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PurposeObserve ocean color high resolution (at best effort), on order to "zoom in" on areas of interest identified by scientists. Target area will change wrt. time of year, occurring phenomena and so on. Firm
Area of interestDetails of plumes of algae blooms Firm
Mission and payload   
Observation/subjectAlgae blooms Firm
Observation locationNorwegian waters, other targets of opertunityClarification needed: If coastal area/fjords are to be observed, how will this impact image quality? Will land pixels impact/destroy dataTBC
Size of area50 x 50 km^2 TBC
InstrumentHSI Firm



The orbit altitude can range from 400 - 600 km.

FoV must be adapted to this and usable resolution

Resolution (spacial, time, spectral) 

The orbit altitude can range from 400 - 600 km.

Resolution must be calculated with these limits, and it must be determined if there are any issues/show-stoppers.

Minimum daily revisit, preferably 2 or 3 passes.

Technical: Depends on image data quality from slant rages

Operational: Depends on cloud coverage

Instrument properties


Number of photons



These numbers are TBC.

Number of photons must be derived. Supported by data from oceanography, atmosphere physics and physical instrument properties.
Instrument maturityInstrument tested and operation verified by using UAV, baloons, aircraft.

Work remains.

Processing of data from UAV experiments remains in order to show proof-of-concept

Mechanical subsystem   
Space craft size3U CubeSat2U is to small, 6U too big. 3U seems to fit all necessary subsystems, the payload and fulfill power/energy requirementsFirm
Payload physical envelopeApprox. 160 cm3Based on current model for UAVsReasonable estimate
Payload mass250 g (<500 g)Based on current model for UAVsReasonable estimate
Camera aperture placement

Zenith panel
Flush with panel?


 Reasonable estimate
Payload material properties

Material type

Thermal expansion of material

The camera sensitivity wrt. thermal expansion, vibration and other disturbances

TBC. PEEK? Other advanced plastics?

The satellite and payload will most likely experience large thermal gradients every pass. Data (informal) from other missions suggests that we can expect +20 C during sun illumination and -20 C during eclipse. The needed orbit will have around 30 min eclipse for every pass.

Simulations must be performed

Power subsystem   
Payload energy consumption3 W for 3 minutes observation pr. passEstimation. Target observation time expected to be shorter than 3 minutesReasonable estimate
Peak power needed> 10 WShould be able to operate TM/TC, downlink radio, ADCS and payload at once during target pass.Reasonable estimate
Energy needed Should be able to perform target observation (inkl. slewing maneuvering) and downlink for three consecutive passesTBC
Downlink data rate (usable bits)

Minimum: 200 kbit/s ok

Request: 1 - 2 Mbit

Estimation of size of one target measurement packet, one pr. pass:

Compressed (spectral domain)
500 pixels x 500 pixels x 2 bytes/pixel x 10 channels = 5 Mbytes = 50 Mbits

50 Mbits / 0.1 Mbits/sec = 500 sec
50 Mbits / 1 Mbits/sec = 50 sec


50 Mbits / 10 Mbits/sec = 5 sec
50 Mbits / 20 Mbits/sec = 2.5 sec

10 kanaler er typisk det vi får med komprimering i spektralt domene basert på IDLEtechs / Harald Martens teknologi.
I tillegg kan man komprimære i det romlige domenet og oppnå enda større kompresjonsgrad.


500 pixels x 500 pixels x 2 bytes/pixel x 100 channels = 50 Mbytes = 500 Mbits

500 Mbits / 0.1 Mbits/sec = 5000 sec
500 Mbits / 1 Mbits/sec = 500 sec


500 Mbits / 10 Mbits/sec = 50 sec
500 Mbits / 20 Mbits/sec = 25 sec

Attitude log information:

100 Hz gives additional 1-2 MB

Reasonable estimate
Downlink frequency band

2200-2290 MHz (S-band)

8025-8400 MHz (X-band)

Used for non-commercial services. Information from NRS. TBC. Must clarify which kind of license is needed.


Must initiate frequency allocation process

Downlink power/EIRP needed Depending on GS antenna size, power available and freq. bandTBC
Downlink radio energy consumption Ground station pass expected to be 3 < t < 11 min. Max 11 min in good pass depending on orbit type (800 km). Max 8.43 min in good pass on SSO and 600 km altitude - minimum 3.33 min on 1st and 3rd pass. One downlink pass pr. target observation. 3 day revisits achievable for SSO (6 in one day), 6 day revisits with 75 deg 800 km LEO. This based on Elev. angle = 10 deg for GS.TBC
Ground station/data access Depending on frequency band
If possible, GS at NTNU, in addition to others
Launch and orbit   
Orbit type

High-LEO/Polar (may or may not be SSO)

SSO mid-day//mid-night

Target area is far north, ground stations expected to be far north.

Backed by scientific needs: Target of observations must be well illuminated, since the algae blooms thrive in sunlight.

From available launch manifests it seems like SSO is "easy" to get, however the type of SSO is not visible in the manifest.

Firm, due to scientific needs. 


Orbit height400 - 600 kmLow orbit preferable due to better resolution, higher gives longer GS passFirm, due to availability of launches.
Orbit inclination75-98 degReferred to orbit type 
Other parameters

Ω: 90 - 105 deg or Ω: 270 - 285 deg

Ascending node drift

Pass should be close to mid-day over target area for best light conditions during summer.
Satellite moving south-north gives possibility to download data right after target pass (GS north of pass area). North-south pass in mid-day is also a possibility, but may constrain the south GS download (depending on which data-request-time we need).

Should be limited to ensure satellite pass by target area day-time during summer/autumn time

Reqs. firm,

availability TBC

Slewrate (max, precision)

Minimum: 2 deg/s

Request: 4 deg/s

In order to be able to point towards target during a passTBC
Pointing accuracy1 deg, 0.1 deg (0.01 deg)The higher the better, although (payload pointing) requirements may set it to even higher pointing accuracy requirement. Potential need for high (relative) accuracy during slew operation.
Angle requirement

Longitudinal: Max. 30 deg from Nadir.

Latitudinal: Max. 46 deg from Nadir, min 32 deg from Nadir

Longitudinal requirement due to better GSD achievement


Latitudinal requirement due to observation of target on next pass (due to Earh rotation)

Momentum budget Satellite must be able to perform slewing manouver for four consecutive passesTBC
Peak power needed during slew   
Satellite position knowledge