T • Annual report 2012
As an example, OATRC2012 is the first Norwegian/
Swedish expedition with the Oden icebreaker. This
expedition was established under the umbrella of the
memorandum of understanding “Nordic Cooperation
in Polar Research” signed on January 29, 2010.
Likewise, SAMCoT’s international collaboration is
clearly evident in the RITAS project, which was estab
lished under the 7th EC Framework Programme
through a grant to the Integrated Infrastructure
InitiativeHYDRALAB-IV, Contract No. 261520.
Collaboration with scientists and research institu-
tions in Russia is a key element to the new Polar Re-
search programme (POLARPROG) from the Research
Council of Norway.
SAMCoT’s field research activities in the summer of
2012 are two examples of SAMCoT’s contribution to
the aim of strengthening research cooperation with
Russia, in consideration of our collaborations with the
Moscow State University, with Krylov Shipbuilding In-
stitute and the Arctic coastal studies in Varandey and
Baydaratskaya Bay.
RITAS: EU HYDRALAB - IV Project “Rubble
Ice Transport on Arctic Structures”
Building Understanding of Ice-Structure Interaction
Future extraction of petroleum resources available
below Arctic waters will face environmental safety
challenges due to the influence of surface ice on
offshore structures. Concerns related to ice actions on
Norwegian research groups designated with the Centre for Research-based
Innovation (SFI) work in close collaboration with innovative industry partici-
pants and public enterprise partners to strengthen the quality of Norwegian
research. Spinoff activities in the form of Associated Projects are a key com-
ponent of this objective. Both SAMCoT Associated Projects as well as the
SAMCoT field activities in Russia are clear examples of the collaboration
partnerships SAMCoT has created among its research and industry partners.
Furthermore, SAMCoT activities stretch well beyond the country’s boarders,
signifying the growing international reach of SAMCoT activities.
Group of researchers and companies representatives.
RITAS project 2012.