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KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:


A secret key used for misc. security features in the django backend. Should be the same on all dashboard servers

NB: The pwgen command lacks -y because some special characters will cause errors

'9tAMGEAEO4ln3t3PEXvN7dJov5SlbKU5AxxkSO50WQH6yIMt8X'pM[`SiZd'=+ycXOAKm`srXY?@8DRw=BVdQXg$blHD"RD\2iv97'pwgen -s -y 50 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::nameThe DNS name used to access the dashboard. This name should have an A and AAAA record configured with the address of the dashboard server (or loadbalancer). ''N/A String common.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::name::v4onlyA DNS name wich also points to the dashboard, but this name should only resolve to an IPv4 address. This is because of some processes currently only works over IPv4 (Authorization of the retrieval of PXE preseed files for example)  ''N/A String common.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::urlThe url for the LDAP server used for authentication.'ldaps://'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::search_baseLDAP search base'OU=Users,DC=ldap,DC=example,DC=com'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::domainLDAP domain nam'example-com'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by

profile::puppet::aptkeyThe gpg key used to authenticate the puppetlabs apt repository'6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F'puppetlabsStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::caserverThe fqdn of the puppetca server''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::environmentThe puppet environment a certain host should be configured to use. This needs to be a valid puppet environment, but it will also be owerridden by the ENC, so it is not important exactly which environment are listed her as long as it exists. If you do not use an ENC, this is the puppet environment a client will retrieve config from.'production'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::hostnameThis is the fqdn the clients use to contact the puppetmasters.''N/AStringcommon.yamlAll
profile::puppet::r10k::repoThe path to the git-repository which r10k uses to retrieve environments and modules.''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server, role::puppet::ca
profile::puppet::runintervalHow often the puppet client should run. Given as a string consisting of a number and a prefix (h, m).'60m'N/AStringcommon.yamlAll

The name of the postgres database used by puppetdb

'puppetdb'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::database::userThe username of the postgres database used by puppetdb'puppetdb'N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master

The password of the postgres database used by puppetdb

NB: The pwgen command lacks -y because some special characters will cause errors

'ys0c85FlLhhfqeteFIfx'teY.>&3@Ub$X-OGxOFQ7'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::hostnameThe hostname which the puppetservers use to contact the puppetdb service''N/AStringcommon.yamlrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server role::puppet::ca
