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 FagkodeFagnavnStp.NTNU emnekodeNTNU emnenavnTypeGodkjentBehandlingsdato (YYYY-MM-DD)Behandlet av:Kommentar
CN2125Heat & Mass Transfer4mod cTEP4130Varme masseEMILJA2016-11-02Erling Næssdekkes alle hovedelementene som inngår i vårt «TEP 4130
STAT ST1131Statistics and applied probability: Introduction to Statistics TMA4240StatistikkStatistikk-  pensum ikke beskrevet i detalj - mulig litt for lite omfattende. Følges opp
ME2103Engineering Innovation & Modeling4 modTPK4100ProduktmodelleringPUPJA2016-10-05Knut Aasland 
FIN3101  TIØ4162 TIØNEI2016-01-09VerenaThe course covers quite tightly 50% of our Corporate finance course but it seems that it is just above the 50% necessary. In case you still have room in the curriculum I would suggest to take an additional course where you cover Financial options and Option Valuation
 EC1301 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS 4MC TIØ4117 Mikroøkonomi IØT TJA 2016-09-05 Ruud Egging The coverage of micro economics is not as indepth as our course, and half of the course is dedicate to Macro economics.  Dekker så vidt tilstrekkelig for å godkjenning.