David Brégaint: God's Peace and the King's Peace in High Medieval Norway, Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in High Medieval Europe som er redigert av S. Lebouteiller S. og L. Taylor
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David Brégaint: God's Peace and the King's Peace in High Medieval Norway, Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in High Medieval Europe som er redigert av S. Lebouteiller S. og L. Taylor
The High Middle Ages have been seen as an important point within the development of governmental and administrative bureaucracy, as well as a time in which there was frequent conflict. This volume addresses the methods by which violence was regulated and mitigated, and peaceful relations were re-established in high medieval Europe. By studying the restraint of violence and the imposition of peace, the chapters in this volume contribute to interdisciplinary discussions about the effects that violence had on medieval societies. The wide-ranging geographical scope of this volume invites comparisons to be made in relation to how violence was restrained, and peace established, in different settings.
The chapters in the first part of this volume address the issue of how violence was moderated and curbed during and following periods of conflict. The second part explores attempts to maintain peace and the processes which developed to deal with those viewed as having broken the peace. The final part of this volume explores the ways in which conflict was avoided through the maintenance of positive relationships between individuals and groups.
This book will be of interest to both academics and students interested in conflict, the restraint of violence, and peacemaking in medieval societies as well as those working on ritual and conflict resolution in any historical period.
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Thea Selliaas Thorsen, Iris Aasen Brecke og Stephen Harrison: Greek and Latin Love
It is often claimed that the kind of love that is variously deemed 'romantic' or 'true' did not exist in antiquity. Yet, ancient literature abounds with stories that seem to adhere precisely to this kind of love. This volume focuses on such literature and the concepts of love it espouses. The volume differs from and challenges much existing classical scholarship which has traditionally privileged the theme of sex over love and prose-genres over those of poetry. By conversely focusing on love and poetry, the present volume freshly explores central poets in ancient literature, such Homer, Sappho, Terence, Catullus, Virgil, Horace and Ovid, alongside less canonized, such as the anonymous poet of The Lament for Bion, Philodemus and Sulpicia.
The chapters, which are written by world-leading as well as younger scholars, reveal that Greek and Latin concepts of love seem interconnected, that such love is as relevant for hetero- as homoerotic couples, and that such ideas of love follow the mainstream of poetry throughout antiquity. In addition to the general reader interested in the history of love, this volume is relevant for students and scholars of the ancient world and the poetic tradition.
Lise Rye og Kristine Graneng, Det europeiske kvarter (podcast)
Kan du nok om europeisk politikk og historie? Det europeiske kvarter er en podkast om EU, europeisk samarbeid og Norges plass i Europa. Podkasten er laget av Kristine Graneng og Lise Rye, ved NTNUs program for Europastudier.
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Viktoriya Fedorchak, Understanding Contemporary Air Power (Youtube)
Viktoriya Fedorchak presented her recent book at the Center for Security and Strategic Research of The National Defence Academy of Latvia on March 16, 2021.
The past 100 years illustrate that air power is an inevitable feature of any type of modern warfare. It has a key role to play in any of the three main operational environments: conventional (inter-state) wars, peace-support operations, and counterinsurgencies. This lecture examines the strengths and challenges of using air power in these situations, and each type of operation is explained using modern and historical examples, with an emphasis on the relevant lessons for the contemporary and future use of air power. It also investigates the complexity of media coverage of air warfare and changes in the public perception of air power in recent years. The specifics of structuring national air forces are also discussed, along with the future of air power based on current trends.
Thomas Brandt, Hvorfor går livreddende forskning tapt? (Podcast)
En forskers store drøm, er å gjøre en oppdagelse som utgjør en forskjell for menneskeheten. For eksempel å lage ny kreftmedisin, eller en koronatest som kan holde samfunnet gående.
Innovasjon er et av regjeringen Solbergs store satsingsområder. Samtidig opplever en av de mest verdensledende forskerne ved NTNU at hun blir straffet økonomisk for å drive business.
Det er massevis av eksempler fra historien på forskning som ikke nødvendigvis har hatt noen åpenbar anvendelse i øyeblikket, men som senere har endret verden. Likevel er det vanskelig å få penger. Det er også en form for berøringsangst mellom business og grunnforskning i Norge. Men det er ikke slik i nabolandene vår, eller i USA.
Professor Thomas Brandt forteller hvorfor akkurat Norge behandler grunnforskere annerledes, og hvorfor vi taper på det
Bringing the People Back In: State Building from the Below in the Nordic Countries ca. 1500-1800 (editors: Dørum, K. Hallenberg, M. Katajala K.)
(Pro. Eric Opsahl and Pro. Magne Njåstad) The formation of states in early modern Europe has long been an important topic for historical analysis. Traditionally, the political and military struggles of kings and rulers were the favoured object of study for academic historians. This book highlights new historical research from Europe’s northern frontier, bringing ‘the people’ back into the discussion of state politics, presenting alternative views of political and social relations in the Nordic countries before industrialization. The early modern period was a time that witnessed initiatives from people from many groups formally excluded from political influence, operating outside the structures of central government, and this book returns to the subject of contentious politics and state building from below.
Magne Njåstad og Randi Bjørshol Wærdahl (red): Helgener i nord
Bokas kapitler speiler et ønske om å gå dypere inn i enkelte sider ved helgenkultens etablering, innhold og etterspill i Norden gjennom 700 år. Bidragsyterne representerer fire nordiske land med forskjellig tilnærming til helgenkultens historie og formidlingen av den. Resultatet har blitt en bok som presenterer det nyeste innenfor forskningen på etableringen og utviklingen av middelalderens helgenkult i Norden og som vil være av interesse både for forskere og for alle andre som er interessert i nordisk helgenkult.
Luciano Bardi, Wojciech Gagatek, Carine Germond, Karl Magnus Johansson, Wolfram Kaiser, Silvia Sassano: The European Ambition: The Group of the European People’s Party and European Integration
The book traces the EPP Group’s institutional, organisational and political trajectory in the European Parliament since 1979. The contributions shed light on the functioning of parliamentary party groups, while refining our understanding of the EPP Group's role in EU internal and external policies, the process of European integration, and in the EU’s political system.
György Péteri (editor): Tseecs på nett
'Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures & Societies' har blitt tilgjengelig på nett. På nettsiden kan du lese og laste ned alle 34 publikasjonene
Aslak Rostad: Human Transgression - Divine Retribution
Human Transgression – Divine Retribution analyses pagan concepts of religious transgressions, how they should be regarded and punished, as expressed in Greek cultic regulations from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century AD. Also considered are the so-called propitiatory inscriptions (often referred to as ‘confession inscriptions’) from the 1st to the 3rd century AD Lydia and Phrygia, in light of ‘cultic morality’, an ideal code of behaviour intended to make places, occasions, and worshippers suitable for ritual.
This code is on the one hand associated with ‘purity’ (hagneia) and removal of pollution (miasma) caused by deaths, births and sexuality, and on the other with the protection of sacred property. This study seeks to explain the emphasis of divine punishments in the Lydian and Phrygian inscriptions, while rare in most Greek cultic regulations, as part of a continuum within pagan religion rather than as a result of an absolute division between Greek and Oriental religion.
Insa Müller: The Local Museum in the Global Village: Rethinking Ideas, Functions, and Practices of Local History Museums in Rapidly Changing Diverse Communities
In remote areas of Europe, local history museums struggle to connect with the rapidly changing and increasingly diverse communities around them. Insa Müller asks how these museums can recast themselves to strengthen the links to their communities. Combining theoretical deliberations, empirical investigations of the case of two Norwegian islands and a museum experiment, she offers starting points for rethinking the local history museum, while at the same time providing suggestions for locally adapted museum practice.
Jan Frode Hatlen: Historikerens kode
Hvordan utøves historiefaget? Hva innebærer det for studenten å lykkes i historiefaget? Hvorfor er det noen som «knekker koden», mens andre opplever faget som vanskelig?
Når historikere utøver faget sitt, bruker de en rekke innforståtte koder. Viktig kunnskap og nødvendig forståelse forblir taus. Kjernen i faget blir ikke eksplisitt formidlet til studenten, fordi historikeren som underviser, ofte ikke ser hva studenten ikke forstår.
Viktoriya Fedorchak: Understanding Contemporary Air Power
This book aims to explain air power to both military and civilian audiences in an accessible manner, approaching the topic in a balanced and systematic way.
The past 100 years illustrates that air power is an inevitable feature of any type of modern warfare. It has a key role to play in any of the three main operational environments: conventional (inter-state) wars, peace-support operations, and counterinsurgencies. This book examines the strengths and challenges of using air power in these situations, and each type of operation is explained using modern and historical examples, with an emphasis on the relevant lessons for the contemporary and future use of air power.
The book also looks into the complexity of media coverage of air warfare and changes in the public perception of air power in recent years. The specifics of structuring national air forces is also discussed, along with the future of air power based on current trends. One of the enduring themes in the book is the necessity of inter-service and cross-domain integration, emphasizing the increasingly important role of cyber and space domains in the future of network-centric warfare.
This book will be essential reading for students of air power and air warfare, and recommended reading for students of international security, strategic studies, defence studies, and foreign policy.
Marek Thue Kretschmer: Latin Love Elegy and the Dawn of the Ovidian Age, A study of the Versus Eporedienses and the Latin Classics,
First book-length study of the elegiac love poem Versus Eporedienses (ca. 1080)
The Versus Eporedienses (Verses from Ivrea), written around the year 1080 and attributed to a certain Wido, is a highly fascinating elegiac love poem celebrating worldly pleasures in an age usually associated with contemptus mundi. One of the poem’s intriguing features, its extensive use of the Latin classics, especially of Ovid, makes it a precursor of the poetry of the so-called twelfth-century renaissance. In this first book-length study of the poem, the author provides a historical contextualisation, an edition and translation, a verse-by-verse commentary, a detailed analysis of the classical sources and a discussion of its similarities with contemporary and later medieval poetry.
Lise Rye: Norge i Europa
Denne boken handler om Norges forhold til europeisk integrasjon. Fra mellomkrigstidens forslag om europeisk forening til dagens EØS-tilknytning. Hvordan endte nei-landet Norge opp som EUs mest integrerte ikke-medlem? Hvorfor gir ikke EØS-avtalen politisk medbestemmelse? Hva var det egentlig som skjedde i forholdet mellom Norge og EU i perioden mellom de to folkeavstemningene?