Natursystem der Ungefl�gelten Insekten
(Viertes Heft)
J. F. W. Herbst
(Available in fulltext.)
Here is an electronic version of Herbst's book Natursystem der Ungefl�gelten Insekten (Viertes Heft)
in fulltext on The Scorpion Files.
Thanks to the Biological Library at the University of Oslo for supplying me with a copy of the book!
The book is split into several files to avoid too large file sizes.
The files are in pdf-format, and you need an Adobe Acrobat Reader on your
computer to be able to download the book. This program can be downloaded for free (click on button below).
The electronic edition of Natursystem der Ungefl�gelten Insekten (Viertes Heft) is available for personal use only, and no reproduction (printed or digital) of the whole book or part of the book
is permitted. The electronic edition of Die Arachniden Natursystem der Ungefl�gelten Insekten (Viertes Heft) is copyrighted by Jan Ove Rein, The Scorpion Files.
I have divided the book so that each file doesn't get too large.
Part I.
Pages 1 - 16.
Part 2.
Pages 17 - 37.
Part 3.
Pages 38 - 56.
Part 4.
Pages 57 - 69.
Part 5.
Pages 70 - 86
Color plates
Please note that individual scans of the scorpion pictures with updated species names are available HERE.
Plate I
Plate II.
Plate III.
Plate IV.
Plate V.
Plate VI.
Plate VII.