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KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::haproxy::management::ipv4The IPv4 address used in front og the loadbalancer used for managemnet services'' N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::puppet::server, role::mysql, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::management::ipv4::idThe VRRP id used by the IPv4 VRRP instance.11N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::management::ipv4::priorityThe VRRP priority used by the IPv4 VRRP instance.10 N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::management::ipv6The IPv4 address used in front og the loadbalancer used for managemnet services'2001:db8:beef:707::7b1'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::puppet::server, role::mysql, role::balancer::management 
profile::haproxy::management::ipv6::idThe VRRP id used by the IPv6 VRRP instance. 12N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management
profile::haproxy::management::ipv6::priorityThe VRRP priority used by the IPv6 VRRP instance.10N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::balancer::management


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by

profile::mysqlcluster::serversThis is a list over IPv4 addresses used by servers in the cluster. This list are used when a server starts up, to discover at least one of the machines already in the cluster.

- ''

N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::masterThe fqdn of one of the mysql-servers. This are in theory used by the puppet-galera module to start one server in case all servers are down.''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::root_passwordThis is the password of the mysql root user'OwT$Etc$=|;h(=upip#3'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::status_passwordThis is the password of the mysql status user


pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::mysql
profile::mysqlcluster::haproxy_passwordThis is the password of the mysql haproxy user. This user is so that haproxy can create more robust checks than just see if port 3306 is open.'4g36-&jHNFF?J-7yQZHa'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::mysql


Our postgres servers uses the following hiera keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by

profile::postgres::ipv4The IPv4 address to use in front of the postgres servers.''N/A Stringrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave, role::puppet::db
profile::postgres::ipv4::idThe VRRP id to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv4 address13N/AIntegerrole::postgresbootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv4::priorityThe VRRP priority to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv4 address10N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv6The IPv6 address to use in front of the postgres servers.'2001:db8:beef:707::9:6591'N/A Stringrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave, role::puppet::db
profile::postgres::ipv6::idThe VRRP id to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv6 address14N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::ipv6::priorityThe VRRP priority to use for the VRRP instance negotiating for postgres's IPv6 address10N/AIntegerrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::masterserverA fqdn identifying the postgres server which is supposed to be the master. This affects which servers are going to create databases and users.''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::passwordThe password for the "postgres" postgresql user.'d4Cwfl)W}onosE~Y[]G,'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave
profile::postgres::replicatorpasswordThe password used for the "replicator" postgresql user.'Gz,j*>Qt'dF{-\Sr4N-_'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::postgres::master, role::postgres::slave


These are our puppet-related hiera keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by

profile::puppet::aptkeyThe gpg key used to authenticate the puppetlabs apt repository'6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F'puppetlabsStringAll
profile::puppet::caserverThe fqdn of the puppetca server''N/AStringAll
profile::puppet::environmentThe puppet environment a certain host should be configured to use. This needs to be a valid puppet environment, but it will also be owerridden by the ENC, so it is not important exactly which environment are listed her as long as it exists. If you do not use an ENC, this is the puppet environment a client will retrieve config from.'production'N/AStringAll
profile::puppet::hostnameThis is the fqdn the clients use to contact the puppetmasters.''N/AStringAll
profile::puppet::r10k::repoThe path to the git-repository which r10k uses to retrieve environments and modules.''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server, role::puppet::ca
profile::puppet::runintervalHow often the puppet client should run. Given as a string consisting of a number and a prefix (h, m).'60m'N/AStringAll

The name of the postgres database used by puppetdb

'puppetdb'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::database::userThe username of the postgres database used by puppetdb'puppetdb'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::database::passThe password of the postgres database used by puppetdb'teY.>&3@Ub$X-OGxOFQ7'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::db, role::postgres::master
profile::puppetdb::hostnameThe hostname which the puppetservers use to contact the puppetdb service''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::puppet::server role::puppet::ca


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::redis::masterName or IP address of initial redis master''




profile::redis::nodetypeDefined on each redis-node. Only valid values are 'master' or 'slave''master'N/AStringrole::redis
profile::redis::ipThe IP redis clients should contact redis on. Typically the haproxy ip




