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No meeting this week.

27.01.2017Prof. Anne Barros

Title: Modelling degradations, condition based maintenance and imperfect tests for Safety Instrumented System (PresentationESRELSeminarRAMS.pdf)

Classical analytical models developed to quantify the availability of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are currently based on the assumption of exponential lifetime distributions for all the units they are made of (1). The aim of the present work is to show how some stochastic modeling framework based on renewal processes, virtual age and multiphase Markov processes can be used to generalize existing analytical tools. The main goal is to include other lifetime laws than the exponential one (e.g. Weibull law or lifetime based on discrete state degradation process) and to model the possible effects of tests and condition-based maintenance.

The presentation this Friday will focus on a preliminary discussion about Weibull law versus Exponential law. 

(1) M. Rausand, Reliability of Safety Critical Systems, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ. 2014

03.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
10.02.2017Prof. Anne Barros

Anne would continue with her talk of the previous seminar with focus on:

  •  the ageing model
  •  the numerical results and their interpretation
17.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.
24.02.2017CancelledNo meeting this week.

Prof. Antoine Rauzy

Yun Zhang

Yun and Antoine will together give a presentation about modelling of a system with AltaRica. A use case of simplied HIPPS is investigated. (rams seminar 03.03.pdf)

•The problem is mainly about
how to design a maintenance model step by step to help assessing condition monitoring and optimization of maintenance policies given the description of constraints
•But it could also be relevant for problems like
how to analyze production of the system
how to do risk analysis at the system level etc.…

Shenae Lee

Shenae will present her ESREL paper 2017 (June 18-22) and she would like to use this seminar to collect some comments.

Title: Modelling hazardous events for decision support (15min)


Prof. Marvin Rausand 

Title: A historical perspective on the development of the RAMS group at NTNU. (RAMS-history.pdf)

24.03.2017Prof.Stein HaugenCancelledNo meeting this weekTitile: MIRMAP – Modelling Instantaneous Risk for Major Accident Prevention.
31.03.2017Prof. Gerd Kjølle

Gerd Kjølle is going to make a presentation about reliability of power systems and give some examples of topics and projects she is working with in this field, including the new centre for environment-friendly research CINELDI.

She is Master of science (sivilingeniør) in electric power engineering, NTH 1984. PhD (doctor ingeniør) in electric power engineering, NTNU 1996. Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Teaching, NTH 1986.

Gerd Kjølle's main position is at SINTEF Energy Research, Department of Energy Systems as Chief Scientist. She is centre director at Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution - CINELDI.

Responsible for the PhD course ET8207 Power system reliability. For more information, please refer to

07.04.2017Marta Bucelli

Marta is going to present her paper titled: Domino effect triggered by fire: performance assessment of safety barriers in harsh environmental conditions.

This paper will be presented in HAZARDS27 conference in May. 

