Georgia coast
    • Deepak has in-situ validation assets
      • Stations
      • UAVs
    • Also interested in Mediterranean
    • They
    • will be in ISS orbit, so cannot reach Norway
    • We should coordinate what targets to look at together


  • Flight Software: KubeOS, MajorTom (
    • Does not interface with all subsystems (e.g. NanoAvionics or those that run on CSP client)
    • Interfaces with Pumpkin and some ClydeSpace COTS as well as GomSpace EPS


  • They do only Nadir-viewing imaging GSD=130 m. They can tilt using ADCS to look at different angles of same target and compare Nadir vs. tilted imaging.


  • Ground system:
    • Downlink: They downlink payload data on S-band and TM on UHF (I told them why not all in one packet thru S-band?)
    • We can use their UHF Ground station if we would like to (S-band TBD).
    • 9600 baud for uplink
    • 2 Megabaud for downlink
    • QPSK à 4 bits/assemble
    • Don’t have S-band yet
    • $40,000 for UHF hardware and equipment only (covered by internal funding)
    • (I don’t remember/forgot to ask them what Ground Stations they are using, I think they want to use NASA Goddard)
    • Comms. through AX25 protocol
    • Use GnuRadio currently to train with
    • Will use amateur bands in UHF
    • Frequency allocation took shorter than expected - since they have good contacts with NASA and US Air
    Force J
    • Force (smile)
    • HDR vs. SDR
      • Hardware-fixed bands for space
      • Both hardware-fixed and SDR capability on ground


  • Will perform target detection in coastal areas – high-performance computer
  • The spectral anomalies in the water that are detected are downlinked to ground
  • Two modes: 1) low spatial resolution and high SNR, 2) high spatial resolution and low SNR
  • Currently doing GPU validation for use in space – they have a graduate student working on this
  • Use super-resolution algorithms
    • Artifically noise a set of low-resolution images -> denoise -> output 1 high-resolution image
    • They can help us
  • Use machine learning (neural net) to train spectral signatures to look for – the trained set is used on the payload processor (made pre-flight and fixed onboard). Match/no-match of signatures? Have not thought about updating the trained set yet. Much like remote sensing data are trained in neural network.
  • This is how MOCI ties with SPOC in two missions
    • We (NTNU) want to do this on one satellite and one mission

Discussion with Dr. Thomas L Mote who joined shortly:


  • Couch, “fun area”, posters
  • 10-12 PCs
  • Clean Room (Class 1000, ISO6 standard)
    • They received this for free from Physics department
    • Some minor modifications
    • They do everything related to the cubesat here (except for FlatSat), incl. the optics!
  • EDS area
    • Tables for electronics
    • FlatSat configuration (all components except for ADCS and solar panels)
    • They follow Lean procedure for tools and equipment in the drawers, shelves
      • Label everything
      • Stickers on everything
      • Put back immediately after done
  • Ground station area (PC, servers, radios)
  • Brainstorm/discussion area with 2 white boards
  • They have a T-VAC chamber in the works (remodified pressure chamber)
  • They DON’T have Helmholtz coils and ADCS testbeds – need to do this


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  • Project is almost fully student-led and student-driven, voluntarily, passionate about what they do. Student ownership emphasized.
  • Faculty act as advisors. They interfere when critical (conflicts). Informal communications - sense of a team. 
  • Low acceptance rate. 200 applicants per semester. 8-12/200 accepted through 3 round-process interview.
  • Students (incl. interns) work throughout the year (no extensive/formal holidays) - always somebody in the lab
  • They will support us with both technical documentation and how to run the lab
    • They will provide Clean Room and ESD documents 
    • Mechanical + thermal analysis
    • Concept of operations document
  • We should coordinate overlapping mission requirements
    • Targets
    • Use of ground stations
    • Data processing
  • SPOC+MOCI essentially works in synergy as our HYPSO mission will
  • Help them with ADCS testing (HW)
    • Connect them with G-NAT at NASA Ames
    • Give them material from NUTS
  • Share ideas on:
    • Data processing chain
    • Super-resolution
    • ADCS
  • HYPSO and SPOC+MOCI should act as inter-calibration platforms
  • Evelyn should set up a meeting with Caleb regarding programmatics and project management
