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There are quite a bit of data which are not associated to a specific service, but are rather used by various modules, and should thus generally allways be present:


The general configuration of the dashboard are based on the following keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::dashboard::django::secretA secret key used for misc. security features in the django backend. Should be the same on all dashboard servers'pM[`SiZd'=+ycXOAKm`srXY?@8DRw=BVdQXg$blHD"RD\2iv97'pwgen -s -y 50 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::nameThe DNS name used to access the dashboard. This name should have an A and AAAA record configured with the address of the dashboard server (or loadbalancer). ''N/A String role::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::name::v4onlyA DNS name wich also points to the dashboard, but this name should only resolve to an IPv4 address. This is because of some processes currently only works over IPv4 (Authorization of the retrieval of PXE preseed files for example)  ''N/A String role::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::urlThe url for the LDAP server used for authentication.'ldaps://'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::search_baseLDAP search base'OU=Users,DC=ldap,DC=example,DC=com'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::ldap::domainLDAP domain nam'example-com'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

There are also some keys which have a suggested value wich should work for all installations, but are still included in hiera for flexibility:

KeyDescriptionSuggested valueData-type

Used by:

profile::dashboard::apiA HTTP link used by external clients connecting to the dashboard.'http://%{hiera('profile::dashboard::name::v4only')}'Stringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::datadirA location where the dashboard can store files.'/var/lib/machineadmin'Stringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::dashboard::database::typeThe database type.'mysql' or 'sqlite'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::nameThe database name (for mysql) or location (for sqlite)'dashboard' or '/var/dashboard.sqlite'N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::userThe database username


N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::passThe database password'x&1/7LjWbz:i<:W&p+PG'pwgen -s -y 20 -1Stringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard
profile::dashboard::database::hostThe database host. Could be a static string, or a hiera lookup.'', '' or "%{hiera('profile::haproxy::management::ip')}"N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

DHCP configuration:

The dashboard needs the keys listed at the section DHCP server in addition to the following keys to configure the DHCP servers:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::dhcp::serversA list of hashes describing the dhcp servers. Key=DHCP-Server-name and value=DHCP-IPv4'dhcp1': ''N/AList of hashesrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

DNS configuration:

The Dashboard requires some keys listed under the section DNS-Server, in addition to the following keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::dns::<shortname>::keyThe TSIG key used for updates sent to this server. It can be useful to let this be a hiera-lookup for the zones managed by our own DNS servers.



dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST <keyname>Stringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard

DHCP server

When running DHCP servers, the following keys are needed:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::dhcp::omapi::keyThe omapi key used to update the DHCP servers'omapi_key=='
dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST key_name

role::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp

profile::dhcp::omapi::nameThe omapi key name



role::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dhcp

profile::dhcp::searchdomainThe default search-domain handed to DHCP clients''N/AString

role::bootstrap, role::dhcp

profile::dns::resolversThe DNS resolvers for clients to use

- '<ip-addres-DNS1>'

- '<ip-address-DNS2>'

N/AList of strings

role::bootstrap, role::dhcp


KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::dns::<shortname>::ipv4The IPv4 address of a specific DNS server.''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dashboard, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave
profile::dns::<shortname>::nameThe fqdn of a specific DNS server''N/AStringrole::bootstrap, role::dns::master, role::dns::slave


The general configuration of the dashboard are based on the following keys:

DNS configuration:

The Dashboard requires some keys listed under the section DNS-Server, in addition to the following keys:

KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-type

Used by:

profile::dns::<shortname>::keyThe TSIG key used for updates sent to this server. It can be useful to let this be a hiera-lookup for the zones managed by our own DNS servers.



dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST <keyname>Stringrole::dashboard
  • profile::dashboard::api: 'http://%{hiera('profile::dashboard::name::v4only')}'

  • profile::dashboard::datadir: '/var/lib/machineadmin'

  • profile::dashboard::database::type: 'mysql'

  • profile::dashboard::database::name: '<mysql-database-name>'

  • profile::dashboard::database::user: '<mysql-database-user>'

  • profile::dashboard::database::pass: '<mysql-database-password>'

  • profile::dashboard::database::host: "%{hiera('profile::haproxy::management::ip')}"

  • profile::dashboard::database::grant: "%"

  • profile::dashboard::django::secret: '<pwgen -1 -y -s 50>'

  • profile::dashboard::ldap::url: 'ldaps://<ldaps-server>:636'

  • profile::dashboard::ldap::search_base: '<LDAP Search base>'

  • profile::dashboard::ldap::domain: '<LDAP domain>'

  • profile::dashboard::name: '<Main dashboard hostname (A and AAAA can be defined for this name)>'

  • profile::dashboard::name::v4only: '<v4-only dashboard hostname (Should only have an A record defined>'

The dashboard requires some service-specific keys in addition to the keys listed with each of the services:



'<server1-name>': '<server1-IP>'



KeyDescriptionExampleCreated byData-typeUsed by:
profile::redis::masterName or IP address of initial redis master''




profile::redis::nodetypeDefined on each redis-node. Only valid values are 'master' or 'slave''master'N/AStringrole::redis
profile::redis::ipThe IP redis clients should contact redis on. Typically the haproxy ip''N/AStringAll