T • Annual report 2012
Published Journal Papers
Dalane, O., F. F. Knudsen and S. Løset.
Nonlinear Coupled
Hydrostatics of Arctic Conical Platforms.
Journal of Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. (2012) Vol. 134, Iss.2,
paper no 021602, 10 p.
Kim, E., N. Golding, E.M. Schulson, S. Løset, and C.E. Renshaw.
Mechanisms governing failure of ice beneath a spherically-
shaped indenter.
Cold Regions Science and Technology 78
(2012) 46–63.
Marchenko, A., E. Morozov, S. Muzylev.
A tsunami wave recorded
near a glacier front.
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. (2012) 12,
415–419. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net.
Moghim, M.N., and A. Tørum.
Wave induced loading of the reshap-
ing rubble mound breakwater.
Applied Ocean Research,
Elsevier (2012) 90-97.
Strub-Klein, L., and K.V. Høyland.
Spatial and temporal distri-
butions of level ice properties.
Experimental and thermo-
mechanical analysis. Cold Regions Science and Technology
71 (2012) 11-22.
Tørum, A., M.N. Moghim, K. Westeng, N. Hidayati, and Ø.
On berm breakwaters: recession, crown wall forces,
Coastal Engineering, Elsevier (2012) 299-338.
Tørum, A., A. Jahr and Ø. Arntsen.
Wave force son compos-
ite breakwater with circular cylinder caissons.
Engineering Journal, World Scientific and Japan Society of
Civil Engineers. (2012)
Published Conference Papers
Ekeberg, O., K.V. Høyland and E.Hansen.
Ice Ridge Identification
Methods and Analysis of Upward Looking Sonar.
of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012,
Dalian, China, 603-615.
Finseth, J. and A. Instanes.
Sustainable Arctic Marine and
Coastal Technology.
Tenth International Conference on
Permafrost, 2012.
Finseth, J., A. Lothe, M.G.Bæverfjord, C.Recker and A. Watn.
Use of Geosynthetics for Coastal Protection in Arctic Areas.
EuroGeo 2012, Valencia.
Heinonen, J. and K. Kolari.
Consolidated Layer Bending Test
with and without Underlying Ice Rubble: Experiments and
Numerical Simulations.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR
International Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 30-41.
Hendrikse, H., Metrikine, A. and K.-U. Evers.
A Method to
Measure the Added Mass and Added Damping in Dynamic
Ice-structure Interaction: Deciphering Ice Induced Vibrations,
Part 3.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International
Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 972-984.
Henry, P-Y, A. Tørum, Ø. Arntsen, D. Myrhaug and M.C. Ong.
Probability of exceeding the critical shear stress for sand
motion in specificwave and current conditions.
Proceedings of
the 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering,
Santander, Spain, 2012.
Kashafutdinov, M., O.T. Gudmestad and S. Løset.
Method for
Human Error Quantification in Ice Management Systems.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on
Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 542-554.
Lu, W., S. Løset and R. Lubbad.
Ventilation and Backfill Effect
during Ice-sloping Structure Interactions.
Proceedings of the
21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian,
China, 826-841.
Lu, W., R. Lubbad, S. Løset and K. Høyland.
Cohesive Zone
Method Based Simulations of Ice Wedge Bending: a
Comparative Study of Element Erosion, CEM, DEM and XFEM.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on
Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 920-938.
Lu, W., S. Løset and R. Lubbad.
Simulating ice-sloping structure
interactions with the cohesive element method.
of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-10.
Marchenko, A.
Parametric Excitation of Flexural-gravity Waves
by Periodic In-plane Ice Stresses.
Proceedings of the 21st
IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China,
Marchenko, A., T. Thiel and S. Sukhorukov.
Measurements of
Thermally Induced Deformations in Saline Ice with Fiber Bragg
Grating Sensors.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International
Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 651-659.
Määttänen, M., S. Løset, A. Metrikine, K.-U. Evers, H.
Hendrikse, C. Lønøy, I. Metrikin, T. Nord and S. Sukhorukov.
Novel Ice Induced Vibration Testing in a Large-scale Facility:
Deciphering Ice Induced Vibrations, Part 1.
of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012,
Dalian, China, 946-958.
Nord, T. S. and M. Määttänen.
Modal Analysis in Ice-structure
Interaction: Deciphering Ice Induced Vibrations, Part 2.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on
Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 959-971.
Shestov, A., K.V. Høyland and O. Ekeberg.
Morphology and
Physical Properties of Old Sea Ice in the FramStrait 2006-2011.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on
Ice, 2012, Dalian, China, 493-504.
Sinitsyn, A., D. Wrangborg, R. Yulmetov, A. Sund and
Measurements of Deformations and
Displacements of Stationary Quays in Svalbard with 3D
Laser Scanner Riegl VZ-1000.
Proceedings of the 21st IAHR
International Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China,
Sukhorukov, S., M. Määttänen and S. Løset.
Field Experiments
on the Friction Coefficient of Sea Ice on Sea Ice.
of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012,
Dalian, China, 65-77.
Yulmetov, R., A. Marchenko and S. Løset.
Characteristics of Sea Ice and Iceberg Drift Simulations in
the Northwestern Barents Sea.
Proceedings of the 21st
IAHR International Symposium on Ice, 2012, Dalian, China,