Openstack is a multi-tenant virtualization-platform, and as a user at NTNU you can get access if you need virtualization resources. Through the openstack platforms at NTNU you can order either one of:

  • A single virtual machine with an operating system of your choice
  • A full openstack project where you are able to create networks, routers and virtual machines at your own will.

Getting access or help

In general, all users should use our contact forms in NTNU Hjelp. There is one form for getting access, and one form for getting help or reporting issues. With the forms available, you will get in touch with the appropriate team.

Getting started

If you just recieved a full openstack-project, and does not really know how to proceed, we would like to recommend one of our initial-setup guides:


At NTNU there are a couple of openstack installations. This wiki documents how the following installations are set up, and can be used:

  • - IIK's installation in Gjøvik. Used for education and research activities. (Openstack version: Antelope (2023.1))
  • - IIK's testing and development platform. (Openstack version: Antelope (2023.1))
  •  - NTNU IT's general purpose openstack cloud. (Openstack version: Antelope (2023.1))
  •  - NTNU IT's testing and development platform. (Openstack version:Antelope (2023.1))

Installed capacity (pr. 18.06.2024):

SkyHiGh (Gjøvik/IIK)

1432 CPU's, ~14.5 TB RAM for general-purpose computing.

412 CPUS, ~6.4 TB RAM, 2 Tesla P40, 2 Tesla v100, 10 Tesla a100 and 3 Tesla L40S for gpu-accellerated workloads.

343 TiB SSD

997 TiB HDD

Redundant 10G internally

Dual 10G uplinks to NTNU

stackit (Trondheim/NTNU IT)

528 CPUs, ~12 TB RAM for general-purpose computing-

220 CPUs, ~4 TB RAM, 8 Tesla a100 for GPU-accellerated workloads.

374 TiB SSD

Redundant 10G internally

4*10G uplink to NTNU

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