T • Annual report 2012
In September 2012, SAMCoT celebrated its first
International PhDs Workshop, hosting more than 60
participants from research and industry partners. On
this occasion the SAC committee also attended to review
the research plans of the SAMCoT PhD candidates. Their
participation in the Workshop and contributions to the
SAMCoT Centre Research Programme is extensive, as
many of the SAC members are leading international
researchers in key areas of Arctic research and also
engaged as supervisors to SAMCoT’s PhD candidates.
We have interviewed two of the SAC members in order
to learn a bit more about them and their research:
Professor Andrei Metrikine
of Russia has a
background in physics and mathematics. He has worked
with dynamics for many years in Russia, Germany and
the Netherlands. He and his group at Delft University of
Technology primarily work with dynamical behaviour of
offshore structures.
SAMCoT Scientific Production
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
The Scientific Advisory Committee at SAMCoT comprises leading academics to
provide the Centre with necessary research quality assurance and to support
the Board in scientific matters. The SAC produces an annual report of scientific
quality of the work carried out by SAMCoT researchers, in particular the PhD
candidates. In addition, the SAC monitors all educational aspects of SAMCoT.
Spiral platforms next?
BMW owners may have noticed that the radio antennas
on their cars have helical strakes around the mast. This
is to keep them from vibrating in the wind. The same
phenomenon exists in the Arctic. It’s called ice induced
vibration and occurs when ice crashes against offshore
This is Andrei Metrikine territory. From his position as
professor at the Delft University of Technology he was
asked by British-Dutch oil giant Shell to advice. They,
• Prof. Aleksey Marchenko (UNIS)
• Prof. Anatoly Brouchkov
(Moscow State University)
• Prof. Andrei Metrikine
(Delft University of Technology)
• Dr. Hans Bihs (NTNU)
• Prof. Knut Høyland (NTNU) - Chairperson
• Prof. em. Mauri Määttänen (NTNU)
• Prof. Jukka Tuhkuri (Aalto University)
Prof. Metrikine lecturing at Delft University of Technology.