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  *   Follow ups on previous milestones (please focus on these, we need to clean up and not forget what we have in the past already!)

  *   Status

      *   HSI

--> Joao has uploaded the HSI-report. Presented during the meeting. Promising results, but need ground truth. 

     *   Hardware

--> Julian have started with a new 3D-design. Making a new casing while keeping distances between lenses. He is a bit stuck since Fred is incommunicado at the moment. Evelyn has some ideas on how to analyze and derive info on distances between lenses and so on. PCB is on hold until the mechanical design is in place. Have added SD-card + USB-connectors. 

     *   Software

     *   IdleTechs

     *   Communications

  *   Actions ahead



Round around the table

On the Action list

Roger BirkelandUnknown User (rogerbi) A cost benefit analysis of power usage vs compression for comms. --> This item will be closed for now, must have implementations and more knowlegde about algoriths and components yet. 

Fixed/floating point: WIll be discussed later today. 

HSI tests: Joao does not have the camera now. Fred is on vacation. Will have the camera after newyear?

Julian have been away, will pick up tasks now

Joao discussing SNR with Harald

Evelyn will look into the GANTT chart and perhaps move it to a better place. Can Djura be used, integrated with Confluence. 


From Mariusz:

Mission design


  *   Working on EOIR tool in STK, future:

     *   May use for calibration of HSI images

     *   Determine what we can see

     *   Compare with other HSI data (and SNR)

     *   Challenges: Having a lot of trouble. my PC is way too slow. Might need a stationary PC.

  *   Future:

     *   Look into precision control for SmallSat (as we shall expect errors on ground).

        *   Make a .m script

        *   Theory vs. practice analysis

  *   Let me know if any of you need to know some requirements + numbers etc.

  *   Apart from this status, the concept document is updated (sent out yesterday on NTNU SmallSat email)


Can you also look at the Gantt Chart?