

Discussion items

  • HYPSO schedule discussion
  • Organizational structure
  • SDR mission
  • Ground station

Agenda from email

  1. Updated schedule for HYPSO in detail incl. schedule showing critical events (PDR, CDR, EM and FM arrival)
  2. Org. structure discussion
  3. Status and schedule of ground station design/implementation/test — fundamental question is….when will we have a GS in TRD up and running?
  4. Charting of schedule for all ‘critical’ folks from now till Dec 2019 — time off/holidays etc — this is important to plan ahead for things we know, so we can deal with things we don't
  5. Status of plans for (undergrad + Masters) student recruitment to launch/checkout/test/operate s/c 
  6. How to have more faculty engagement (besides TAJ) in all meetings where critical issues are discussed
  7. Check on plans for academic work for Evelyn, Mariusz, Elizabeth, Alberto — how/when/where in the light of a very tight next year for launch prep (see item #4 above in particular)
  8. Status of recruiting non-critical folks (e.g. development of web pages, helping setup ground station networking etc) for HYPSO
  9. Status of Fortuna/IdleTechs and a schedule by when they will depart from all s/c activities

Action items


All other business

  • TAJ is preparing an application to RCN
  • Next Friday: visit from Christian Hauglie-Hanssen (new director of NSC) + Frank Udnæs and others
    • Strategic discussion on micro-satellites in Norway
    • TAJ has already asked for 500 MNOK for infrastructure application - deadline 10 October (writing in September). Martin Ludvigsen is lead.
  • Spaceport Trondheim preliminary dates 5-9 September 2019

SDR Mission

  • The frequencies that are we want for the SDR mission are not the same as the ones that are on the satellite.
    • NKOM might care
  • We can use a GPU if things are like this.
  • Power budget?
    • The power budget is not a problem because the power available is much bigger than anticipated
    • And we would run these operations in the off-season of the algal bloom
  • Does the switching work between the radios as expected?
  • Mission objectives:
    • Set up a radio link between the satellite and autonous vehicle - establishing the network
    • Plus multi-user schemes for arctic nodes with Arctic ABC
  • Schedule
    • We can see what hardware fits within the satellite bus
    • Will now test and see which hardware is suitable to the mission
    • Plan schedule next week (20th-24th of August)
  • Open items:
    • Antenna switching
    • NKOM allowance
  • The radio in the first mission will be different from the second mission
  • There is a risk of adding a second payload to the satellite, but there will be decision gates where the maturities of the payloads will be assessed and then decided
  • We have a mission redundancy by having two payloads
  • PDR: research goals and requirements for SDR plus conops

Ground station

  • The lead time is quite long for the companies who are not GOMSpace
  • Need to look at Kongsberg SpaceTec too
  • Will need more formal quotations in the next iterations after we rule out some of the companies
  • The satellite will be in space in end of next year
    • The ground station should be here next summer - so we have half a year to work with it
  • Open access of ground stations - SatNogs
    • Gives us possibility to use other people's ground stations
    • Can the satellite be hijacked? Is there a risk?
  • We need to get an overview of the infrastructure needed for ground operations
    • Both the ground station itself
    • And supporting blocks
    • Communication where internet is the end point
  • The less changes we do with the infrastructure at NTNU the easier it is to keep the permissions we have
  • Will recruit a new set of people for Fall-19/Spring-20 to work on it


  • Should be able to organize the schedule and people around the holidays


  • Will not focus on recruiting more people to the project now
  • Will focus on creating content to publish on the NTNU web page
  • If people volunteer to do something, they can go ahead


  • Agree that the collaboration hasn't been optimal
    • No parts have gotten what they expected or wanted
    • Too little follow up
  • Wanted to get help on how their software could be useful for the smallsat and help us implement it
    • Did not happen
    • Both Idletechs and we are quite unhappy about it
  • They are looking at how we can work together
    • Specific deliverables and resources
  • Will look into how the money can be reallocated as well with NSC
  • We are not dependent on them and their contribution


  • How to ensure faculty engagement or not
  • The team has not been fully engaged the past year/or a good enough team
  • Working on how to do this better this year - to become a team and work together and find the passion and ownership we need to execute the project
  • The faculty should act as advisors, need to make this possible


  • Critical to have enough momentum on this
  • Need more simulations and testing
  • Look into what people and resources can support Mariusz on this