
Learning R for research and reporting: From basics to advanced applications

Start: 12.01.2024
Søknadsfrist: 01.12.2023

Undervisningsform: Nettstudium med digitale samlinger

Pris: 13500 Kr
Studiepoeng: 15
Emnekode: PSY6016

Det er dessverre for sent å søke på dette kurset. Du kan finne alternative kurs på våre nettsider.

This introductory course is designed to help you discover the power of R - a comprehensive statistical software package.



Researchers in higher education, commissioned researchers ("oppdragsforskere", e.g., NINA, Samfunnsforskning, FHI), consultants, data scientists, statisticians and employees in the private sector. The course may also be of interest for journalists and other professions.


Following this course, you will become a proficient user of R, capable of effectively communicating complex data insights through well-informed reports. Our program offers a thorough and hands-on exploration of R programming, covering the most important modern packages.

Participants are thus provided with a strong foundation in the language and equipped with the skills necessary for advanced applications in research and reporting. Based on a combination of online-lectures, assignments, and live-sessions, you will be provided with the tools to explore and exploit the R universe.

As a special feature, we offer individual consultations with the course holders - expert statisticians and authors of two books on the R software - as part of the course.




The admission requirement is a master's degree.

Undervisning, eksamen og pensum

Tid og sted for undervisning

The course will be given in English, as a fully online course. We plan weekly live lectures and assignments as well as online meetings for feedback and discussions. There will be opportunities for one-on-one consultancy/discussions with the lecturers.

Spring 2024:

Live lectures: 15 x 2 hours  
Individual assignment work: 15 x 2 hours
Recorded assignment review: 15 x 1 hours
Live individual consultancy: 1-2 hours per student



Andrews, M. (2021). Doing Data Science in R. Sage.
Baruffa, O. (accessed, 2023). Big Book of R. https://www.bigbookofr.com/
Mehmetoglu, M. & Mittner, M. (2022). Applied Statistics Using R: A Guide for the Social Sciences. Sage.
Wickham, H. & Grolemund, G. (accessed, 2023). R for Data Science. https://r4ds.had.co.nz/


Fakultet: Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap


Annveig Skurseth, NTNU VIDERE
Telefon: 91 89 72 61
Epost: videre@ntnu.no
Angelina Nordgård, Institutt for psykologi
Epost: angelina.nordgard@ntnu.no

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