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KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeDatafile:

Used by:

profile::networking::rpfilterBefore we used multiple routing-tables on our hosts we had to turn off rpfilter to allow asymmetric routing. Now this should be turned on.trueN/ABooleannetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv4::prefixesA list over IPv4 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.

- ''

N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::networking::management::ipv6::prefixesA list over IPv6 prefixes for networks where management stations are found. Used to configure the firewall for SSH, stats-pages etc.- '2001:db8:beef:701::/64'N/AList of stringsnetworking.yamlAll
profile::ntp::serversA list over ntp servers to use.

- ''


List of stringscommon.yamlAll
profile::keepalived::vrrp_passwordA password used to secure the vrrp instances'724EuvohTGOdlcFnLlDV'pwgen -s -1 20Stringcommon.yaml 
classesA list over puppet classes which should be installed on a node. Used when we do not have an ENC, but it is always required. It is thus recommended to have an empty list here if an ENC is used.[ ]N/AList of stringscommon.yaml or node-specific file.All


The networks used in the deployment are all described in hiera to ensure that all configuration retrieves the same values when configuring anything network specific. There are one key in hiera which lists all networks:


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::redis::masterName or IP address of initial redis master

'' or ''

WARNING: If you use DNS name, ensure that the name DOESN'T resolve to at the given redis host, or else this node will not add itself to the redis-sentinel cluster




profile::redis::masterauthPassword for master communitcation'teY.>&3@Ub$X-OGxOFQ7'pwgen -s -y 20 -1String





profile::redis::nodetypeDefined on each redis-node. Only valid values are 'master' or 'slave''master'N/AStringrole::redis
profile::redis::ipThe IP redis clients should contact redis on. Typically the haproxy ip







KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::sensu::installOpt-out for installing sensu. If not set to false, sensu-clients will be installed everywherefalseN/ABooleanAll
profile::sensu::uchiwa::private_keyPrivate key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated file

openssl genrsa -out uchiwa.rsa 2048



profile::sensu::uchiwa::public_keyPublic key for uchiwa JWT creationContent of generated fileopenssl rsa -in uchiwa.rsa -pubout > uchiwa.rsa.pubStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::passwordPassword for default (and only) user 'sensu' in Uchiwa'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1Stringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdnFQDN for uchiwa web frontend (not FQDN for the server running an instance of it)''N/AStringrole::sensuserver, role::bootstrap, role::balancer::mangement
profile::sensu::rabbit_passwordPassword for sensu user at the /sensu rabbitmq vhost. Needed for rabbitmq servers, sensu servers AND all sensu clients.'g00dp@$$w0rd'pwgen -s -y 20 1StringAll
profile::sensu::mailer::urlURL to Uchiwa web frontend, that will appear in e-mails from Sensu"http://%{hiera('profile::sensu::uchiwa::fqdn')}"N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_fromThe address sensu will send e-mail alerts from''N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::mail_toList of addresses that sensu will send e-mail alerts to

- ''

- ''

N/AList of stringsrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_addressOutgoing SMTP server mail alerts''N/AStringrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_portTCP port used for connections to the given SMTP server25N/AIntegerrole::sensuserver
profile::sensu::mailer::smtp_domainSMTP domain''N/AStringrole::sensuserver

The plugins listed here will be installed on all clients.


The example value is actually mandatory, because the checks tagged with 'all' in profile::sensu::checks rely on them. Puppet will not fail without defining this key, but none of the cheks will make any sense...

- 'sensu-plugins-disk-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-load-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-memory-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-process-checks'
- 'sensu-plugins-hardware'
- 'sensu-plugins-puppet'
- 'sensu-plugins-dns'
- 'sensu-plugins-ntp'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::redactValues that match the patterns in this list will be redacted in all output from sensu

- 'password'
- 'pass'
- 'pw'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::subscriptionsWhich checks a sensu-client should subscribe to. This is typically set per node. By default, a sensu-client will subscribe to checks tagged with 'all', and if the client is a physical server, it will also subscribe to 'physical-servers'

- 'mysql'

- 'rabbitmq'

- 'roundrobin:ceph'

N/AList of stringsAll
sensu::client_customIf you want to override parameters for check command. I.e thresholds, specifying passowrd etc. This where you do that. Should only be set per node


warning: "8,4,2"

critical: "16,8,4"


password: "%{hiera('profile::mysqlcluster::status_password')}"


mountpoints: '/,/home,/var'

N/AList of hashesAll (or, more precise, just the client you add this key to)
