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Main rules for exchange students from IDI

Most Important


Datateknologi - masterstudium (5-årig siving)

  • Third Year:
    • Find classes that are matching your obligatory (O) classes.
    • Fill up with other (CS) classes to at least 30 ECTS pr. semester.
  • Fourth Year:
    • Find two classes that matches your two mandatory (O) profile courses, OR any other comparable master level profile courses at the university you are going to.
    • EiT and KPro will be approved as long as you have at least 20 ECTS with Group/Project work in all your classes.
    • K-Emne should be similar to something on the K-Emne list.
    • "Ingeniøremne annet Studieprogram" can be any engineering course, possibly even a CS course if necessary.
    • Fill up with other (CS) classes to at least 30 ECTS pr. semester.
    • Eksempler på ferdig utfylte tillegsskjemaer for 4. klasse AI (etter at fagene er lagt inn i Wiki): AI-godkjenning2017.pdf

Informatics - Master (2-year)

  • Second semester
    • Find two classes that matches your two mandatory/selectable profile courses (O / VA / VB), OR any other comparable master level profile courses at the university.
    • Fill up with other CS classes that contain some group work to cover IT3010 and Experts in Team (EiT).
    • NB: IT3010 is a research method subject meant to teach how to do research in informatics. As such it cannot automatically be replaced with any subject containing group work. The subject you plan to replace it with should contain some research related options. 


  • Check if the classes you are considering have already been approved... If not, add them as comments, with links, in properly formatted tables, on the bottom of the right Wiki-page (Remember to log in first).
