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KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafileUsed by:
profile::redis::masterName or IP address of initial redis master

'' or ''

WARNING: If you use DNS name, ensure that the name DOESN'T resolve to at the given redis host, or else this node will not add itself to the redis-sentinel cluster




profile::redis::masterauthPassword for master communitcation'teY.>&3@Ub$X-OGxOFQ7'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringcommon.yaml





profile::redis::nodetypeDefined on each redis-node. Only valid values are 'master' or 'slave''master'N/AStringnode specific filerole::redis
profile::redis::ipThe IP redis clients should contact redis on. Typically the haproxy ip







KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::sensu::installOpt-out for installing sensu. If not set to false, sensu-clients will be installed everywherefalseN/ABooleanAll
profile::sensu::uchiwa::private_keyPrivate key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated file

openssl genrsa -out uchiwa.rsa 2048



profile::sensu::uchiwa::public_keyPublic key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated fileopenssl rsa -in uchiwa.rsa -pubout > uchiwa.rsa.pubStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::passwordPassword for default (and only) user 'sensu' in Uchiwa'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1Stringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdnFQDN for uchiwa web frontend (not FQDN for the server running an instance of it)''N/AStringrole::sensuserver, role::bootstrap, role::balancer::mangement
profile::sensu::rabbit_passwordPassword for sensu user at the /sensu rabbitmq vhost. Needed for rabbitmq servers, sensu servers AND all sensu clients.'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1StringAll
profile::sensu::mailer::urlURL to Uchiwa web frontend, that will appear in e-mails from Sensu"http://%{hiera('profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdn')}"N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_fromThe address sensu will send e-mail alerts from''N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_toList of addresses that sensu will send e-mail alerts to

- ''

- ''

N/AList of stringsrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_addressOutgoing SMTP server mail alerts''N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_portTCP port used for connections to the given SMTP server25N/AIntegerrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_domainSMTP domain''N/AStringrole::sensuserver

The plugins listed here will be installed on all clients.


The example value is actually mandatory, because the checks tagged with 'all' in profile::sensu::checks rely on them. Puppet will not fail without defining this key, but none of the cheks will make any sense...

- 'sensu-plugins-disk-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-load-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-memory-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-process-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-hardware'
- 'sensu-plugins-puppet'
- 'sensu-plugins-dns'
- 'sensu-plugins-ntp'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::redactValues that match the patterns in this list will be redacted in all output from sensu

- 'password'
- 'pass'
- 'pw'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::subscriptionsWhich checks a sensu-client should subscribe to. This is typically set per node. By default, a sensu-client will subscribe to checks tagged with 'all', and if the client is a physical server, it will also subscribe to 'physical-servers'

- 'mysql'

- 'rabbitmq'

- 'roundrobin:ceph'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::client_customIf you want to override parameters for check command. I.e thresholds, specifying passowrd etc. This where you do that. Should only be set per node


warning: "8,4,2"

critical: "16,8,4"


password: "%{hiera('profile::mysqlcluster::status_password')}"


mountpoints: '/,/home,/var'

N/AList of hashesAll (or, more precise, just the client you add this key to)
