Versions Compared


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This document briefly describes some considerations and variants for the communication architecture for the HSI mission. 

Table of Contents

Introduction and rationale

This document is to be an introduction of work that has to be performed in order to derive a communication arctitecture for the HSI and SDR missions, commonly referred to as MASSIVE missions.

Communication Architecture Overview

Consisting of:

  1. Spacecraft TT&C (operations, strongly linked to satellite bus)
  2. Downlink (and uplink) for HSI camera
  3. SDR experiment

Space segment

Consisting of:

Satellite Operations and TTC 

UHF and S-band options?

S-band (duplex). Downlink rate: 1 Mbps. Uplink rate: 100 kbps.

Clarification needed:

Shared with satellite operations and TTC?

SDR Experiment

Likely frequency: UHF (EESS-band, 400-403 MHz)

Issues and clarifications needed:

  • Antenna
  • Co-excistence with satellite bus UHF TTC
  • Power limits
  • Scheduling limits

Ground segment

Consisting of:

New NTNU Ground Station

Overview and assesment of Ground Segment options

Commercial Ground Station Options

This links to:

  1. Own agreements with ground station network operators (KSAT,, others)
  2. Agreements and services from satellite bus provider

Ground station and operations software

This links to:

  1. Satellite operations tied to
    1. Onboard operation system
    2. Satellite providers operation methodology and ground (station) software
  2. Payload operations tied to
    1. Satellite providers data distrbution architecture through own/3rd party ground stations
    2. Direct access from our own ground station

Satellite operation software (cannot be changed by us)

The satellite bus suppliers will, depending on our needs, deliver software for operating the satellites. When their specification is known, we can derive the need for our own mission planning/scheduling software.

Own payload/mission operation software

Software for interpreting data/distribute data will be needed and should be agnostic wrt. the operations software. 

Unknown User (albertda): Your part will plug in here

Potential Partners and Collaborators


Their tool-chain. Can it be used?


The Norwegian company Statsat are doing operations of the AIS-satellites and NORSat satellites. They now have four satellites operational, and a staff of only four-five people doing everything. They are in the process of re-writing their software based on the 5-6 years of experience they now have, in order to further simplify and stream-line operations. They are delivering an operational service for Kystverket, in addition to more ad-hoc support to research teams with other payloads on the NORSats. It could be very beneficial to try partner with them on mission software and control room ops. 

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